what causes frequent urination?...
1) drinking lots of liquids lol - dj
2) Bladder infection
Lots of fluids
Shrinking bladder
Worst case
Kidney problems
Talk to a doctor - Rocks Toast
3) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://canmdh8.notlong.com/AAQgwHf - Ivar Brumsey
4) If you got punched in the kidneys or if you simply drink to much which is very healthy - Mojo Dojo
5) Kidney problems, drinking lots of fluid, bladder obstruction, drinking too much in caffeinated drinks; coffee, colas, and energy drinks.
Caffeine is a stimulant. If it stimulates you, it stimulates other parts of your body like the bladder. It's also a diuretic, i.e. makes you pee. - Remember In November
6) That is a very broad question..haha.. A lot of things can cause this. Pregnancy, that time of the month, diabetes, kidney problems, nervousness or anxiety, urinary tract infection, drinking a lot, caffeinated beverages,etc. Any of these can cause an increase in urination. Urinary tract infections are usually accompanied by pain, fever, or a frequency, but only peeing small amounts at a time, not large amounts. Diabetes also is usually accompanied by excessive thirst, possible weight loss, headache, fatigue, etc. If you merely drank a lot of caffeine, that can cause it too. I hope that helps you! - cheezheadgal83
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Question 2
Trichomoniasis & Bacterial Vaginosis, should I tell the guy I last slept with and the person I am seeing now?... About a month ago I had unprotected sex with this guy. We were seeing each other for a month and the last time I saw him was that night. Anyways about a week later I notice my vagina was very very red and the redness spread near my anus. So I called my gyno and went for a pap. In the meantime he put me on a cream for yeast infection. Well I got my results and it turns out I have a bacterial infection. I have Bacterial Vaginosis. But I also have Trichomoniasis (protozoan parasite) which is sexually transmitted infection. I have only been with two people and there was a 1.5 year gap. However I havn't spoken to the one I recently slept with in about 2-3 weeks. IShould I let him know anyways and how do I go about that. Like I don’t wanna text him and be like hey you are spreading bacteria all over? My other problem is I am seeing someone right now. We havent had sex and I want to take it slow do to my last sexual encounter, but should I let him know if not know like ever. Both are treatable and I am on meds so does he ever or any future partner ever need to know?
1) Perhaps you contracted it from the guy you're seeing???Would you may be want to ask him if he has any STD's you should know of???I'm just sayinn... - Pillpusher
2) I recommend you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Kate
3) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://canmdh6.notlong.com/AAwRU9X - Ivar Brumsey
4) Yes, he needs to know he has a problem.
In some countries your doctor is required to report.
Might want to make another visit to your gynno to be sure you're negative before you even think of anything intimate with your current guy, or you'll be part of the problem too. - Hiker
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Question 3
do i have hpv (genital warts) or herpes?... im a virgin and i never had sex, but i madeout with a guy naked 3 weeks ago and his dick rubbed up against my vagina. 12 days after that i got an std test, as in a pap smear and blood test. It came back that i had nothing, but 3 days ago i noticed a red flat lump on the inside of my upper thigh and its been there the past 3 days. is it possible i have hpv or herpes even though the test came back negative? i'm not sure i waited long enough bc i got tested only 12 days after and the red lump was not there when i took the test. So does that mean I should get retested now? or would it have shown up on the first one if i had it?
1) Hi there,
This is what I found for you:
What are the symptoms of genital herpes?
Once exposed to the virus, there is an incubation period that generally lasts 3 to 7 days before a lesion develops. During this time, there are no symptoms and the virus cannot be transmitted to others. An outbreak usually begins within two weeks of initial infection and manifests as an itching or tingling sensation followed by redness of the skin. Finally, a blister forms. The blisters and subsequent ulcers that form when the blisters break, are usually very painful to touch and may last from 7 days to 2 weeks. The infection is definitely contagious from the time of itching to the time of complete healing of the ulcer, usually within 2-4 weeks. However, as noted above, infected individuals can also transmit the virus to their sex partners in the absence of a recognized outbreak.
What are the symptoms of genital warts?
In many cases genital warts do not cause any symptoms, but they are sometimes associated with itching, burning, or tenderness. They may result in localized irritation, depending upon their anatomic location. Women who have genital warts inside the vagina may experience bleeding following sexual intercourse or an abnormal vaginal discharge. Rarely, bleeding or urinary obstruction may occur if the wart involves the urethral opening.
I hope this helped.
Calvin - Calvin Mccaw
2) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://canmdh4.notlong.com/AA4VSve - Hukill Rigel
3) I recommend you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Kate
4) Hello,
I thing you must be very serious about it,though you have been concern with regarding medical associates but I still thing that you must be careful about it, here is a link shown below which can help you do find out whether you have genital warts.
http://www.genital-warts.org/hpv-infection.html - Ankit Singh Thakur
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Question 4
Ear piercing infection! Help!?... Okay, so it has been almost two years since I have had any piercings in my ears. I gauged them to 3/4 of an inch but they have gone down all the way so nothing can go through them. They were infected when I first took out my gauges but healed a while later. They have been perfectly normal until now, when my left earlobe suddenly is severely infected. It is red, swollen, itchy, has yellow pus, everything. It sucks so damn bad. I really need some help with this guys. I need a way to quickly make it stop being like this cause it looks and feels disgusting and really sucks. Help please?
1) about it you can get information from here http://canmdh12.notlong.com/AASb9NO - Vasiliki Delmonte
2) Do you have a fever at all? I would recommend you to try to clean it out with some distilled water or saline solution. You can boil water on the stove, and then let it cool to room temperature before cleaning your ear. If you have any sterile contact solution (saline solution) you can use that to irrigate your ear as well. But be careful not to touch the tip of the bottle to the ear as it will contaminate the bottle, and it won't be sterile anymore. Also, you can buy a saline solution at your local store. Try using that or the boiled water to clean it, by running water over it, to clear some of the pus away. You can also try using some Triple antibiotic ointment (that comes in a first aid kit) if you have any on hand. If not, once again, head to the store. This is fairly cheap. You can put that on once the site is cleaned. Keep it open to the air if possible to dry it up, rather than covering with a bandaid, unless it's oozing. If this happens, cover it, but uncover intermittently (at least every few hours to allow air to get to it). You can also try taking an NSAID med (Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, Aspirin, naproxen), if you are not allergic. These medications help with inflammation by reducing it, and will also help your pain associated with this. If these methods don't work, then you need to seek medical attention, because you may need an antibiotic to help with the infection. If you get that, you still need to clean your ear regularly. Also, you should seek medical attention if you develop a fever. Don't use alcohol as it will burn. If you think you can tolerate it, you can try peroxide to help disinfect it as well. I hope that helps you, and I hope you get to feeling better soon! - cheezheadgal83
3) I recommend you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Kate
4) Nothing is going to be quick when it comes to an infection sweety, but, the good news is you have many options available to you. a few i have used is sea salt water soaks only make the water about as salty as tears, 1/8th of a teaspoon to 8 ounces i think it was and have it as warm as you can stand as this draws out the infection leave on for 5 to 10 minutes. You can also use saline spray, like, like the regular saline nasal spray, not the moisturizing with aloe vera etc. You can also buy h2ocean. IF YOU HAVE EXCESSIVE DRYING AND CRACKING OF THE SKIN: Tea tree oil is EXCELLENT and does not have a sticky base.
I would recommend NOT doing the following: do NOT use alcohol to clean it, do NOT use peroxide because these two things over dry the skin. do NOT put anything with an oily base such as antibiotic ointment or orajel even to numb the pain becuase it has a sticky base in it that after all of the antibiotics are used up ion the cream applied it forms a perfect shell for bacteria to stick to and multiply.
IF YOU ARE GOING TO USE BACTINE TO NUMB THE AFFECTED AREA*** Please remember to not overuse this product as well because again, excessive drying of the skin. try to keep the usage and application of bactine down to 2 to 3 times a day.
Also i forgot to mention that ibuprofen will take down the swelling.
IF you have further questions, please feel free to email me at
and I will try to get back to you as promptly as possible.
~Shanah~ - kitty_got_claws18
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Question 5
White bump inside eyelid?... I have a white bump inside my right eyelid, it's not painful or anything but it does cause a rather irritating feeling on my eye. Does anyone know what this is and how i can get rid of it without going to the doctor? it's size does not appear to be very big but nevertheless it is still very annoying
The bump is on the INSIDE of the eyelid, not on the OUTSIDE
1) it's an allergic reaction. go talk to your doctor - Ben
2) its a Sty, an acute infection of the secretory glands of the eyelids
it'll go away in a couple days, don't pop it or it'll just get more infected and you'll need to go to the doctor - Aram
3) It may be a sty (unsure how to spell the word). Go see a dr and they can remove it. I used to get them, and learned I have to make sure to get all the eye makeup off at night. Also it may help to put a warm washcloth over closed eyelids. suggesst look up eye infections. - Lisa
4) Sty But a hot towel on your eye for about 30 minutes it will pop. Wash you eye lids real well with baby shampoo. - royal_angel30
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