Monday, September 6, 2010

do you think its be herpes?

Question 1
do you think its be herpes?...  okay, i'm freaking out. about a year ago i went to the doctor because i had butt achne (sounds funny but it was true and embarrassing) then she told me it was just eczema and gave me this cream. i realized that it gets worst in the summer time because of all the sweat. then just recently this summer i had this sex ed course and ever since i freak out when i get a bump on my buttocks. usually they were all normal looking but just 3 days ago i found this cluster of 3 little white head looking things (one of them was dark brown almost blacking i think because it formed over a beauty mark). i tried popping them but they were all hard, but very very small. then recently another larger on coming pimple formed. i tried popping that and this clear shit came out (i think because it was just too soon) and then just recently i popped the other ones (it was extremely difficult because they were so small) and this dry white puss shit came out. they don't hurt or itch at all (well they do now cause i popped them) and the only symptom of herpes i can think that i have had was one swollen lymph node on the bikini area. it scares me because all the other ones went away really fast but these ones have been here for like 3 days already and if you couldnt tell i am extremely impatient. My mom says i'm just paranoid, but i'm losing sleep over it and everytime i look at it i cry. so please someone tell me what it sounds like? thankyou!!
i would be so devistated. i'm only 17 i don't want to have herpes =(

1)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Milagro Pastora

2)   Learn gramar (do you think these are herpes?) - Jourdan

3)   To have a relief, I think you need a health practitioner to have an accurate diagnosis with your concern. You can visit or call your nearest Std testing clinics in your area. - Kiara

4)   You should use acyclovir, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Jaylyn Drum

5)   As for the symptoms in men who have gonorrhea, one could consider the following: the head of the victim’s penis may appear red, blood in the victim’s urine, the swelling of thee glands in the victim’s groin area, frequent urination, a stinging feel during the urination and a yellow colored pus-like discharge from the tip of the penis.

Any person who has a gonorrhea infection in the rectum or throat may have symptoms that include a frequent discharge, swelling and pain.

There are quite several treatments that the CDC recommends. Such treatment options list Doxycycline in 100 mg to be taken orally twice a day for 7 days, Ofloxacin in 400 mg to be taken orally in a single dose combined with Azithromycin in 1 g to be taken orally in a single dose, Ciprofloxacin in 500 mg to be orally taken in a single dose, Ceftriaxone in 125 mg IM in a single dose, or Cefixime in 400 mg orally taken in a single dose. However, it is quite important to note that is a patient is unable to tolerate the said treatments, he/she can be given with some alternative pharmaceutical treatments. - STD Jason

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Question 2
if you live in the cold what happens when you die?...  say you live in the north pole or just the coldest place on earth. what happens when you die? since the weather is extremely cold does your body still decompose? in my opinion i think it will still decompose no matter what weather because the body is underground, but what does happen to your body? ten points for best answer.

1)   it will decompose, but extremely slow. - Wookie

2)   have you ever left meat in the freezer for God knows how long only to find it freezer-burned. That's what your body will do. - american greekness

3)   Some microscopic organisms can still survive in the harshest of environments. These feed on organic matter in these places. They eat at a slower rate and worms would freeze to death so the whole process is slowed down dramatically. - Charlie

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Question 3
What happens if you have a canker sore and gave oral, and partner got sores around the genital area?...  
well ya it was a canker sore, because don't cold sores grow on the outside of the lip? I had my canker in my mouth

1)   The partner got sores around the genital area afterwards? This is herpes. Herpes 1 can spread to the genital area - Britt

2)   then you just now gave you partner herpes. But are you sure its just not a cold sore or do you know for a fact you have herpes simplex. A simple swab at the doctor will let you know. - acressey1972

3)   After years of progression and studies on the behavior, transmission and management of HIV, it can be safe to say that oral sex is not considered a form of safe and proactive sex in avoiding contracting sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV. Of course the question still remains, how much risk does a person actually take if they choose to proactively substitute penetration with unprotected oral sex? What is the risk factor of HIV being transmitted orally and what other sexually transmitted diseases can be transmitted.

Although oral sex has the lowest HIV risk activity, particularly in comparison to vaginal and anal intercourse, it still has a significant possibility of transmitting the disease. The use of protective aids such as a latex, polyurethane condoms, vaginal condoms and dental dams are effective measures to significantly reduce the risk factor involved in virus transmission when performing oral sex. If you opt to engage in oral sex without the use of protection, you should understand that the risk of transmitting HIV increases for the person performing the act if there is presence of an open wound or sores in the oral cavity. If ejaculation occurs in the mouth, the person performing the oral act is at greatest risk of contracting any kind of sexually transmitted disease that the individual receiving felatio has and is of a high risk for infection. When it comes to oral sex, the biggest risk taker for HIV transference is for the person performing the act. Clinically speaking, unless the candidate has generous amounts of blood and excretion in her/his mouth the receptive partner is unlikely to contract the disease. - STD Jason

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Question 4
How do you get rid of an itch from a sunburn?...  I've been putting on aloe and drinking water but it doesn't seem to be working.

1)   It's the skin peeling, that's normal. - Joe L

2) smell pickled, but it works. It's also good right after you get burned and it still hurts. - Easton

3)   Sandalwood paste has a soothing effect and helps relieve itching in sunburn - Satyaprasad T

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Question 5
What causes low blood pressure?...  I was recently diagnosed with vasovagal syncope and low blood pressure. What causes low blood pressure? They told me to increase salt and fluid intake but is the only cause of low blood pressure low salt/fluid?

What else can I do?
I don't go to the doctor, wookie.

The doctors have not been very helpful so far.

1)   being low - mylife

2)   there are a plethora of reasons why you could be hypotensive.
just do what the doctor says - Wookie

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