Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Is there a name for this condition?

Question 1
Is there a name for this condition?...  What is the term to describe my behavior?
I "groom" myself a lot, by picking off the loose skin, and hair that's too long, and earwax, and everything else kind of obsessively. I'm a clean person, I wash my hands after I groom myself and never do it in public. It feels almost animal-like, sort of like I'm a gorilla picking things out of my hair. Is there a condition for this-? I've asked whether this was normal and people told me to get professional help.

1)   slight obsessive compulsive disorder - Nikki

2)   were all gonna say the same thing get professional help.. - Clara Burton

3)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Kate

4)   It's a form of obsessive compulsive you thus have OCD. - Nick W

5)   Possible narcism or obsessive compulsive disorder. - the_aussie_pilot

6)   i think your slowly turning into a black person - Anthony

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Question 2
why cant we breathe in steam?...  why is it when there is steam i cant breathe when i do a facial or when the weather is humid its difficult to breathe am i the only person or is this normal and why does this happen?

1)   you are used to a much different humidity. People who live in a more humid country are used to a more humid climate, and wouldn't mind as much steam. - Russell

2)   its not that we cant but its just more difficult because the air has more moisture. - Missym

3)   I can breathe in steam, you might have bad Asthma. - Joshua G

4)   Steam is very hot and should not be breathed, it will burn your respiratory tract. high humidity is more dense with water content and is heavier taking more energy to move it in and out of your lungs. it is normal to recognize more effort needed to breathe in high humidity conditions. - creggztr

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Question 3
what does it mean when you cough up blood?...  

1)   time to go to the doctor - Daniel (suspended)

2)   Coughing up blood
Definition:Coughing up blood is the spitting up of blood or bloody mucus from the lungs andthroat (respiratory tract).Alternative Names:Hemoptysis; Spitting up blood; Bloody sputum
Hemoptysis is the medical term for coughing up blood from the respiratory tract.
Coughing up bloodis not the same as bleeding from the mouth, throat, or gastrointestinal tract.

Blood that comes up with a cough often looks bubbly because it is mixed with air and mucus. It is usually bright red.
Common Causes:
A number of conditions, diseases, andmedical testsmay make you cough up blood.
Diseases and conditions may include:
Bleeding gums such as with gingivitis
Blood clot in the lung
Cystic fibrosis
Goodpasture's syndrome
Irritation of the throat from violent coughing
Lung cancer (see metastatic lung cancer)
Pulmonary aspiration (inhaling blood into the lungs)
Pulmonary edema
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Wegener's granulomatosis
Diagnostic tests thatmay make you cough up blood may include:
Lung biopsy
Upper airway biopsy - cejay

3)   twang, if you cough blood that would be from your lungs, otherwise spitting up or vomiting blood would be from your stomach - creggztr

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Question 4
whats something i can use that kills bacteria on your face?...  

1)   soap? - robo

2)   rubbing alcohol? if you don't have sensitive skin.. - lucy in the sky with diamonds

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Question 5
i know someone who smokes and wont stop coughing!?...  Its DISGUSTING and I can't deal with it any more.
isn't there like a cough drop or something this person can take.

1)   Medically, it is usually diagnosed as "bronchitis" which simply means an inflammation of the bronchial tubes. Also, it can lead to a diagnosis of "asthma" due to the severity of the coughing, which can indeed produce an inability to draw breath. But these terms "bronchitis" and "asthma" dont really tell where the coughing is coming from however if he is smoking he need to stop. - cejay

2)   The only thing that will make the cough go away is for the person to stop smoking. The cough is due to excess mucous building up in the lungs from the damage the smoke is causing. - Garry

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