My girlfriend thinks that if she swallows my sperm she will get a deadly disease?... How can I prove to her what it wont?
I'm serious.
1) hahahaha! - Britney :)
2) Let her swallow it and then wait. - Robert D
3) Well you never know maybe she will...if she is not your first partner then maybe you can be carrying something. You can also get sick from her if she has herpes and she may give you genital herpes. What you guys should do is both get tested for STD's. - cherubrock79
4) The good news is that it's beneficial! Recently studies have shown that regular consumption of semen can actually have some wonderful health benefits. Semen contains at least 13 prostaglandins and high concentrations of hormones that retain potency if taken orally. The quality of the seminal hormones is thought to be superior to even prescription versions. In the study women who regularly consumed their lovers sperm showed such benefits as a reduction in ovarian cancers, lowered depression and many even had acne symptoms lessen or stop entirely. It is thought that the oral consumption of the potent hormones had a balancing effect on woman's hormonal ups and downs caused by their periods and pregnancy or breastfeeding.
The key to the findings is "regular consumption". Only once in blue moon won't have the same effect. Those that indulged once or twice a week received little benefits. The ones who received the results were the ones who ingested semen four to five times a week or more! Now that's dedication. If this seems like a lot of work you need to remember that your partner can assist in producing it. All though preferable, a blow job is not the only way to obtain semen. You might be surprised how fast your man can produce sperm for you all on their own.
Oddly enough only married or monogamous women showed the benefits. Those with multiple partners showed no beneficial effects or even reported detrimental effects. This is thought to be caused by the differences in the hormonal makeup of multiple partners. - Lady Quapp
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Question 2
If I drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, how long will it take to see changes in my acne scars?... I have a few pretty bad acne scars that won't go away! I read online that drinking lots of water can help speed up the process, so how long do you think it'll take to start seeing results? A week?
Thanks for all the help
1) - thresher
2) I hate to say this, but it will take forever, as drinking water will have absolutely NO effect on your acne scars. - zitdr_02
3) Actually water will not do a whole lot for acne scars. However, taking a Vitamin E supplement(both topically and orally) will help quite a bit though don't expect much too happen in a week. Healing scars is a slow process. using cocoa butter on your face will also help but I am not sure to what extent because I never used it myself. - Patrick
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Question 3
how to get rid of this huge pimple?... i have this huge zit on my chin and i want to get rid of it fast. school starts in one more day! what should i do? Plzzzz help.
1) use a sharp knife and cut it of - Izzy
2) Pop it & Then put make up on - iRunWithScissors✄
3) hey ... DON"T ever put make up on a pimple , i had a huge pimple on my first day at my new school too , pop it at first using both ur fingers , when it pops don't touch it , just use a cleanex then just take a shower , use hot water first , then cold water ; hot water open the pores and cleans them , while cold water close pores so that no germs enter the pores ! then when u finish leave it , it will get smaller and smaller till the next day ;) - Emily Blunt
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Question 4
Question about possible gonorrhea?... I had sex about two weeks ago. It was protected sex, but I don't have much faith in the condom I used. I went a week and half afterward without any kind of sexual activity, then masturbated one day and experienced pain and a mix of normal and yellowish semen during ejaculation. I looked it up and these are some symptoms of gonorrhea. I'm going to the doctor soon to get it checked out, but my friend said that my experience is normal if you go a long time without ejaculating. Is he right? Am I overreacting?
1) Heh heh. normal. yeah, right.
Get down the clinic. - Guru Hank
2) I would see a doctor.
Gonorrhea symptoms in men
Greenish yellow or whitish discharge from the penis
Burning when urinating
Burning in the throat (due to oral sex)
Painful or swollen testicles
Swollen glands in the throat (due to oral sex)
In men, symptoms usually appear two to 14 days after infection. - Lady Quapp
3) he is wrong get tested an treated you have std - DrS
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Question 5
I think my two year old swallowed a marble! Will it pass through her digestive system?...
1) It should do.......As long as she can breathe she will be ok....
My mum swallowed a marble when she was little and Well shes alright aha...It will just come out in her poo.....But if you think shes struggling to breathe then get down the hosptial quickly <3 xxx
Good luck x - Belle Chapman
2) Yes, but you might want to go to a doctor just to be sure - m173627
3) Give the small, smooth and round nature of it, I'd be confident that it will pass through her system, but it would still be prudent of you to contact a doctor or ER, as you can't be 100% sure what the marble was made of... the acidic environment in the stomach could erode the marble and result in constituents of the marble being absorbed into the body, which may be harmful. - Derek Bradley
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