Is it ethical for my cardiologist to tell me not to go to the ER with angina?... Have 4 stents placed, last cath show all are open...still have severe angina that radiates into jaw and arm...have been to the ER with this 3 times this week...kept overnight for observation...enzmes and ekgs normal...never had a heart attack before....but severe coronary disease....cardiologist came to see me in hospital today and told me it is rediculous that I came to ER 3 times in a week...and that he sees no evidence for chest pain. Compared me to the boy crying wolf. My angina is real and intense...helped with nitro patch and totally relieved with nitro drip. I have a family history of heart attacks. The pain is severe and I am afraid to ignore it as I have heard bad outcomes of people that have. He said I need to stop coming to the ER and treat this pain as if it were a chronic pain such as back pain. He made me feel embarrassed and has made me feel uncomfortable going back to the ER. I would like your opinions on his treatment of me.
1) I am sorry that he was so insensitive to your pain. My father in law had terrible Angina for years and we took him to the ER so many times. Even if all they do is help with the pain i would still go. 3 times a week may be a bit extreme but is there any reason they are occuring so frequently lately? I would try to find out if maybe there is some other external factor causing the pain. I wish you well and try to get a different doctor if you feel he isnt taking your pain serious enough. - Kristy
2) I'm sorry that you're having pain, but he's right. You're taking his time away from patients that are having an active cardiac event. You need to set up an appointment with a cardiologist of your own to have a thorough work up, and get a prescription for a medication you can use to treat yourself at home when you have an attack. Don't be embarrassed, just be proactive in your own health care to avoid unnecessary trips in the future. - Christina Lachey
3) I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem - Dr
4) NO, When you have chest pain after you have taken 3 nitroglycerin sprays you must call 911 and go to the ER. I do not understand why this cardiologist hasn't sent to back to the cath lab to check the patency of your stents.
I have never heard a Dr tell a pt. to stay at home with chest pain.
Every time you have chest pain unrelieved by 3 nitro call 911
Chronic back pain cannot kill you, a heart attack might.You might need a change in your medication. - Donna B.
5) Honey that cardiologist is an insensitive clod. If I was your next of kin I'd give him a clop in the chops. There is a direct correlation between severe angina and the risk of a heart attack. A very good friend of mine had severe angina. One night it was so bad another friend and I took her to the ER. She took a severe attack of it in the waiting room, pale and sweating, non responsive. They took her right away. Turned out she had a mild heart attack. She spent the next three days in ICU. - shelley_gaudreau2000
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Question 2
How to cure sweaty hands.?... Okay my hands sweat when i hold a girls hand. How do i fix this? I read something about putting my hand in water and somehow sending an electrical current through it. I would like something that i can do at my home to cure it. Thank you
1) some people just sweat- it might be nerves? you could try powder but i guess it would wear off eventually - Susanne E
2) I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem - James
3) wear a muscle shirt. that'll prevent your hands from being sweaty. - Jne_Uwambe
4) I always have sweaty hands, like now. I usually just swing them around or blow air on them. I get them because I have nervousness, you can get sweaty hands from stress or being nervous. - Sarah B
5) The electrical current thing is called iontopheresis. One brand is Dri Ionic. It can help but is best reserved for when other things don't help. First try antiperspirant. Apply something like Certain Dri to the hands at night. You could reapply in the morning if needed. It does not have a deodorant type fragrance. - curator
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Question 3
what do scabies look like and how do you treat this?... not sure if my friend has scabies and want to know what they are like--looks like chicken pox but dr said no
1) Generally scabies infestation just causes itch. The changes on the skin are from the scratching that happens because of the itch. The itch is intense, worse at night or when hot, does not go on the head or neck of adults and bumps may be found on the hands and wrists or genitalia. - curator
2) I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem - James
3) Google image would be the best way to tell you what they look like - Sarah B
4) This article says mange in animals can be transferred to humans but it goes away in a short period of time. Scabies in humans is more serious. Here's a webpage about Scabies in humans, note slide 5 of the Slide Show has a photo of what it looks like on a human arm. - YodyMan
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Question 4
Having an asthma attack and can't find my inhaler?... I am having troubles breathing. I have not had a really bad asthma attack in like 10 years but all of a sudden tonight a big one hit. I usually have my inhaler really close so when my breathing gets tough it is right there to help but now I can't find it anywhere. Please is there anything that I can do to make it easier to breathe without having to call 911? Will Benadryl help any?
1) There's this fabulous place called the hospital. Benadryl is used for temporary relief from seasonal allergy symptoms, not for an asthma attack. - Christina Lachey
2) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Ha Donaway
3) Benadryl shouldn't be used. Take slow deep breaths. In through your mouth and out through your nose. Don't panic that makes it worse - Heather
4) You need to go to the emergency department if you can't breathe! They won't make you wait, this is a true emergency. There's no substitute for your inhaler, Benadryl is an antihistamine and won't help your situation at all.
Don't waste time on the internet, figure out how you're going to get yourself to the nearest hospital! - Shirin D
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Question 5
How do you get sick when you go outside in cold days?... the question sounds confusing, but what i mean by is that if you only get a cold from viruses, then how do you get the cold when you are outside like at winter/or cold place? i mean, you dont get sick when your warm, right?
1) heat kills germs. they love the cold - LT1 z28
2) I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem - James
3) When you're cold the body has to work overtime to maintain homeostasis. Your body is using all of its energy, power, nutrients, etc. to keep the body warm and balanced which makes the immune system weaker, thus making you more susceptible to catch viruses.
When you're hot, all the body really has to do it sweat to make you cooler.
Do make yourself WARMER, the body gets kicked into overdrive, speeding up your metabolism and muscles contractions. - <3
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