Saturday, September 11, 2010

I think I may have a brain tumor but what can I do to convince my mom?

Question 1
I think I may have a brain tumor but what can I do to convince my mom?...  'm 17 and I have some of the symtoms of a brain tumor except vomiting but my mom is hard to convince. Not only does she say that I'm always making up syptoms. What should I do??? I pressure on the top my head
other symtoms are:
eye spasms
tremers in hands
loss of thought
dizziness and i feel like im unsteady when standing still.
I you think it might be something else, then diagnose me. I also have digestive problems

ive been to the doctors a few times and they really dont think its a brain tumor and ive been to A and E, im going back to the doctors soon but im really worried
eye pain and sleepyness*

1)   It is a disease that will pass. It is called 'Youthful anxiety'.

This may well develop into middle aged and old aged and even ancient aged anxiety.

Death is the cure. - Robert D

2)   at your age, i wouldn't worry about brain tumors. what you need to be worried about is migraines, ask that of your doctor when you go back about migraines. - JBunit

3)   this isn't the kind of thing you should be asking people who could be anyone to diagnose you on yahoo answers or be trying to dianose your staff you should go back to the doctors and tell them your thoughts and they should be able to tell without scans whether you may have one or need a scan so if they say your ok then you probalby are and should stop thinking about it because when you convince yourself of something then your can imagine you have those sypmtoms and you dont so is the hospital and doctor say your fine you probably are and if you worried go back fo regular checkups don't post it on here trying to get people to agree with you - qwerty_11

4)   Brain tumors are very rare, though if you feel that this is your diagnosis, then you should definitely pursue it. Keep in mind though, that there are MANY other simple things that can cause these exact same symptoms. Anxiety is the first one. It can cause so many things from dizziness, shortness of breath, numb and tingling hands, etc. If you are not getting enough sleep, or have stress, you can have the eye spasms and headaches, as well as being forgetful. Not drinking enough water can cause headaches and dizziness.

I would try to listen to the adults around you that are telling you not to worry so much, as worrying can make your symptoms worse. - burritos_with_cheese

5)   If you are having eye spasms and eye pain, this could be related to eyestrain and getting your eyes checked to see if you need glasses or a prescription change may take care of this. Headaches are common in females and taking some tylenol or motrin when they occur would be common sense. As for the dizziness, increasing your daily water intake may make this go away and eating regular meals and healthy snacks which contain a protein source will help. Many of these symptoms could be attributed to growing pains that are a normal part of a growth spurt of teens and go away once the growth spurt is done - the sleepiness is a sign of a growth spurt. These symptoms are mostly not alarming and since you have seen your doctor, they are more than likely NOT related to a brain tumor. - J B

You are suffering from extreme Anxiety Neurosis.
Let your Mom read this because you need urgent counselling.
I have diagnosed,now it is up to you to follow my advise.
Good Luck. - MOHAN

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Question 2
Is there any good about smoking?...  

1)   yes with the states running out of money they ran too your wallet loking for quick cash, in some states they are runnning up too 9.00 10.00 a pack. i its making them look good and your fat wallett. - Michael Sinclair

2)   No. Yellow teeth, bad breath, risks for heart disease, lung cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer.... on top of it all, you have pay to kill yourself. - GranbyHick

3)   NO. It makes you addicted to nicotine, robs you of all your money so that you are poor all of your life. - J B

4)   Yes. It is relaxing and helps to control your desire to eat. Obesity is a bigger danger than smoking but no one trys to control what you eat. - Norma

5)   No, nothing is good about smoking. - Melody

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Question 3
will drinking 1-2 litres of coke a day give me diabeties 2?...  My sister has type 1 if that matters and i weigh 62kg at 16 years old.

1)   idk about that but it will damage your liver, kindeys, intestine and your teeth and could cause bone loss. - Suspended x1

2)   YOU WIL DIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Jenius123

3)   yes that is so so so so so so so so so bad fr you!!!!
omg that is really bad.
You should slowly try and remove the pop lol
try going with out it for 3 weeks like a contest. once you make the trreee weeksy ou wont feel like it agian. trust its hard but it works start driniikng something else n e thing else
good luck - Francias Joe

4)   You’ll Be Fatter: According to research in the Nurse’s Health Study, which monitored the health of 90,000 women for eight years, drinking a single soda every day of the week added 10 pounds over a four-year period.

You’ll Probably Have Diabetes: In the Nurses’ Health Study, women who said they drank one or more servings a day of a sugar-sweetened soft drink or fruit punch were twice as likely to have developed type 2 diabetes during the study than those who rarely consumed these beverages.

You’re Much More Likely to Develop Heart Disease: According to a study published in 2007 in Circulation, the journal of the American Heart Association, subjects who drank a soda every day over a four-year period had a 25% chance of developing high blood sugar levels and a 32% greater chance of developing lower “good” cholesterol levels. The Nurses’ Health Study found that women who drank more than two sugary beverages per day had a 40% higher risk of heart attacks or death from heart disease than women who rarely drank sugary beverages.

You’re Probably Also Less Healthy In Other Ways: Several studies, including the 2007 study published in Circulation, suggest that diet sodas have some of the same effects on health as regular sodas, despite having none or very little of the sugar. Why? Drinking soda is typically part of an overall lifestyle that’s not very healthy: We know you don’t like us to compare drinking caffeine and sugar to substance abuse, but when it comes to your lifestyle, some think that soda is just like a gateway drug.

Hope this helps.. - syl c.

5)   Holy cow! Probably! Why so much?? Drink it in a glass with 1/2 water to help wean yourself off of it. Then put more and more water as you get used to it. Then it will seem like you are drinking syrup when you try it full-strength again and that will cure you of the addiction. Your health is more important. You are what you eat and drink. You might not feel it now but it will affect you when you get older. That is WAYYYY too much sugar and caffeine! Work hard and you CAN beat this. - Dakota1

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Question 4
Any lung problem in this x-ray report?...  CHEST
The film is light.
There is cardiomegally. CTR is
There are prominent upper lobe vessels
There are also enlarged blood vessels in the lower>
There are bilateral patchy
reticular opacities
The costophrenic angles are
>The bony thoracic cage appears normal

Features are suggestive of
cardiac disease in congestive
cardiac failure.
>Pulmonary oedema should also be

1)   The problem in this report is not with the lungs but with the heart. It says the heart is not functioning correctly (congestive heart failure and cardiomegaly) and medications may be needed to manage these conditions. You can go to and type in congestive heart failure and read up on that condition and then type in cardiomegaly and read up on that condtion also. These conditions can be managed with medications. And, because the heart is not pumping correctly, it allows fluid to build up in the lungs which is called pulmonary edema (type this in also on WebMd).
A diuretic can clear the edema out of the lungs or adjustment of your current diuretic. Your physician who ordered this x-ray will probably have advice for you regarding this. - J B

2)   yes there is a problem as the conclusion states, there is enlargement of the heart (can be caused by many things like heart attack, autoimmune, hypertension, etc) this causes the blood to congest in the lungs causing the enlargement of the vessels.

treatment depends on the cause, fluid restriction and diuretics provide relief of congestion - momogi

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Charlyn Javarone

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Question 5
I have a sore throat.?...  Ive had it for three days now. Anything that could make it feel better ? Sprays and medicine dont work. My science teacher said that medicine only makes it worse ? Ehh. I need something to cure this. Its kinda hard to swallow, and I can see its getting kinda red.

1)   Do you have any other symptoms? Fever, chills, runny nose? If you say Ahhhh in the mirror, do you see any white patches in your throat? That's a sign of infection. Try gargling with warm salter water and if the pain persists, see a Dr. If you have strep throat, it could lead to serious problems if not treated. - Donna Lu

2)   History of fever
Tonsillar exudates
Tender anterior cervical adenopathy
Absence of cough

if you have four of these you have 40-60% probability of strep throat , if you also have runny nose or hoarse voice its usually viral.

treatment of strep throat is with antibiotics like amoxicillin for 5 days, and other supportive medications like anti inflamatory medication

you can also gargle with antiseptic or take antiseptic lozenges /candies like strepsi - momogi

3)   You should use naproxen, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Charlyn Javarone

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