acne issue help please?... I have this bad acne on my face chest arms and now getting bad on my back I've tried a few different products none helping I saw a normal doctor and he gave me this cream it kinda makes it go away but than it comes back (the cream I'm using is for my face only) I put it on every night as well as washinfg my skin with anti bacterial soap I read on a few sites about a product called acutane..I think it is called given by dermintologist I'm really worried nothing is gonna work sorry for bad spelling and if words |and grammar r all jumbled up using my phone (I'm 16 years old)
1) Step 1: shoot yourself
Step 2: bury yourself
Step 3: eat yourself
Problem solved - Jack
2) just wait a year or me it will all go away no need for chemicals - Blitz Punsch
3) everyone goes through acne so dont feel alone. im 20 and still get the occasional pimple. i have heard that acutane can do wonders. just go to your doctor and give that a try. try showering immediately after exercising to reduce the amount of oil that sits on the skin. - Adam
4) Don't pick at it or moisturize it. Just to big things you shouldn't do. That sucks though, maybe all you can do it wait it out.
Also eat healthy non fatty foods. Your skin reflects your diet. And keep clean, not oily or dirty skin. - Carmen
5) about it you can get information from here - Helaine Scarbrough
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Question 2
how to control snoring?... during sleep i snore but my mouth is closed. i feel that the rear end of my nasal cavity tries to close in when i go to deep sleep and vibrates. is there any remedy short term / long term? please help my family from my snoring !!!!
1) Breathe Right strips. - Sarah
2) Surgery, or those Breathe Right strips over your nose. - Serene E
3) its easy sleep on right side. - swty_198600
4) use breathing nose strips - FRNDZ
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Question 3
Do i have Bieber Fever?... Okay im a senior in highschool and im a guy, so any way i was going to lunch first day of school with my brand new Justin Bieber Lunchbox, and some girls came up to me and beat me up. Now im sad and need to ask why Justin Bieber is so dreamy
1) lmfao! thanks for the laugh, dude. X"D - sidewaysizzy
2) Cuz you like to grab guys' nuts. - Alyss-ious
3) Where did you get the Justin Bieber lunchbox??? I want one!! - Jack
4) If so, consequences will never be the same. - Gemma
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Question 4
What is this slimy mucus like smelly thing coming out of my ass?... I know this question sounds disgusting but its trye, a day ago and today I just suddenly poop a soft feeling in my ass, then when I get to check t out It smells like fish and its like mucus with bit of brownish color and i saw also a bit of pink beforre, whats happening to me? I will consult a doctor later and also would like to get your opinions. An I dieng? im not a girl who gets period , Im male and this is freaking freakin me out. Well I think its related to the mucus in my ears wherin I took antibiotics to remove it then did it go to my bowels? I just dont know if its related....
1) I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, - Mark
2) go see your doctor - Pearl L
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Question 5
swollen right calf and ankle ..what should i do?... Hi, my mother is 52 years old she suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and it is currently in treatment to control the pain. Every 4 to 5 weeks she gets remicade and has to take methotrexate for the treatment to work. Also, in order to keep any flare up pains away she occasionally takes advil, darvocet, or celebrex (not all three together). On saturday her right leg below her knee started to swell up and yesterday it was not only the calf and leg that were swollen but her ankle was swollen too. Today we went to the doctor and he sent her to get a dopler scan to see if there were any blood clots. She got the scans and there were no blood clots found. The lady who was doing the scan said that she saw a lot of fluid coming out of her joints and asked me if my mother had arthritis, which i confirmed. Now my question is what should i do now?? If it is not a blood clot what is it? Also the leg is not heavy or painful, the calf hurts a little when you touch it and thats all. My mother said that like 20 years ago she had a kidney infection and she was wondering if that could be it, but can a kidney infection induce swelling of one leg only? Please tell me anything you think it might be and what should i do?
Any advice is greatly appreciated
1) I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, - Mark
2) maybe she should tell her doctor about the kidney infection - Pearl L
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