What's the best way to remove hair from legs?... kk so my legs are starting to get hairy...and my parents are lyke: dont shave or else the hair will come back faster, thicker, and longer!! so what's the best way besides plucking, waxing, or laser? and i wanna know about the shaving cream...does it work? i heard about those women shavers that makes ur hair smoother does that work better than a average razor?
1) I recommend you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Steve
2) sugar wax - Mark Will
3) your parents should know better than to think it comes back faster, thicker, longer, darker ..etc
not true - Mopar Muscle Gal
4) Waxing Is The Best.. - Younqq Love
5) The cream does last longer, but the thing is, it's just stuff that your skin absorbs. I honestly hate the smell, and hate how my skin feels afterwards, i turn all red, it's like i have a reaction to it.
I would suggest shave with a razor, or don't shave at all.
The cream would be my last resort. And don't use it often. - EM MD
6) If you don't want to shave or wax, go get some hair-removal cream or foam - you just put it on your legs for like 5 mins and then wash it off and the hair goes with it. It is supposed to keep the regrowth hair soft and your hair shouldn't grow back black and bristly. Hope I helped! - KissKiss
7) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use tramadol. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://usmdans23.notlong.com/AAm2XZe - Vastha Machuca
8) I shave my legs. It's just a myth that hair comes back thicker and darker, it just appears so because it hasn't been bleached by the light from the sun yet. Unless you have dark leg hair then i suggest shaving. - Quelly
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Question 2
I think I have diabetes... What do I do?...
1) stop eating sugar gravually... take Dr... advice.... be cool@@@ with me!!! - rock
2) call for a doctor's appointment immediately so that you can be tested. - idiotsgetinfree
3) I recommend you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Steve
4) I recommend you go to the doctor, pronto. If you think you do, you should make sure you have it, or don't, so you can take some action. Like eating right. - thejunk08
5) about it you can get information from here http://usmdans29.notlong.com/AA4fZnp - Rola Johnson
6) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use avandia. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://mdcan49.notlong.com/9AA4fZn - Theis Plumber
7) How do you know you have diabetics? Have you taken any tests? Is it type 1 or 2
Don't jump to conclusion reading stuff online. Consult a doctor, take some tests and confirm.
http://www.myhealthylifestylenews.com - SEO_CEO
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Question 3
Can't find the words for a friend who's mom might not live through the night, Cancer...?... Any good quotes that might make my friend feel a little better, or at least show her that I'm here for her?
Her mom is in the hospital, and the doctors say she probably won't live through the night. And my friend is in Hawaii, while her mom is in California. So there's no way to see her.
I just don't know what to say.
Her mom is afraid of dying, and that makes my firend even more scared for her, and even more sad.
1) All you can do is be there for her. - Tiffany K
2) Death is a part of life. Everyone's going to experience.
All you can do is make the painful time less painful. - Sydnie ™
3) "Let go, and Let god."
I will be praying for her, and her mother. - EM MD
4) sometimes there is simply no words to say. when my husbands mother died suddenly nothing i said made him feel any better, so i just settled for being there for him all that i could. just tell her to let her know if there is anything at all you can do, and that she can call you any time, even if it is in the middle of the night, if she needs to talk. even if she just wants to sit on the phone with you and not say anything, sometimes that will make a person feel less alone. - Katie
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Question 4
WHY AM I ALWAYS SICK? 10 points best answer!?... so, this year has been horrible.
i started it off by going to the doctor atleast once or twice a month until like july or august, literally.
soo, basically i had sinus infections, strep throat, & ear infections almost every single month until april when i had my tonsils removed. then after that i wasnt as sick, but i still never felt good.
i was always tired, headaches & sometimes migrains almost everyday, and just didnt feel great. (even in the summer) i missed tons of school because of this. then just a few days ago i went to the doctor and he told me i had strep! howww?? i got my tonsils out to solve this chronic strep and now im getting it again! but anyway, i no i have a low immune system. and im vegetarian. so i no i need to stay healthy and eat better. and drink lots o water. but im just wondering like, why am i always so sick? i keep missing school. and i hate this. even when im not sick, im just so tired and keep getting headaches. ive had my blood taken and i didnt have mono but that was done in like march. so i guess it couldve changed. and im allergic to cats & dogs and i have 2 cats & 1 dog.
also i had a cat scan of my head and everything was normal. so what the heck?
should i get re tested for mono? like is anyone else like this?
1) u're not smokin enough weed..
marijuana is a great place to get antioxidants
"There may be a silver lining to a cloud of marijuana smoke.
While most medical researchers don't condone recreational marijuana use, marijuana derivatives may prevent brain cell damage in strokes and slow the growth of breast tumors.
Researchers at the National Institutes of Health, led by A.J. Hampson, found that cannabidiol, one of a class of marijuana constituents called cannabinoids, is a powerful antioxidant. When tested on rat neurons in a lab dish (no smoking was involved), the substance prevented the death of brain cells during conditions simulating a stroke. " - Mr. Hands
2) Do you still have your adenoids? You can still keep infections in the adenoids if they are not taken out. You might just have a low immune system, I did when I was younger but now I rarely get sick. Also if you are constantly on an antibiotic it will wipe all the good flora in your body and allow the bad bacteria to grow again. - mypoorbrain
3) "i no i have a low immune system [by your own admission]" "and im allergic to cats & dogs and i have 2 cats & 1 dog.[need i say more?]" "and im vegetarian. so i no i need to stay healthy and eat better [implies you don't eat well now]. and drink lots o water."
"but im just wondering like, why am i always so sick? " -- You have to ask? Read your own question. It might give you much needed insight. - TweetyBird
4) It sounds like your immune system is a bit weak. Has your doctor ordered complete blood work in order to see if there are any nutritional deficiencies? Are you getting your vitamins, minerals and antioxidants? As a vegetarian, are you getting enough protein? A lack of protein in some people can lead to fatigue and weakened immune system. Some people require more than others, and if you are one of them, your diet may not be helping. Just some thoughts. Best of luck. - Ron
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Question 5
Is there something I can use on my elderly cat's coat to help with dandruff?... My cat is 15 years old and weighs about 22 pounds. I brush her every other day and feed her dry cat food. Occasionally she gets can food. She has dandruff and I'm not sure how to treat it. She does not tolerate baths in a tub so I use dry shampoo from time to time. I would like her coat to look shiny. What can I do?
1) I recommend you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Steve
2) stop feeding her dry food it can kill her at that age by wrecking her kidneys and liver and a sure sign is dandruff , read about dry food on the internet it is mainly cereal by product with ground up animal byproducts including dead pet cats , dogs and even road kill, the dry food industry has bought all the vets and sponsor most veterinary courses so you can't trust them any more, feed your cat good quality canned food with a minimum of cereal and grain and occasionally give her raw mince to eat - Harley Drive
3) You should use salicylic-sulfur-shampoo, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://usmdans27.notlong.com/AAynKe9 - Rola Johnson
4) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Ytgew Xdsew
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