Sunday, October 31, 2010

I ate a pizza my friend sneezed?

Question 1
I ate a pizza my friend sneezed?...  Her allergies were acting up and she was making a pizza for me and kept sneezing on it numerous times without covering up. I ate it even though it was covered in snot and spit to be nice. Were the sneezes germ free since it was allergies? I was so hungry.

1)   Ew thats totally nasty!! I would not eat that pizza! - Nenamm

2)   Sneezes are never germ-free. If she sneezed on it before she put it in the oven then everything should have cooked out, but if it was after the odds are there were germs and yes there is the potential of getting sick. I wouldn't worry too much about it, but there is a possibility. - Captain Munnerlyn

3)   haha thats sick nasty.. but yes there was still germs and possibly viruses on your foood.. sorry:/ - gossip girl baybee

4)   you can't catch allergies. - paapaa

5)   That's nasty. Its certainly no big thing for your friend to sneeze into the crook of her arm or turn her head away. Sneezes can be full of germs, and even though she may only have allergies, she could be in the before-stages (prodromal phase) of a cold. Next time, eat somewhere else. - DeannetheGreat

6)   you must of been really hungry.
its up to your health to decide if you can fight off the germs
i'd probably say your going to get sick also - Mark

7)   Though they probably didn't have the infectious bacteria or viruses we usually associate with having a cold or flu, they surely had some bacteria on board. You didn't say if it was before or after cooking, which would most likely kill anything there. The good news is that you could probably eat that icky stuff and your immune system would protect you. Be sure to say something to anybody handling your food if you see something wrong. A major violation of the health code in restaurants (among several) is handling money and food at the same time - Mark N

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Question 2
Can a bath get rid of a rash?...  My friend has a rash on her face. How does she get it off?

1)   no it can not - Matthew Eckert

2)   Lotion can help but don't use those ones from bath and body works. Luberderm helps alot.. Try that

Hope i helped :) - Chanel

3)   A simple bath won't do it. She needs medications to do that. But what kind of medication she needs depends on what kind of a rash it is. - kj

4)   Your friend should try to figure out what caused her rash. It could be dry skin, it could be allergy, it could be some kind of localized infection. Some olive oil dabbed on top might help with dryness. Or she could make an oatmeal mask with a little milk.

The reason I suggest these things is because irritated skin frequently doesn't like all the intense chemicals found in creams.

However, I do have one more suggestion in the "medicinal" arena - diaper rash cream, like Desitin. These are excellent at taking care of rashes, but she may want to apply it before bed, because it is thick and white. - mbyiddish

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Question 3
I have a sore throat what do you suggest I do?...  

1)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Kate

2)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Sherril Danial

3)   I have a sore throat too. >:/ but i've noticed that the itching only lasts for two days and it begins with cough, though try putting on some Vick Vaporub when going to sleep. Hope you get better! - Obeyy Emm'

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Question 4
how can i prevents pimples?...  im 16 years old.its like everyday im having pimples,and when last summer i spent 40.000 thousand for my face and it when well but agter 5 months it went back again..please help me

1)   Medicine prescribed by a doctor, daily washing, visit a dermatologist, they will know whats best and don't feel embarrassed, they will have seen loads of people with similar skin before :) - Jennifer Selim

2)   Wash your face using soap alot usualy everyday cause if you dont wash your skin then oil gets clogged up in your skin, when the oil in your skin clogs up it makes pimples being clean is the rule to being pimple free clean your face alot. Never pop your zits and pimples then you get stuck with scars - Nestor

3)   do you mean $40? Cause really ...$40,000 is a lie! Anyways, order Proactive Solution. It really works, but you have to use it everyday. It's like $20 i think when you order on TV. - foreverrPiink

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Question 5
I have a pimple that hurt badly.. it doesnt have any puss... its just round and red. how do i get rid of it?...  
theres a problem i play the trombone.. and i have to practice. its on my upper lip, what do i do? not play?

1)   If you are sure its a pimple, put toothpaste on it. It will disappear in a day or two. - Louis

2)   put a bit of sudo cream on it before u go to bed,i find it works really well - Maddi

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Can a pediatrician test for hiv?

Question 1
Can a pediatrician test for hiv?...  the one i see also sees other teens and ppl up till they are 21 years of age, im 18 and there really is no one else i can see since the usual place for hiv testing is always crowded, and my parents dont know that i have had sex before.
thank you everyone who gave me an actual answer. i had sex over a year ago, it was my first time.

1)   Yes, but if he/she doesn't have the rapid test then you might have to wait for blood test results which can take up to a week. - alym

2)   Pretty much any doctor can perform an HIV test when requested. If you are going to a doctor instead of a health clinic or public nurse the fee can be a lot larger. - Jammy Dieselbug

3)   Cree, that is terrible, how could you have sex before marriage?
Have you read the bible? You've committed the sin of fornication.
Go to church and pray to Jesus Christ, pray for forgiveness, sinful child. - errm

4)   Anyone who can take blood and send it to the lab can test it for you. Doctors/ hospitals etc

If you had sex less than 3 months ago you might need to go back then to get another test as it might not show up till then,

and omg don' t listen to that ermmm freak. - miss

5)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use zerit. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - See Gaines

6)   Your Dr can order a test for will be done discretely..any local lab can draw the blood and have it tested..sometimes you are given a # so no one even knows your name..You are wise to get tested before you get into trouble..remember condoms are the very best preventer of HIV, next to abstinence.. - jst4pat

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Question 2
Do I suffer from insomnia?...  Well I wanted to know if I had insomnia. I have a really hard time sleeping at night, even if I know that I have to wake up early the next morning. On weekends I can sleep for 12 hours or more. On school days i go to sleep and 3 am and wake up at 6 am. I sleep in school and crash when I go home, I'm not usually irritable but I get that way sometimes. I'm really scared for my health to be honest. I'm 16 years old. I believe I've suffer from severe depression. I am very stressed and weirdly scared of the dark lol (I'm too old for that) but I sleep with the light off sometimes, but I am a little paranoid with it. I see weird things sometimes in the dark o_o plz tell me if this is normal or should I talk to a doctor or therapy. Lets be serious.
This has been happening EVERY day for a few years now.

1)   everyone has insomnia at one point or another so its not abnormal

try some over the counter sleeping aids ex. unisom
but try not to use it for long periods otherwise your body gets used to it

otherwise go to the sleep clinic or go see a psychologist - The Ƨky is ßlue

2)   Honestly hun I have been there and I know how it feels. The best thing for you to do is develop an regular sleep pattern. That means going to bed and getting up at the same time everyday. You need 6-8 hours of sleep...if not more. 3 hours/night while in school is not enough. It may be hard at first but you NEED to get into a routine. his will help with your depression and your overall health. You will have more energy and I promise you will like life a lot more. I went through this for years before finally figuring it out and unfortunalty I have chronic health problems because of it. Do what you can now. Follow my advice.... life will turn around for you. - Bek

3)   depression always cause you to lose sleep because you keep thinking about depressed problems so you cannot relax to sleep - tritran5555(poetri)

4)   Both my teens (17 & 14) are the same way sleeping wise except for the sleeping in school. Sounds to me you possible might have your days and nights mixed up. Try this when you get home from school make it a point to go for a walk or do some excersize. That should boost the adrenaline to keep you up. Dont sleep with the tv on or a bright light it interferes with your REM state of sleep. Try instead of a lava lamp or something that will give some light but not enough to interfere with sleep. Or do what I do sleep with something to hit what ever with. Yes I get scared of the dark sometimes also. As far as stress.. excersize helps alot, meditation, talking to someone, getting a hobby just anything to get your mind off of what you are stressed about. There is nothing wrong with talking to a doctor because maybe your hormones are out of wack you are a teenager after all and it happens sometimes. - Diakara

5)   Well, I want to be honest with you ok. As a teenager, you need a lot of sleep. Going to bed late and sleep late is what my 17 year olds love to do. My daughter will do the same thing as you some days, but I stress to her not to take a matter how tired she is, that way she can get to sleep that evening. I do believe that many teens suffer from undiagnosed depression and I think speaking to a therapist would be a good place to start. They may be able to give you better in site since they can sit face to face with you than I can on Yahoo! Answers. Please feel free to e-mail me if you have questions about anything. You take care! - angelar1974

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Question 3
Clenching jaw in sleep?...  Sometimes in my sleep ill feel myself clench my teeth together so hard that im afraid im going to break them, and i cant stop myself without taking my hands and prying it apart so that the tension is gone. I think i have a condition, it happens on rare occasions, what is this?

1)   Well i doubt its lockjaw, but its probably just "nighttime clenching". You can buy a night-guard or a mouthguard. Definitely see your dentist, they can help - This Stunna

2)   its not a condition but yes it can damage your teeth and you need a Protector that will stop you doing this you can get it from your dentist. This can be a cause of stress or just a natural cause - Hovis

3)   It's from stress. I had it too. My dentist told me to get a mouth piece to help with this. You can get them at Walmart and the pharmacist will know what you are talking about. They look sort of like a tooth whitening tray, but they are better and made to help with clenching. It makes it softer.

Meanwhile, just tell yourself you can't solve tomorrow's problems tonight, and to go to sleep. It takes practice, but it helps.

Added: Mouthguard! That's right. - Karen

4)   night gaurds really help. Also how stressed are you? Maybe try some stress relieving activities before bed??? - Bek

5)   Not all night time clenching is from stress. It may be a condition like TMJ and then hyper-mobility that causes your jaw to dislocate when you clench. I happen to have these conditions and stress isn't a factor. I just wanted to let you know that there are jaw conditions, but I would talk to your dentist and if that goes no where speak with your family doctor. Ruling things out is important. You have to be your own advocate when you go to a physician. - angelar1974

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Question 4
how to get rid of a cold sore?...  I have a cold sore and i wanted to try the toothpaste and salt thing but i will take any other suggestions also is there a specific kind of toothpaste i should use???

1)   stop sucking cock. kupo. - Mog

2)   I would use toothpaste.
LOL & I know this sounds silly but I always heard that if you kiss a redhead it will go away. - Amanduhh

3)   The best way to get rid of cold sores without a prescription is abreva cream. topical and systemic lysine have also been said to have some benefit but are not proven. - alym

4)   There are a few super expensive prescription kinds that always work. Over-the-counter stuff like that toothpaste takes longer and is less affective, but if you don't want to blow 30 bucks, then use the toothpaste. - Nathan

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Question 5
I literally ate a pizza my friend sneezed on 6 times.?...  Was it stupid of me? Her allergies were acting up and she was making a pizza for me and kept sneezing on it without covering up. Wet sneezes with a lot of spit and snot to be exact. Were the sneezes germ free? I'm scared now! I was so hungry

1)   sneezes always have germs, so basically you ate a germ pizza.. - Stephanie

2)   first of all as a friend you should tell her that it is important to cover your mouth when you sneeze. I personally think it is very gross and I never eat anything that has other people's germs on it. Now that you have you probably will either catch a virus or nothing will happen, considering your friend isn't sick.

Next time be more careful, ew how can you lol. - Mel

3)   If it was from allergies then it is very unlikely that you be effected from her sneezes.

The only way you can get sick from someone else is if they were sick themselves at the time.

It wasn't stupid of you to eat the pizza but it was a very very bad idea if I must say so myself lol - Black Panther

4)   maybe the germs were baked out haha - I_Love_Jamba_Juice_&_Soccer

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Acne product dried my skin?

Question 1
Acne product dried my skin?...  HELP AN ACNE PRODUCT DRIED THE PARTS OF MY SKIN WHICH HAVE ACNE ON IT, how do i treat those dry parts of my skin? please i need help! help me! please!

1)   Go to your local pharmacy and ask for Vitamin E gels 400, its a gel, you have to break it and apply it on dry parts on your skin.

I think this is the best among the other creams and lotions available, because its natural and it does not contain any harmful ingredient, - Bobby

2)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
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wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Fteww Zseww

3)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use accutane. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Lux Alim

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Question 2
Smoking weed is harder than i thought?...  I have an eighth of weed, a pipe to smoke from, and a place where it wont smell. But i have no idea what part needs to be picked out and what needs to be packed. When my friends smoke they only pack certain parts but im not sure what im supposed to do so HELP

1)   LOL roll that shit light that shit smoke it . - daniel sullyboy

2)   if this your first time actually trying you dnt need to be by yourself - precious.bre

3)   You're supposed to pick out the stems. - Olivia J

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Question 3
Have I got irritable bowel symdrome?...  I'm 17 and for about 12 weeks I've had really bad lower stomach cramps, nausea (although I've not actually been sick), really bad headaches, I've been getting full easily when eating and I've been a bit constipated. My periods have been regular-ish. I thought I might have been pregnant but I did a test at 9 weeks, which was negative. I sort of had to force the pee out though. I went to the doctor a few days ago and he examined my stomach and thinks I've got IBS. I can't eat anything at all (I've tried eating allsorts), every time I eat I get the most awful stomach cramps. When I go to the toilet my stomach cramp goes but comes back about an hour later, I'm rarely passing stools and they are hard in texture and there is nothing to wipe.
The other day I had a weird sensation in between my legs (which I can't really describe) and I sometimes get shooting pains in my rectum and uterus. I'm querying endometriosis??
What is this IBS, endometriosis or pregnancy (I'd be 12 weeks now)?
Please help, I can't bear this pain.

1)   doesnt sound like IBS. i would def get a second opinion. - e.mehringer

2)   Irritable Bowel syndrome is a very distinct possibility. It is a benign condition and most folks think it's when psychological issues start affecting your gastrointestinal tract. There are treatments for it, I think Bentyl is one of them. I would recommend taking a stool softener, I think you can get Colace or Peri-Colace over the counter. Also, make sure to drink water several times a day. - Jacob K

3)   Im not really sure, but my mum has ibs, which gets triggered by a wheat allergy. She developed it 3 years ago, maybe lay off things whith wheat in, e.g. bread, cakes, bicuits, pizza, paistries, ect, and see if you feel better. - The Blondie

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Question 4
How do I prevent chapped lips?...  I keep getting chapped lips, and I have used chap stick to no avail. Any ideas?

1)   Its actually cuz yu use chap stick alot. LOl I knoe from experience cuz I take my chapstick EVERYWHERE! ...and I have to put it on many times a day...
idunno if there is any way to cure it..aaaaahhh! :] - Danny

2)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
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wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Fteww Zseww

3)   well, overall skin health starts with eating healthy. eat more vegetables. and chap stick sucks. use an organic lip balm. and don't lick your lips, it will only makes your lips worse. - PILGOR

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Question 5
Need to get rid of a cyst zit fast?...  So I've had this cyst on my face for about a week, and then I accidentally got elbowed in the face by a friend, right on it. So it pops right out, and and its about the size of your thumb nail, right on my cheek. And as an added bonus, there's this huge dance coming up. So last night I really started freaking out about it since the dance is today, so I looked up some ways to make it go away. I tried applying toothpaste to it before I went to bed, and it went down a little. Then, my little brother hit the cyst on accident, and it popped right out again! So are there any ways to make this thing go away in like 5 or 6 hours, or at least make it less noticeable?

1)   The solution is to use concealer to cover it thinly. If your skin is dark, use a concealer beige color, or translucent colors, and transparency for a brighter skin.

So the results satisfactory use dry sponges or fingers and then close again with the foundation. Now You're safe from acne scars for some time. But do not forget to be cleaned after the party finished. - Stefania

2)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Fteww Zseww

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Monday, October 25, 2010

How can I remove the nosebleed curse from my room?

Question 1
How can I remove the nosebleed curse from my room?...  I mean 4 nosebleeds have occurred in my dorm room in the last 48! They haven't happened anywhere else. Is there any chant or exorcism type thing I can do to get this nosebleed spirit out of here?

By the way, I don't do coke if that's what you were thinking.

1)   get a humidifier. - JoiseyGurl

2)   Wow, just kill yourself. (Or atleast get a vasectomy)
People like you shouldnt be reproducing. - Adam Davis

3)   Is it warmer in your dorm room then other places, the warmth thins your blood which can cause regular nosebleeds - Richard Winters

4)   If I told you how easy it is to get a job in this recession, you wouldn't believe me. But the truth is more employers are going online to find people just like you and me who are ready to work at a good job (one that pays good!). The only thing that makes sense is to stop wasting time driving around all day filling out a dozen applications and going from one boring low paying job to another. I found this site that pretty much matches you up with your dream job that is available in your city right now. I have found it very helpful. Go to - Sharon Maynard

5)   Get of the ice - Whaskally Wabbit

6)   you better be intelligent enough to know how to rid of them. - jerry v

7)   You might just need a vaporizer. Or your nose is dry. Stress can also causes nose bleeds - Poot

8)   It might just be a coincidence. Our brains are wired to notice and remember more things that happen close together or in the same location. Nothings wrong with the room, it's the persons body that is causing the nosebleeds. Nothing else. - ShannonH

9)   It could be dryness or heat - if you've turned on your heat because it's getting cold outside, consider getting a humidifier to counteract - or a slightly cheaper method, turn your heat down/crack a window. I had a friend who suffered from nosebleeds several times a day but it turns out that he was losing sleep and using huge amounts of caffeine to stay awake. He cut the caffeine, got more than 2 hours of sleep every 48 hours (I'm not exaggerating, he was an insomniac who loved to drink coffee) - and within a few weeks he was nosebleed free.

I suspect you weren't actually looking for a spell or a chant - but if you are, look in the mythology & folklore section for that sort of thing - people always seem to come up with good spells there. XD - SilverLynx

10)   Probably dry air from the heater. Just get a humidifier or put Vaseline in your nostrils - A C

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Question 2
Someone please answer who's VERY familiar with Cancer lingo & Melanoma?...

My basic question is: Should I be worried?
^^Thats my pathology report from a few months ago.
Basically I got a precancerous lesion removed, I had an unaffiliated nurse look over it and she said it sounded serious, she wasn't too familiar with Melanoma but she said in her opinion if they left it a while longer, it would of most likely turned into full blown cancer. She said the report meant if it went a teensy bit deeper it WOULD have been cancer.
They gave me the first punch biopsy and sent back this report. They scheduled me to come back in less than a week later (which is extremely fast considering this is Johns Hopkins hospital and they're very important and busy).
When they went back in they took out almost a 1.5x1.5 inch area of skin and cut so far down into the muscle they needed 2 rows of stitching.
I'm sort of worried, there is a genetic component, I'm a third generation whos had this problem with Melanoma. My grandfather died of it, and some how my dad hit late stage 3 and god only knows how, still survived 10 more years and beat the odds. I'm only 19, so I'm kinda worried. I've known people die of this even younger than I am.

1)   It is really you enjoy living? You are asking should you be worried after mentioning that it is genetic? Your grandfather died from this kind of cancer and your own dad has it. I don't see the question. Yes cancer is a scary thing I have been there. But ignoring it won't help. - S K

2)   I think you need to talk to your dermatologist. The path report states that he thinks it is a dysplastic nevus, but there is debate in the medical community over what these may turn into. Some people feel this is a pre-cancerous lesion and some do not. However, given your very strong family history of melanoma, I think it was a good idea to have it removed, and you definitely should continue getting mole checks if you have other moles.

But again, you definitely need to talk to your doctor if you are worried about melanoma and metastatic disease. - jzc17

3)   Your doctor should have gone over the results with you.
The nurse was way off and totally wrong. You had dysplastic nevus and severe atypia. It is a precancerous condition, but it does not even come close to “if it went a teensy bit deeper it WOULD have been cancer”. That condition would be melanoma in situ. - Denisedds

4)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Carleen Briseno

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Question 3
My boyfriend has frequent nose bleeds?...  I am advising him to go to the doctor however he also has cuts that will bleed randomly and take awhile to heal. I am getting worried, i know he has a very dry nose due to smaller nasal passages but can does anyone have an idea of what may be causing this?

1)   Either he is a crack head or the air he lives in is very dry. try a Humidifier - London

2)   If he frequently has blood on his nose, tell him to stop eating you out during your period. - Pooty Tang

3)   Could be a weak immune system. I would go to the doctor to get him checked out. He also should be taking vitamin supplements as well (e.g. multivitamin) - tk0880

4)   He probably has a weakness in the wall of the vein in his nose. I had that and had it cauterised, it was painless and worked well until the side went the same way. I had that one cauterised too and have never looked back. - Ted Kaboom

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Question 4
Itching All Over!!! Home Remedies?!?...  I am itching all over.... I don't know if its dry skin or what but I need relief! I feel like a dog with mange! Know anything I can add to like bath water or something?
I hadn't changed anything in my diet or routine. We had bombed the house one day and started to itch after that but I've washed everything down heavily afterward. This has been going on for a month now and getting worse x.x

1)   You could take a oatmeal bath. There is something you can buy at the store by Aveeno, it is for people with dry itchy skin. If it is poison ivy I've heard of people taking a bath with tomato sauce or tomato paste. - Kelly

2)   itching like you're describing frequently indicates allergic reaction to something.. what are you taking? wearing, eating that may be causing this, antibiotics can do this also.. - The Judge

3)   Have bath with lukewarm water and you can add oatmeal in it, around 2 cups.

Apply aloevera gel on the itching area.

Here you can have more home remedies to get rid of itching : - David Lee

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Question 5
How to get the flu or sick over nigh ?...  Help I need to get sick because I want to stay home from school to work on my 2projects due in 1week I need to start

1)   You can't make ur body get the flu but you can fake sick - Marissa

2)   drink bleach, thatll get you puking - Rutager Griswald

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Do i have appendicitis?

Question 1
Do i have appendicitis?...  I know your supposed to see a doctor and i will but before i do i want to know if i just pulled a muscle or slept wrong or if i might have appendicitis.
the pain is mostly in my mid back and only a little bit in the front to the immediate left of my stomach.
what is strange to me is the pain is in the lower part of the front of my body but at the mid section of my back like a diagonal line of pain.
in my back it feels like i have only pulled a muscle but why the pain is in the front i don't know.
it has been going on for 2-3 days now but it isn't moving to the right like appendicitis does.
it helps to lay on my back but still like every hour or 2 something inside of me will like move and it feels like its between my back and front of my body.
but the pain is mild if im laying down sitting or walking. if i was to like do a flip or bend my body in an odd way it would probably be moderate to severe.

Also today the back pain has moved up to right below my shoulder blade the pain in the front hurts less but is still there.

Also i just got better from a cold type of thing and i had sore throat and runny nose but no puking or any of that. just runny nose and sore throat.

1)   yes. - Super Aguilas

2)   If there is a lot pain, you should visit the ER. You don't want it to burst. I know when my brother had it, he was voming constantly. - JBuck

3)   Go to the doctor if it gets worse..if you have it, you will know it because it is a sharp pain. However, you don't want to wait in case it bursts. My suggestion is to go to the! - katt44

4)   You should see
I hope that helps you too as it helped me.
Check the multiple links over there. they'll surely be a help - Joe

5)   "Do i have appendicitis?" -- You haven't described appendicitis. - TweetyBird

6)   this sounds to me like a case of the "Wish you were sicks". with appendicitis you would barely be able to move, the pain would be slightly relieved by pressing on the area hard and appendicitis usually includes high fever and vomiting. you have stretched a muscle it sounds more like you have many core muscles in your abdominal, torso and hip areas aswell as ligaments and tendons and so anyone one of these can cause pain when injured. just rest for a few days by not putting pressure on that area and try not to bend or use it much - Stephen

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Question 2
Can getting shampoo in your eyes cause damage to them?...  

1)   if you rinse your eye with water thoroughly then there should be no damage to the eye
but if left then can cause a blurriness - Matt Carrre

2)   Obviously. Thats why it hurts. Thats your body's way of telling you this is bad for you. Thats why pain is a good thing. Children who cannot feel pain often go blind because they damage their eye by putting things in it, they wouldnt understand not to do this because their body doesnt tell them - peanut 2

3)   You should see
I hope that helps you too as it helped me.
Check the multiple links over there. they'll surely be a help - Alex

4)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
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wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Dszww Vdfeww

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Question 3
I can taste blood - related to GERD. HELP advice please?...  Okay I have GERD ( Gastroesophageal reflux disease ) for over 3 years now.

And it's not going away any time soon although it's carmed ALOT since it first appeared.

My problem is, I can taste blood, i just got a gasp of air like a small burp that came up and i felt alot going off in my oesophagus.. and all of a sudden i could taste blood.. i also woke up today tasting blood, as GERD is worse in the mornings.

Is there anything to be worried about ?

I'm not on PPI's anymore..

I don't take anything because its not as bad as it used to be.

Any doctors ? thanks

1)   You should get that checked cause you are probably having esophageal bleeds. - Robert

2)   It's a sign of kidney failure - don't ask me why - Ginny Jin

3)   eat small meals and don't eat within 4 hours of bed.
take an antacid before bed.
check for diabetes, watch the sugar. - tod m

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Question 4
is gastrointestinal fatal?...  

1)   YES! Rip out your entire gastrointestinal tract immediately. Holding a live grenade right next to your belly would be a good way to do this. Or, if you have access to a samurai short sword, you can rip yourself open with that. In the latter case it would help to have a second standing above you with a full size samurai sword to lop off your head as soon as you carve yourself up. - Ted K

2)   well actually life is fatal. sooner or later we all die.and when you do die, it really does not matter , because you wil be dead, and will not know that you died , just because you are dead.
so instead of worrying about your health. enjoy your life while you still are alive.
I say this because I have cancer and i am going to die. .....just like everyone else.
But there is a good side to dieing.... you won't have to deal with life problems anymore and you won't worry about dieing either - chase

3)   You should use metoclopramide, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Margo Croissant

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Question 5
is it normal for chest to feel heavy and cold while on meth?...  

1)   not alot people would be able to answer this since PEOPLE WHO DO METH ARE ABNORMAL. - ALan

2)   Yes because it affects your heart. That is how most meth users die actually, the impact to the heart. You feel heavy and cold because your heart is struggling to keep your circulation going. Your blood isn't fully oxygenated so you feel cold. It is a very bad sign that meth is about to do its final dirty work on you. - SethSpeaks

3)   You should use deltasone, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Margo Croissant

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Friday, October 22, 2010

always tiered,weight loss, always hungry, always thirsty, headaches, shortness of breath, blurred vision?

Question 1
always tiered,weight loss, always hungry, always thirsty, headaches, shortness of breath, blurred vision?...  i've lost around 12 pounds in 2 months. i'm always so tiered i eel about ready to collapse so much that i was holding a desk in class when i stood up the other day and i was shaking really bad. i'm hungry i'd say every two hours and i always feel really really thirsty. i've been experiencing horrible headaches pretty much every day. and when i'm walking sometimes i find myself gasping for air (not all the time). i weigh 116 pounds and i'm 5.3" last time i measured. does anyone know what this could be? thank you so much!

1)   See a doctor. - You asked, I answered

2)   Im going to go to enemic - William

3)   Sounds like you may be suffering from hyperthyroidism. All of your symptoms match. You should get your blood tested, specifically for decreased thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and increased levels of T4 and T3 hormones.

Take care and good luck! - Artemis

4)   I'm no doctor, but I'll give you my opinion.

There are two explanation:

1) You do not have enough sleep, and/or you wait too long between meals. Even if you eat a lot of food in one day, you will be hungry. This is because, at that point you are wasting energy. It is better to consume that energy by eating three meals a day and NOT waiting too long for your next meal. One big meal does not mean a massive amount of energy.

Also, if you eat a lot of meat (protein) and not enough carbohydrates or fruits, your body will CRAVE for carbohydrates and fruits. It's a craving for nutrients that your body lacks.

2) You have a parasite in your body. It's possible a tapeworm. Go to your favorite doctor and tell him/her that you are paranoid about parasites and explain that you are always hungry. - Poetry

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Question 2
Chlamydia, how long can u have it?...  My girlfriend has just been diagnosed with chlamydia. We have been together for 4 years now. Is it possible one of us could have had it before we met or should I be concerned??

1)   Yea either of u could have been carrying it with no symptoms for years - J Barbie

2)   depends when she was diagnosed with it and if u guys had unprotected sex when she had it. - u make me wanna la la!

3)   Uh, yes you should be concerned cause chances are you have it too. Once you have it there's no getting rid of it. Women generally don't have symptoms with chlamydia unless it's found while testing for something else. Get yourself checked dude - APRIL

4)   you get rid of it by taking antibiotics, if your gf dont take it, it will remain there and cause damage to her pelvic organ and may cause infertility. You should go to walk in sexual health clinic asap for some treatment. - billy chung

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Question 3
thyroid disease and alcoholism?...  Ok I have a question on hypothyroidism and alcohol abuse. So I was able to find out about hypothyroidism, like irritability and stuff which are some symptoms my mother in law has. She has the disease and takes a medication for it. BUT she is also an alcoholic. She has gotten worse to the point we cant control her and her husband is gonna leave her. *last issue was something were she asked him to cut her hair and he did and he cut it super short and she she went at him with the scissors, he went to go lock him self in the bedroom cause she was going nuts and she split the door frame to get away from him. Her other son picker her up and she was at his house we went there to get her side of the story and only got "i should have stabbed the fkr for what he did to my hair" "hes lucky I did not stab him" So as she was getting her hair fixed we went to the husband at their house to get his side and while there she called and heard our son (whos almost 2) and then called my cell and told me to come get her and bring her home the husband did not want her there and I told her that so she called me a "2 faced btch" * her calling me names and being nasty to me is the norm. We dont talk to her anymore but the husband said that she will be fine and then turns nuts and stuff.. Then a friend was talking about her recent issue about her hypothyroidism and how she had "been feeling and going nuts" as she put it and went in to detail now it was not as major as this story but she would get P.O. easily and such.. So I am wondering if maybe the abuse with alcohol and this disease is just maxing out.. I cant find any info on it. Any info would be a great help.. I dont talk to her but I can forward all info to other family members to help her. TY

1)   If she is still drinking she might as well quit medication/. It won't work. - Ginny Jin

2)   that's really kind of you wanting to help dispute how nasty she can be, however i think its the alcohol turning her into someone nobody wants to be around rather than the disease.However it may be a clash with her meds try to find out what she is taking and then go to wiki for the low down on the side effects of the drug and if alcohol can cause these types of problems.

good luck x - Hovis

3)   I had already encountered such a problem and I have found the solution here - Lambert Norfleet

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Question 4
My wife has asthma, can I burn Scentsy scented candles?...  My wife has had problems with asthma for years, however I love the smell of different fragrant scents in my home (seems so long ago). Sometimes it's nice to refresh the air with something a little more special than the usual stagnant air. But I want to make sure the scented candles don't aggravate her asthma.

1)   No they will aggravate her asthma. - MA Guy

2)   If you can open the windows and light the fragrant candles, it won't bother her. Incense sticks are smoky but candles should be fine. - Bliss

3)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use singulair. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Alvar Veneman

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Question 5
How many of your loved ones are SUFFERING from your scamming doctors prescribing DANGEROUS statin drugs?...  How many of you ?

1)   my wife takes statins, and is glad to have them. - David

2)   So glad to see that someone else is picking up the torch! You are so right about the scam here. I dont understand why these meds are being pushed onto people when the ads clearly state that they have not been shown to lower the risk of heart disease!

People are taught to think that high cholesterol leads to coronary artery disease (lie #1), then they are taught that there are meds that will lower their "bad" cholesterol and thereby reduce the risk of heart attack (lie #2). The truth is that inflammation leads to the occlusion in the arterial wall.

And when un-named people start posting here stating that this is a bunch of non-scientific rubbish, SAVE IT! No body is making a claim that altmed is better here. You have been fed a load lies about this and all you do is keep propagating the same lies over and over. Why is heart disease STILL ONE OF THE BIGGEST KILLERS even though more and more people are taking statin drugs, have lower cholesterol and are eating lower fat diets?!?! - Marc

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Another UTI question!?

Question 1
Another UTI question!?...  If I think I have a UTI, is there anything I can do, without going to a doctor and getting an antibiotic, to get rid of it?
I'm on birth control and I really don't want to have to take an antibiotic, it'll make me nervous!

1)   nothing really works like antibiotics. plus why be in pain and discomfort for weeks and possibly get worse or even a kidney infection which would put you in the hospital. so just call your doctor and they will easily get you some antibiotics after your appointment. - eRock

2)   You can try drinking lots of fluids, especially cranberry juice because the acidity will help. However, this is not a guaranteed cure. UTI's are commonly caused by the bacteria, E. Coli and you will need an antibiotic to treat the infection. Not all antibiotics cancel out birth control, so talk to your doctor and see if there is one that they can prescribe that won't interact with your birth control. - xxcandycane69xx

3)   Lots of Cranberry juice... I do it all the time... :) - Lizzi

4)   Parsley tea. I know it sounds ridiculous, and it's not tasty, but it's as natural as it gets. I heard of this from my wife who learned it from her mom. I used it once and it worked without having to see the doctor. Also, it is super cheap.

How to make Parsley Tea
* Boil 4 cups of filtered water.
* Remove the water from the heat.
* Mince (cut up finely) 4 heaping teaspoons of fresh parsley (including stems, & roots if you can get them).
* Steep 20 minutes; strain — it is okay to drink hot or cold, and it may be reheated without harming it, but do not boil it.
* Drink all 4 cups throughout the course of one day, for 6-7 days. - valisfive

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Question 2
how do you get rid of a black eye and a bruised rib area?...  

1)   rub some dirt on it. for the eye, use a pirate eyepatch, those are so cool anyway halloween is coming - Ben Dover

2)   you wait. while you are waiting, you teach yourself self defense so you dont get beat up so bad next time. - Wo

3)   u don't. U wear it proudly. Ur a man - Jay

4)   Icing it and an anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen) will help it cover a smaller area, but you don't actually get rid of bruises. you can use make-up, and cover it up, but other than containing the spread of the bruise you're just going to be stuck with it I'm afraid. - valisfive

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Question 3
Do I Have Brain Cancer?...  I'm a 18 year old Male and from what I've read I'm exhibiting symptoms of a Brain tumor such as...
Headaches (Pulsing by temples)
Memory lose
Stiff neck
Lack of sleep
Eye pains
Problems balancing or walking (sometimes)

Everything Except
Numbness or tingling in the arms or legs
Nausea or vomiting

I Don't drink, do drugs, or smoke. I'm a little over weight but other than that nothing.

Also I think I mite just have Anxiety from over thinking this to much...I'll go to the Dr. in a few days if this continues I just need a second opinion...

Thank you in advance for the Help!

1)   i think you shoud c a doctor just to make sure because you never know. best of luck - jewelzwashere

2)   do you have bruises over your trunk or legs? im guessing you are just overthinking it, because stiff neck would make you not want to sleep or turn your head even a small amount. and the eye pains, would be very serious pains, the memory loss - like eating breakfast twice or forgetting where you lived or your phone number. These are the types of problems they are talking about, serious problems that others notice. so realistically i would just schedule an appointment with your doctor and until then dont worry! - eRock

3)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use nolvadex. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Tacey Zachariah

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Question 4
If I go to my doctor and get tested for a UTI...?...  Will I find out that day if I have an infection or not? Or will they have to send my results to a lab?

1)   you will find out that same day. - sleepysparrow

2)   They should tell you that day, because if you have an infection they need to treat you right away. Urinalysis generally doesn't take that long. - xxcandycane69xx

3)   Testing for a UTI is simple. Takes exactly 2 minutes. Your doctor should be able to preform it in his/her surgery. - mione713

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Question 5
What are these bumps on my penis?...  For the last 4 months or so, I have had these bumps on my penis. They sort of look like pimple or something. They are located on the shaft of my penis and i have 1 on the pubic area. I don't know how i could have these because I have been with the same girl for a year and a half and she gets checked for any STD every 3 months or so. Can someone tell me if I should be worried about this. They don't itch or hurt and I don't have a problem urinating.

1)   i dont think you need 2 worry 2 much. i had one like 2 months ago. - Amir

2)   yes sir - It's me....... CHERYL

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Nohemi Mudd

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Is it normal of me to pick my skin and eat it?Am i a cannibal for this?

Question 1
Is it normal of me to pick my skin and eat it?Am i a cannibal for this?...  For some reason i like to pick my skin when a scab or when my skin is pealing and eat it.Is this normal for a person to do this?

1)   Hell no. That is gross.... - Wilde

2)   I don't know

But the ladies love me and call me a cannibal because I eat them up. - YAHOO'S WORST NIGHTMARE

3)   I remember I used to do that too. Lol. It's like taking a shit and then looking at it cause let's face it, we wanna know what we crapped out. haha, I stopped though when i was like 14. I dont know if this is normal. W.e. its not a big deal - justabe1020

4)   hahaha omggg i do that too. i cant help it. its ur own skin so it shouldnt be a problem haha - brittany

5)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
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wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - ?

6)   Hello! How do you think they make beef jerky♥ Ha Ha♥ - iggiboogirl

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Question 2
Is drinking green tea for slimming reason ok to drink in diabetes?...  In particular- Fei yan green tea.

1)   Well you cant drink in diabetes lol as long as its sugar free lol - godofstone1

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Steve Dr

3)   I don't know about that particular brand, but I don't think drinking green tea plain or with a sugar substitute is bad. - DAR76

4)   about it you can get information from here - Lizzy Wilkoff

5)   First get to know the Type of Diabetes. i.e. is it High Blood Sugar or Low sugar level...?

if high then avoid everything that's containing sugar
if low then u r free to eat...ur blood sugar shud not fall lower than a specific level... - lilsmile

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Question 3
why the wounds of a diabetic person take a longer time to heal up?...  

1)   nto sure - Daniel Smith

2)   skin, your immune system and your veins/arteries are all compromised due to the sugar in your body not being used properly. - Chrys

3)   Human Body glucose and the Bacteria ,Both are interact with each other and hence the wound is late to be protected through time. - Goti Vazarkar

4)   Blood Clotting is Delayed, scratches/wounds heal slowly due to level of sugar being high in Blood... - lilsmile

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Question 4
Im 21 years old and every year when it starts to get cold i get severe knee pain at night?...  It often wakes me up & when it does its hard to bend my knee. During the day the pain isn't constant but it does hurt when I bend my knee to bend down. I sleep with my boyfriend at night in a twin sized bed which means I don't move around much at night. Anybody have any ideas on what it could be?

1)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Sachie Marburger

2)   I'm not exactly sure of what it can be, but do you do any sort of exercise throughout your days? If you're an athlete or if you do some type of exercise you should look into that more. Maybe its your shoes or something new you're trying out. But if that's not the case, you should look into your regular shoes. check if your flat footed. maybe you need arch support in your insoles. Also, since you are young, it would not hurt to take vitamins! If the pain continues you should go see a doctor. - stephanie

3)   Well 1st you need your space to sleep, if possible get a bigger can expect knee pain sometimes but not always.have you been check out for this issue? sounds like you need a bigger bed but check with your DR to make oz of prevention is worth a pound of cure. - Mel

4)   arthritis ? check into it - nobody

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Question 5
When will puss stop coming out my belly ring?...  

1)   After you get smart enough to go to a doctor and get treated for your infection. - GJSmitty1

2)   It is when the infection clears up... You might need to see a doctor depending on how bad the infection is! If you have red lines running from the piercing out...see a doctor ASAP!!! - confused?

3)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
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wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - ?

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I am so scared I have a brain tumor!?

Question 1
I am so scared I have a brain tumor!?...  I am so scared I have a brain tumor I have been noticing vision change such as seeing black dots once in a while, and sensitivity to lights. And I have been having light tingling in my legs,arms and forehead. Also some unsteadiness. But I also have a head ache,sinus pressure,sore eyes, and dizziness when standing but these I know are cased by my sever sinus infection I have.

Now 1 or 2 month ago I fell on my left side and must of hurt my left side bad but I fell and also hurt my foot and all the pain was there so I did something to my left side with out knowing. So for 6weeks now I have been sick with a sinus infection and torn muscles in my rib cage. So do you think I just have a pinched never?

Sorry if I did not make any sense I needed to write this fast!

O and I am 14 year old Female
The test that the ER people did for the chest pains was 2 chest ex~rays, 1 lower body cat scan, 14 blood test including a blood test that shows if there is ANYTHING wroung with my body/blood they found nothing I have perfect everything. Would a brain tumor show up on a blood test?
I have a doc apt on Nov 1. :p
I have mild OCD, Pain Attcks, Anxiety and I can get deprssed easily but not enough to jump of a bridge. Do you think I need glassed. I am suppose to wear soem but they are broken.
No I have been to the ER 4 times due to being really sick with the sinus infection and chest pains so they took blood but it all sums up to 14.

1)   Brain tumor?
First you need to CHILL OUT WOMAN.
If you have a brain tumor you shouldn't be thinking this hard - pikachu stapler

2)   Theres a answer to this question, ask your mom to take you to the doctor.

answer mine?;_ylt=AghEAwabOIlmDc8YieZtsx3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20101019204054AAuavBh - Kate

3)   Well first off, no. You don't have a brain tumor. All of the symptoms you mentioned are associated with your injury or your sinus infection.

It's in your head. You're a hypochondriac and I think you might have obsessive compulsive disorder. Brain tumors in children your age are extremely rare. - Gnoll Gnerd

4)   Well I do agree with Gnoll and no, a brain tumor does not show up in blood tests...Are you saying they took 14 vials of blood in one visit???

You need your glasses replaced, antibiotics for sinus infection and some prozac, which my daughter was on for anxiety. - april

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Question 2
why does my "pussy" itch really bad n stings a litle but dont sting when i pee?...  lik every now and then if i rub it a certain way or touch it it starts itching but dont sting or nothing when i pee
is it a really strong chance of std? lik really really really strong chance? or could it be an infection of some sort?

1)   cld be..herpes. Go to a gynecologist asap - Julena

2)   LOL ask ur doctor . - Devin

3)   Go to your local Walgreen and buy one of those at home yeast infection test. Drink a lot of cranberry juice. And wear cotton underwear.

Have you been sexually active in the last few months? It might not be a bad idea to go to a quick care near you to make sure you don't have an std. But it's probably just a yeast infection, which is bothersome, but nothing to worry about too much.
Hope this helps honey. - Janet

4)   I get persistant yeast infections similar to what you describe. Call your OB/GYN and ask to be checked out just to be sure that's what it is, though. Anything can trigger an itch. - Dani

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Question 3
Weird bump on lip after kissing?...  This is really strange...
Last night, I kissed a guy that I've been hanging out with for a while. It was just a few simple kisses, no tongue involved! I wake up this morning with like a pimple on my bottom lip and my bottom lip is really red. Well, I was joking on the phone with him earlier and said ugh you gave me a herpe! And he said that he woke up with a pimple on his lip and thought I gave him something!
Is this a coincidence or what could it be? It has me a little paranoid!

1)   herpes ur done for - Lars Walters

2)   Yes obviously herpes. It's known to spread an entire 10 cm radius from it's initial point of outbreak. - Aenima

3)   lol, did you bit his lip and did he bit your lip? but for real, you both should go see a doc - Shaquille

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Question 4
Do you think I have HPV? I've never had sex, however?...  I am a fourteen year old girl and both of my two elder sisters have contracted HPV differently. One has pelvic warts and is not at much risk, the other does not have the wart symptom at all but is in very high risk of cancer.

I have noticed blemished on my labia and vulva for a couple years now--way before either had contracted the illness. I think I have those from sweating or even masturbation (pains me to admit)

But I am asking this b/c I think I have accidentally used dirty towels from one sister and shared clothing with another (unknown cleanliness--haha I'm very oblivious to these kind of things).

Can I get HPV this way?? Or what is it??
I just got the first vaccine shot about a month ago through my routine check up. But Idk...ive been worried for a while.

1)   You cannot contract HPV from dirty towels. HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that causes warts and sometimes cancer. If you have never had sex or shared needles, the chances of you having this disease are slim to none. As long as you don't have sex or cross blood with anyone with the disease, you will likely never contract it.

There is a vaccine you can get if you're really worried about it. Ask your doctor or call your local health clinic for info. - Bébé.

2)   about it you can get information from here - Cecilia Vanhampler

3)   You can not get HPV from a dirty towel! only way you can get it is to have sex, annal sex, oral sex NO DIRTY TOWELS! get the shot if your that worried about it u get 3 shots in 6 mo - mommy2aprincess

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Question 5
i just found out today that i have herpes ,can my girl get herpes if i kiss her w/out a breakout?...  

1)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Mark

2)   yep, good luck with that. get some medicine for it, its on TV - Haley

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Monday, October 18, 2010

I was shocked by electricty, what are the risks.?

Question 1
I was shocked by electricty, what are the risks.?...  About 4 days ago I was shocked by 220 volts of electricity in the bathroom while my hands were kind of wet, and I was shocked for about 3 seconds what are the risks and after affects? I am a 13 year old boy, I am scared of any further problems. IF something would have happened would it have happened already, is this serious? Can any deadly things happen like cardiac arrest?
14 minutes ago - 1 week left to answer.
Additional Details
How am I going to go to a doctor if nothing hurts me, I am just frightened / curios / anxiety ish.
14 minutes ago

I don't want to die lol.
13 minutes ago

Oh yeah if you are a doctor or have experience can I get your MSN to speak.

I am afraid it will just hit me, like some heart problem and I'll just die. Like no warning or any signs that it will happen.

I have a small burn on my hand due to the electricity, also I heard you can have heart problems once you are shocked.

1)   First, get an electrician to fix your house's wiring so this doesn't happen again. - Bill M

2)   Relax. It won't have any consequences to your health. Just be sure to be more careful next time. 220 V + wet hands is really dangerous. - Es

3)   You might find the answer here - Lyndsea Irle

4)'ll be alright..the next might not be so lucky . quickly get the electrician to check and rectify the don't want have another to get you.. - bamboo

5)   Most of the damage from a shock occurs almost instantly, so everything that is going to happen to you has probably already happened and you can already see the maximum extent of your injuries. Long-term or latent problems caused by electrical shock can occur, but they are not predictable since there aren't any tests to find things that haven't yet happened. At any rate, the types of problems that have been attributed to previous electrical shock are minor problems: mood changes, and muscle, joint, or nerve injury to the limb that was shocked. No heart or brain damage (besides possible mood problems). - formerly_bob

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Question 2
normal blood pressure reading?...  

1)   well what is urs? - Fay Lee

2)   100/50 to 120/70 - KB929

3)   They key bp is usually 120/80 but if its not to far from those numbers its still normal range. Also considering what you are thinking and what you just got done doing or eating has an effect on this number. - Drea

4)   You should use altace, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Stanley Strazza

5)   120/90 - Om Prakash P

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Question 3
I'm in pain can you tell me what you think is wrong?...  I have had pain starting from my lower right side of my stomach to the top of my stomach I went to the er the other night and he didn't even feel mu stomach. They gave me two ivs full of morphine and it didn't ease the pain. I'm still in alot of pain. The doctor said he thought it was just cysts on my ovaries but I'm still in alot of pain.

1)   just?????? cysts on your ovary .i would go and see your doctor.they can be serious,you are not pregnant are you? as it could be ectopic,how did he now this anyway if he didnt examine you - dumplingmuffin

2)   check for diabetes, avoid sugar.
a1c tests are easy. - tod m

3)   about it you can get information from here - Charla Shubrick

4)   You need to go to a specialist if it is actually cysts on your ovaries. You need to see a Gynecologist or if in the States they are called OBG-YN's Get your family doctor to refer you and good Luck with this. It could be quite serious and you could have an egg stuck in the ovary. It is important you see a specialist in this case. If it is an egg in the ovary, and you do not take care of it, it can rupture and you will never be able to have children later that shows you how important I think it is. It may not be that serious but could well be. Good Luck and don't worry I just want you to know you need to get it looked at the sooner the better. All the best. - Jodyanne

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Question 4
how does the body regulate sugars for diabetes?...  

1)   It doesn't, that's what diabetes is. - Alain Suggar

2)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use avandia. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://usmdans53.notlong.comAABV6lf - Charla Shubrick

3)   It depends on the type of diabetes. Normally, the body regulates sugar by producing insulin. The pancreas is the place where insulin is produced in your body. Type 1 diabetics do not produce any insulin from the pancreas. So, they are totally unable to regulate sugar levels through insulin production. Type 2 diabetics produce some insulin but not enough to regulate all the sugar you normally eat. For this reason, some Type 2 diabetics can control their diabetes through exercise (which burns up the excess sugar) or eating less sugar and refined carbohydrates, thus needing less insulin in the first place. - thor

4)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Deana Kujawa

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Question 5
If A.I.D.S. had a smell?...  Then what would Africa smell like?

1)   africa would smell like aids - Lonlysumo

2)   If A.I.D.S. had a smell dogs would be the new CAT. - R4ND0MS0M30N3

3)   It would smell like whatever aids smelt like? - Ashley

4)   And this question is pulled in...
2... - Zombi Killa

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Whar Do you drink when your throat hurts?

Question 1
Whar Do you drink when your throat hurts?...  my throat really hurts any home remides

1)   lots of citrus. u need yur vitamins. hope u get better - Adrien

2)   Del Valle
Oil of Oreganol
Honey in Green Tea
Orange Juice

avoid milk/chocolate/sugar - Ferretsnax

3)   Hot tea with a bit of milk and honey. Yum! - Aragorn

4)   For fairly instant relief, thought short lived at times, gargle warm salt water (but don't swallow). It is a bit like being in the ocean, but it will feel better afterwards as the salt helps fluid retention. - Jared

5)   i always like drinking hot cider with some honey in it - Lane

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Question 2
Sudden pimple breakout, HELP!?...  So i woke up this morning, my forehead oily, (I have naturally dry skin so W.T.F!?) and like by my nose and on my chin there were really tiny pimples!! And on my forehead too. How can i get rid of this? FAST. Please help. And if you can, tell me what caused this or whatever. kthxbai.

1)   could be anything from stress/diet/puberty depends whats going on with you? - Trevor

2)   Have you ever had chicken pox before?because if you, havent this might be it. - B l u e luver

3)   if u any itchguard cream u can use it
apply it before sleeping
u will hav gud effect - SHIRISH

4)   This can be caused by anything from a change in diet or hygienic habits to stress or lack of sleep. Getting rid of breakouts can be easy if done step-by-step.
1. Open your pores and remove oil build up. This can be done with some very warm water and a steam activated cleanser that is designed to remove oil and soften the skin. Exfoliating products are also good for this.
2. Medicate. kill acne germs with some acne medication like Stridex pads or anything with benzoyle peroxide in it.
3. Seal up your pores and freeze out anymore oil or toxins by putting some crushed ice wrapped in a thin towel on your breakouts for about ten minutes.

**Following these steps each day should lead to a significant reduce in breakouts! =) - Holly

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Question 3
HELP ! i think i might have herpes?...  i'm only 14yrs old , i didnt even go all the way with this guy i thouqht i loved . I get it dumb idea , but i'm scared to tell my mom anything . I have this little realllllly tiny bump on my upper lip , it doesn't hurt or get nasty looking .
Also i have these bumps on my v***** small but i think it might be from shaving . but i'm soooo scared that i have herpes from a really dumb mistake . please help me. . . i dunno what to do .
please please don't talk abt how it was dumb , because i know it was a really dumb & I shouldn't have done it , please just some advice ? :'( im sooo freakin scared , i don't know what to doo!?

1)   look up pictures of herpes and see if they match, go to a doctor - ugh super ugh super ugh super

2)   You should... Learn how to spell. - Natalie Greenberg

3)   Anyway, I think this will help you - Zona Guitard

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Question 4
Smoked marijuana and had a panic attack and haven't slept in days what should i do?...  this was my 3rd time smoking if you look at my previous question it will tell you what happened but i smoked Thursday on my birthday i was turning sixteen I'm small 5"2,skinny,110 pounds but now its Sunday i still have not slept ,I'm still dizzy,very shaky,very nervous,wake up in the middle of the night and feel real woozy kinda feel like I'm drifting away from my body but this only happens at night i wanna throw up sometimes but my body wont let me i took some night time medicine at night last-night and only got probably an hour of sleep so what should i do and whats happening to me? I plan on going to the doctor tomorrow.

1)   stop smoking marijuana - EPIX AZN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2)   Watch these tips - Fairy Pierre

3)   rarely, certain drugs can have odd psychological effects on people. The exact same thing happened when my girlfriend took some Adderal when she was younger (to get high). She's been prone to panic attacks under extreme stress ever since. - Gnoll Gnerd

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Question 5
Kitten but mum is allergic?10points?...  ive asked this question a few times but i always get sarcastic and mean answers,

so my mums allergic to cats, we've had a cat before, he died when i was 10, so my mum does like cats, shes just allergic, he slept in her bed for 13 years, her allergies arent extremely bad.
im 15 in december and we have a dog now which ive recently beeen takin for an hour walk everyday, but my cousin has recently got a kitten and over the past 4 yours ive kept askin for one, but now ive said ill pay for his food for a year and ill pay for his toys and injections and stuff,
if there anyway we can reduce her allegies ifg we do get a cat because is she says its ok my cousin and uncle were going to get me one for my birthday (8th december this year) like he could sleep in my room, id clear a space for his litter tray in the dining room no ploblem, and is their any breeds that arent as allergetic?if thats even a word

ok im going on now, thankyou :)

1)   I really have no idea, but I also wish myself a cat.
maybe your mom can take medicication as she hasn't a extreme allergic.

Wish you good luck!! - anonymous

2)   i have a cat for 5 years now. the thing is,my boyfriend is also allergic.things got better when i clean my room before he stop by,also,i comb my cat so there are less her hair in my room.i leave my window open as much as i can.that's it,actually. good luck,i hope you'll get a nice cat! :) - sindel

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Whats going on with my body?

Question 1
Whats going on with my body?...  Last night I was so mad out of nowhere! I don't know what happened but I was mad for no reason! I wanted to kill someone or stab them. I wanted to throw stuff and punch stuff and kick stuff! It felt like someone or something was taking control of my body! What does this mean?

1)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Steve

2)   You forgot to take your Ritalin. - sweiland75

3)   hormones. - Sarah

4)   Had something happened that day ?
You were probably trying to take your anger out on someone.
Once you realise why you were angry the weird sensations will subside. - flozrockz

5)   hormones, tiredness or simply in a bad mood, dont worry if its just a mood like that, it will pass. dont miss out on meals throghout the day coz that can make u grumpy not eating normally. ad u need good sleeping pattern, and do a little for urself every now and then treat urself coz it will keep u more happy :) - Justin Crew

6)   I've seen a similar question here - Hartley Dobosz

7)   My brother had faced this too and he found the solution right up here - Maximillian Water

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Question 2
Contacting a doctor of Tata Memorial Center of Mumbai for Urine bladder cancer?...  I want to contact from Bangladesh for a doctor who is an expert in Urine bladder cancer to talk about the treatment and other things. If anyone has any number to contact a doctor there please let me know ASAP...very urgent

1)   Mostly it is due to side effect of some drugs. Why don't you look up the internet for tata memorial centre and call up them and ask them to provide number of some urologist. Mumbaities are very helpful in general. - shantharam bhat

2)   You are asking your question in the section for the United States why would anyone call a doctor there? Doctors in the United States do not discuss treatment options with someone who is not already a patient. - Denisedds

3)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Steve

4)   You can get help by following address.
You need to request to connect HOD Genitourinary Oncology Deptt. Head.My advise is to E-mail details to get good advise.----------------

Tata Memorial Hospital, Dr. E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai - 400 012 India. Tel. +91-22- 24177000, 24146750 - 55 Fax: +91-22-24146937
E-mail : - MOHAN

5)   My brother had faced this too and he found the solution right up here - Jancis Furcron

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Question 3
ive got a tattoo that burns?...  ive got a tattoo thats infected and im taking antibiotics ive been taking them for 3 days now but today the tattoo has started to feel like its burnin its not my first tattoo but its the only one ive had that became infected should it feel like its burning

1)   If there is blue colouration around it use Lachesis 200 one single dose once only. With best wishes. Medicines should be taken in consultation with a homeopathic doctor. - udaya k

2)   I don't think it should be feeling like this, and I would have thought that after 3 days the antibiotics should be working by now. I would suggest a return visit to the doctors.

Just as a footnote, I also have a tattoo, had it for ten years. it's never been infected, and just occasionally I get a burning feeling under the skin, never know what it is but never caused me any harm. - Chris

3)   The tatoo has become infected. Keep it covered and take Lachesis 200 one single dose once only. - flozrockz

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Question 4
Will I ever find love, even if I have genital Herpes?...  When I was 15 I had an experience where I a man forced me to have sex with him. Regardless of how sad/mad I was that that happened I figured well it's over and done with I can get on with my life. But that memory follows me everyday of my life because he gave me herpes! Now almost four years later I met someone I really liked and I told him about it and... Well he wont talk to me and refused to look at me when we had classes together. I realized that I could never put someone in the position to compromise their health but... how will I ever find love with someone?

1)   There are dating sites specially for "H-positive" people. A quick google search has come up with "" and "" amongst lots of others. Maybe you could have a look at those. Good luck and sorry to hear about your horrible experience. - Two-fifths of an engineer

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Steve

3)   Watch these tips - Myong Madhavan

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Question 5
Is there only my family who suffer with runny noses, and hacking coughs?, after the Flu jabs!...?...  At the moment my wife is spluttering like a steam loco!...

1)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Mark

2)   Nope, Tom, I had to stop getting Flu jabs years ago, I was always off work for a couple of weeks afterwards, that was years ago, but I won't be going for my free one when I finally get to that age!!! - Greybeard

3)   about it you can get information from here - Sirena Cibrian

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I need to get a fever fast?

Question 1
I need to get a fever fast?...  I heard about taking a cold shower and not drying, what if i dry but i leave my hair wet and stick my head in the freezer. Would that work?
I also tried sticking my head in the freezer without getting wet, would that do anything? But I think wet hair+freezer would work better.
I'm not looking for anything serious. Just a cold that'd last a couple days. I just want to know if getting my hair wet then putting it in the freezer would work.
I don't want to fake it either. I just want a cold.

1)   Why the hell would you even want to do that ... that's so bad for you

and if your making yourself sick purposefully your also killing your immune system - Piper

2)   Why in the world would you want a fever? A fever comes with infection. - LadyFuzzySocks

3)   If you're just trying for a fever, you're cheating. Now if you want some sick days, go find a pay phone or otherwise publicly available phone. And lick it. That will get you good and sick. Keyboards in a library work really well too.


My condolences to your family if you die. - Littlest T

4)   um, if you're just doing it to get out of school, then someone will probably be taking your temperature or feeling your head or something like that.

if they feel your head, here are some options:
blow a blowdryer on your forehead, and anywhere else you can expect to be checked.
or, rub your hands across your head. it makes friction, friction makes heatt..

if they have a thermometer, then do this:
ive heard you can hold a penny in your mouth with it, but ive never tried..
what i did was just breath heavily and slowly out of my mouth, trying to get it as hot as possible..
i did that, and it raised the temperature up about 4 degrees, enough to get me excused.

idk about freezers.. sorry. - viola dogg.

5)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Ariella Vauter

6)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Livia Flinck

7)   Old wives tales - you can't 'catch' a cold that way. If you want to be sick, go sit in a group with other sick people. A doctor's office or a hospital waiting room are 2 good choices. - pmc123

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Question 2
How do you make really really bad hedache go away?...  Have been up all night with headaches. And i have been taking meds. that don't hep me at all.
Is there anything i can do in school? I had really really mad headaches all day yesterday, And hope I do not have to go though it again.
It is killing me and I wish it would go away!!!!!!!!!


1)   benidryl - tammie.snyder

2)   First, a lot more questions for you...

Have you ever been diagnosed with migraines or seen a doctor for these headaches?
When did you start having these headaches?
When do they occur during the day? morning? night?
Do they wake you from sleep?
Have you had any nausea or vomiting?
How often have you been taking meds for your headache? and what meds?
Any blurry vision?
Before you get the headache, any flashing lights or dark spots in your vision?
What makes the headaches better or worse? light, sound?
Any family history of headaches? - jzc17

3)   i used to suffer from migraines a lot, forehead is quite goood and those soothing patches you put on your head?
but i managed to get rid of my migraines after i stopped eating oranges xD i think it was to do with the citrus in it , maybe you have something similar? - Ellie Young

4)   headaches have causes. the most common are: dehydration. drinking soda/coffee instead of water. lack of sleep. poor diet. lots of women on this site are extreme dieting. low carb diets are killers for young women and men. anxiety. most headaches are a bad combo of all of these things. i never get headaches, as i,m fortunate enough not to do any of these things. think about your life. avoid the meds. - David

5)   If you are having migraines, they will not always respond to over the counter medications like Excedrin Migraine. Sometimes the bad headaches are caused by taking pain medications, too. I hope you are not having migraine problems, but if you are, you will need to have a doctor prescribe either preventative medications (I take those) or meds that will reduce the strength of the headache after it begins.

Really painful tension headaches are a strong possibility if these are new to you. Try being sure you relax, get enough exercise, and get enough sleep. The more rested you are, the less tense you will be and the more resilient you will be. And exercise relaxes the body and mind as well.

If you have eye strain, that can give you painful headaches as well. It's also possible that your vision is not 20/20 and you need glasses.

Many maladies have headaches as one of the symptoms, so it's important that if the headaches continue you see your doctor. - D F

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Question 3
What foods or drinks help lower blood pressure?...  My husbands blood pressure is high and needs to be lower

1)   less salt, soda. exercise. reduce calories if he,s fat. more water. - David

2)   He should avoid red-meats as much as possible and eat more veggies and fruits. Vegetarians tend to have significant lower blood pressure than meat eaters. He should also avoid coffee as it temporary raises blood pressure. - Mystic

3)   Anything that makes you pee a lot. High blood pressure medication is usually just a diuretic. Water, watermelon, pineapple juice, fruits and vegetables with a high water content. - Vitamin V

4)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use altace. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Livia Flinck

5)   I had already encountered such a problem and I have found the solution here - Kimberlee Greynolds

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Question 4
Hypochondriac & symptons?...  my mum always says am hypochondriac as am always suffering with stomach prblems which the doctor says is acid reflux i also have health anxiety so this is bad when ever my stomach is playing up i reaally am in bad pain with my stomach but my mum said its all in my mind i do get bad reflux and stomach pains but could she be right saying its all just my anxiety and its all in the head x

1)   Signs and symptoms of hypochondria include:

Excessive fear or anxiety about having a particular disease or condition
Worry that minor symptoms mean you have a serious illness
Seeking repeated medical exams or consultations
"Doctor shopping," or frequently switching doctors
Frustration with doctors or medical care
Strained social relationships
Obsessive health research
Emotional distress
Frequent checking of your body for problems, such as lumps or sores
Frequent checking of vital signs, such as pulse or blood pressure
Inability to be reassured by medical exams
Thinking you have a disease after reading or hearing about it
Avoidance of situations that make you feel anxious, such as being in a hospital - Sandip Mukhopadhyay

2)   If you have acid reflux and the pain that goes with it, that could make you anxious, right? And if you are anxious, it can make your stomach act up from stress, right? So which came first, the chicken or the egg? - BlueJay

3)   I think the answer for your question is right here - Eli Motayen

4)   Hypochondriasis is when you are obsessed with having a disease, but having symptoms for a medical problem that the doctor has diagnosed isn't hypochondriacal, it's a symptom. I have had acid reflux for many years, and it changes what you eat, when you eat, and can make it difficult to get through the day some times.

If you are having pain, you NEED to talk to your doctor. Acid reflux can lead to a condition known as Barret's Esophogus, which can lead to some serious conditions such as an esophogus that closes off (forcing you to eat through a feeding tube the rest of your life) or esophogeal cancer. (My mother had this problem.) Most of the time the problem is very treatable with proton pump inhibitors such as Prilosec or Nexium, and as a couple of these are generic now, they are very inexpensive. I have had to take them for year, and while my stomach is not happy all the time, it's liveable and I rarely have trouble that keeps me awake at night or which is very uncomfortable.

make sure you drink enough fluids and try to avoid acidic drinks like coffee, tea, carbonated drinks such as sodas (especially sodas!) Avoid acid foods or foods that bother your stomach. This might be stuff that's spicy, greasy, or something that you can't figure out why it bothers you.

Just to reassure you, if you are not constantly worried about your health and thinking you are possibly contracting some fatal disease, or if you are not constantly wondering if you are sick, checking on yourself to search for symptoms, or if you don't really have a sense of satisfaction in finding symptoms or telling others about them, you are likely normal. (And don't take the above to mean that the occasional thought about health; we are talking obsession with these things.) - D F

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Question 5
can sexual intercorse rasie female blood sugar levels?...  
she is a type2 diabetic, her blood levels normally run in 250 range.. we been more active and her levels are Up running high 400... she adjusting diet and pills..

1)   only with me - laxallday

2)   if she's diabetic and you are fucking her. its more likely to drive her sugar levels down. unless you're boring in the bed - no name

3)   about it you can get information from here - Livia Flinck

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