Acne product dried my skin?... HELP AN ACNE PRODUCT DRIED THE PARTS OF MY SKIN WHICH HAVE ACNE ON IT, how do i treat those dry parts of my skin? please i need help! help me! please!
1) Go to your local pharmacy and ask for Vitamin E gels 400, its a gel, you have to break it and apply it on dry parts on your skin.
I think this is the best among the other creams and lotions available, because its natural and it does not contain any harmful ingredient, - Bobby
2) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
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wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Fteww Zseww
3) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use accutane. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Lux Alim
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Question 2
Smoking weed is harder than i thought?... I have an eighth of weed, a pipe to smoke from, and a place where it wont smell. But i have no idea what part needs to be picked out and what needs to be packed. When my friends smoke they only pack certain parts but im not sure what im supposed to do so HELP
1) LOL roll that shit light that shit smoke it . - daniel sullyboy
2) if this your first time actually trying you dnt need to be by yourself - precious.bre
3) You're supposed to pick out the stems. - Olivia J
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Question 3
Have I got irritable bowel symdrome?... I'm 17 and for about 12 weeks I've had really bad lower stomach cramps, nausea (although I've not actually been sick), really bad headaches, I've been getting full easily when eating and I've been a bit constipated. My periods have been regular-ish. I thought I might have been pregnant but I did a test at 9 weeks, which was negative. I sort of had to force the pee out though. I went to the doctor a few days ago and he examined my stomach and thinks I've got IBS. I can't eat anything at all (I've tried eating allsorts), every time I eat I get the most awful stomach cramps. When I go to the toilet my stomach cramp goes but comes back about an hour later, I'm rarely passing stools and they are hard in texture and there is nothing to wipe.
The other day I had a weird sensation in between my legs (which I can't really describe) and I sometimes get shooting pains in my rectum and uterus. I'm querying endometriosis??
What is this IBS, endometriosis or pregnancy (I'd be 12 weeks now)?
Please help, I can't bear this pain.
1) doesnt sound like IBS. i would def get a second opinion. - e.mehringer
2) Irritable Bowel syndrome is a very distinct possibility. It is a benign condition and most folks think it's when psychological issues start affecting your gastrointestinal tract. There are treatments for it, I think Bentyl is one of them. I would recommend taking a stool softener, I think you can get Colace or Peri-Colace over the counter. Also, make sure to drink water several times a day. - Jacob K
3) Im not really sure, but my mum has ibs, which gets triggered by a wheat allergy. She developed it 3 years ago, maybe lay off things whith wheat in, e.g. bread, cakes, bicuits, pizza, paistries, ect, and see if you feel better. - The Blondie
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Question 4
How do I prevent chapped lips?... I keep getting chapped lips, and I have used chap stick to no avail. Any ideas?
1) Its actually cuz yu use chap stick alot. LOl I knoe from experience cuz I take my chapstick EVERYWHERE! ...and I have to put it on many times a day...
idunno if there is any way to cure it..aaaaahhh! :] - Danny
2) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
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wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Fteww Zseww
3) well, overall skin health starts with eating healthy. eat more vegetables. and chap stick sucks. use an organic lip balm. and don't lick your lips, it will only makes your lips worse. - PILGOR
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Question 5
Need to get rid of a cyst zit fast?... So I've had this cyst on my face for about a week, and then I accidentally got elbowed in the face by a friend, right on it. So it pops right out, and and its about the size of your thumb nail, right on my cheek. And as an added bonus, there's this huge dance coming up. So last night I really started freaking out about it since the dance is today, so I looked up some ways to make it go away. I tried applying toothpaste to it before I went to bed, and it went down a little. Then, my little brother hit the cyst on accident, and it popped right out again! So are there any ways to make this thing go away in like 5 or 6 hours, or at least make it less noticeable?
1) The solution is to use concealer to cover it thinly. If your skin is dark, use a concealer beige color, or translucent colors, and transparency for a brighter skin.
So the results satisfactory use dry sponges or fingers and then close again with the foundation. Now You're safe from acne scars for some time. But do not forget to be cleaned after the party finished. - Stefania
2) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Fteww Zseww
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