I am so scared I have a brain tumor!?... I am so scared I have a brain tumor I have been noticing vision change such as seeing black dots once in a while, and sensitivity to lights. And I have been having light tingling in my legs,arms and forehead. Also some unsteadiness. But I also have a head ache,sinus pressure,sore eyes, and dizziness when standing but these I know are cased by my sever sinus infection I have.
Now 1 or 2 month ago I fell on my left side and must of hurt my left side bad but I fell and also hurt my foot and all the pain was there so I did something to my left side with out knowing. So for 6weeks now I have been sick with a sinus infection and torn muscles in my rib cage. So do you think I just have a pinched never?
Sorry if I did not make any sense I needed to write this fast!
O and I am 14 year old Female
The test that the ER people did for the chest pains was 2 chest ex~rays, 1 lower body cat scan, 14 blood test including a blood test that shows if there is ANYTHING wroung with my body/blood they found nothing I have perfect everything. Would a brain tumor show up on a blood test?
I have a doc apt on Nov 1. :p
I have mild OCD, Pain Attcks, Anxiety and I can get deprssed easily but not enough to jump of a bridge. Do you think I need glassed. I am suppose to wear soem but they are broken.
No I have been to the ER 4 times due to being really sick with the sinus infection and chest pains so they took blood but it all sums up to 14.
1) Brain tumor?
First you need to CHILL OUT WOMAN.
If you have a brain tumor you shouldn't be thinking this hard - pikachu stapler
2) Theres a answer to this question, ask your mom to take you to the doctor.
answer mine?
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AghEAwabOIlmDc8YieZtsx3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20101019204054AAuavBh - Kate
3) Well first off, no. You don't have a brain tumor. All of the symptoms you mentioned are associated with your injury or your sinus infection.
It's in your head. You're a hypochondriac and I think you might have obsessive compulsive disorder. Brain tumors in children your age are extremely rare. - Gnoll Gnerd
4) Well I do agree with Gnoll and no, a brain tumor does not show up in blood tests...Are you saying they took 14 vials of blood in one visit???
You need your glasses replaced, antibiotics for sinus infection and some prozac, which my daughter was on for anxiety. - april
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Question 2
why does my "pussy" itch really bad n stings a litle but dont sting when i pee?... lik every now and then if i rub it a certain way or touch it it starts itching but dont sting or nothing when i pee
is it a really strong chance of std? lik really really really strong chance? or could it be an infection of some sort?
1) cld be..herpes. Go to a gynecologist asap - Julena
2) LOL ask ur doctor . - Devin
3) Go to your local Walgreen and buy one of those at home yeast infection test. Drink a lot of cranberry juice. And wear cotton underwear.
Have you been sexually active in the last few months? It might not be a bad idea to go to a quick care near you to make sure you don't have an std. But it's probably just a yeast infection, which is bothersome, but nothing to worry about too much.
Hope this helps honey. - Janet
4) I get persistant yeast infections similar to what you describe. Call your OB/GYN and ask to be checked out just to be sure that's what it is, though. Anything can trigger an itch. - Dani
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Question 3
Weird bump on lip after kissing?... This is really strange...
Last night, I kissed a guy that I've been hanging out with for a while. It was just a few simple kisses, no tongue involved! I wake up this morning with like a pimple on my bottom lip and my bottom lip is really red. Well, I was joking on the phone with him earlier and said ugh you gave me a herpe! And he said that he woke up with a pimple on his lip and thought I gave him something!
Is this a coincidence or what could it be? It has me a little paranoid!
1) herpes ur done for - Lars Walters
2) Yes obviously herpes. It's known to spread an entire 10 cm radius from it's initial point of outbreak. - Aenima
3) lol, did you bit his lip and did he bit your lip? but for real, you both should go see a doc - Shaquille
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Question 4
Do you think I have HPV? I've never had sex, however?... I am a fourteen year old girl and both of my two elder sisters have contracted HPV differently. One has pelvic warts and is not at much risk, the other does not have the wart symptom at all but is in very high risk of cancer.
I have noticed blemished on my labia and vulva for a couple years now--way before either had contracted the illness. I think I have those from sweating or even masturbation (pains me to admit)
But I am asking this b/c I think I have accidentally used dirty towels from one sister and shared clothing with another (unknown cleanliness--haha I'm very oblivious to these kind of things).
Can I get HPV this way?? Or what is it??
I just got the first vaccine shot about a month ago through my routine check up. But Idk...ive been worried for a while.
1) You cannot contract HPV from dirty towels. HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that causes warts and sometimes cancer. If you have never had sex or shared needles, the chances of you having this disease are slim to none. As long as you don't have sex or cross blood with anyone with the disease, you will likely never contract it.
There is a vaccine you can get if you're really worried about it. Ask your doctor or call your local health clinic for info. - Bébé.
2) about it you can get information from here http://mdcan75.notlong.com/4AAFb5W - Cecilia Vanhampler
3) You can not get HPV from a dirty towel! only way you can get it is to have sex, annal sex, oral sex NO DIRTY TOWELS! get the shot if your that worried about it u get 3 shots in 6 mo - mommy2aprincess
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Question 5
i just found out today that i have herpes ,can my girl get herpes if i kiss her w/out a breakout?...
1) I recommend you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Mark
2) yep, good luck with that. get some medicine for it, its on TV - Haley
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