sexually transmitted disease help!?... before my current boyfriend, I had sex with a guy taht I wasnt dating about 4 or 5 times.. most time was without a condom. the last time ihad sex with this guy was around the end of June.The next time i had sex would be august 12th with my current bf. He is now freaking out because the kid i had sex with before supposively has a "disease" but i show no syymptoms.. and its been around 5 months. The only thing ive noticed is that the left side of my vagina has been itchy and ive had a few yeast infections in the past. What could this itch be? it iches sometimes then stops..
1) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use cialis. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Tawna Hemp
2) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Johen Heaberlin
3) get a blood test - Richard Andrew
4) Seems like a yeast infection, but really I'd just go get tested. I'm one of those freak outs where i worry about EVERYTHING. Although the guy may not admit or KNOW for that matter, you can always ask him if he's having symptoms of an STD of some sorts. - Sam
5) Okay,, you need to go to the doctors because honestly this might not be just a a yeast infection. Itchiness can definitely be a symptom of some of STD. Get checked out because you want to get this treated before it gets too bad, whether its a Std or a yeast infection. You not suppose to be itching, that isn't normal. - *Prettyness*
6) You should go to the clinic and get tested for sure.
If you do you ned to know now, get yur medication for it, and hopefully havent spread it to yur Current Bf.
Yeast infections usually deal w/itching, burning when urinating, and pain, nd sumtimes vaginal discharge.
Use a condom - Waka Flocka Flame
7) You should go to your local health department or health service center and get an STD test. Regardless of your itchy vag, you should probably get one once per year if you have had multiple partners with unprotected sex. Most STD's have no symptoms in females unless the STD goes untreated for a long time. - A.C.
8) thats really dirty eww - karen
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Question 2
do you still get your period if you have an std?... just curious
1) As far as I know regardless of the STD, you surely get your period. The only thing that stops that is menopause, pregnancy and a handful of disorders. - --Leota
2) yes and some of them might give you spotty bleeding through out the month. the only std most people dont have a period for is pregnancy lol - emma
3) I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Kate
4) Yes. In most cases, STD's do not keep your period from occurring. On the contrary, many STD's, if they are left untreated, can leave a female infertile. But that is different than not having a period. - A.C.
5) about it you can get information from here - Vivienne Rivenburg
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Question 3
i've got mushrooms growing on my balls!!!?... OK, my ex-girlfriend has blue waffles, and i decided that i loved her enough to have (un-protected) animal-sex in the back of my truck, and since i slept with her that night, i have noticed small greyish things on my testicles, so i decided to not take a bath for a few days, and they grew into small mushrooms...also, whenever i pee, blue fluid comes out, and it floats on-top of my urine in the toilet. i shaved all the hair down there, and took a bath, but i had to scrape the mushrooms off. they smell very bad, this a male-version of blue waffles?
1) you are one of the stupidest people i hav ever met and your obviously lying - c-dog
2) well... good luck with that... i'm sure there's someone out there that finds you hilarious.
But I'm not seeing anyone on here.
Grow up. - Sam
3) Blue Waffle [bloo-wof-uh l] : A battered or infected lady cake of blue or green colouring, often brought about by extreme rammage to the female taco with penis or similar device. Blue Waffle infections are a result of dirty skank whoreness of the smack head variety and are abundant in areas of extreme chav infestations as well as areas high in whoredom.
So i'm pretty sure it can't be passed on. You should go too a doctor. - Proud.Teen.Mom.
4) This is smoove retarded.
Like wtf. - Waka Flocka Flame
5) Aww how cute! i wuv mushrooms! <3 - emma
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Question 4
bloating after eating?...
1) any carbs will make you bloat after eating them. every time i eat potatoes i bloat too. - Ashley
2) alllergic reaction - ABC
3) Your obviously eating too much. Don't eat until your full or can no longer take no more, eat until your satisfyed. & don't eat your food too fast. - ‹^› ( ◣_◢ ) ‹^›
4) Could be carbs, could be you're eating too much in one meal, or it could be that you have a food intolerance/allergy. So try eating healthier, more balanced meals, eating less food, or have yourself tested. - Donna M
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Question 5
i have blisters on my stomach?... i have blisters on my stomach, they look like insect bites and they itch A LOT! yesterday i found one in my vaginal area..and 2 by my armpit, i'm really scared i don't know what to do ! im only 15 ! i need an Answer ASAP!
1) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Nice Cutes
2) about it you can get information from here - Rashida Pettitt
3) if you shave your stomach, armpit, and the vaginal arears it could be a razer burn and i had those, it is hell to get ride of - Saphire Denporte
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