Is it normal of me to pick my skin and eat it?Am i a cannibal for this?... For some reason i like to pick my skin when a scab or when my skin is pealing and eat it.Is this normal for a person to do this?
1) Hell no. That is gross.... - Wilde
2) I don't know
But the ladies love me and call me a cannibal because I eat them up. - YAHOO'S WORST NIGHTMARE
3) I remember I used to do that too. Lol. It's like taking a shit and then looking at it cause let's face it, we wanna know what we crapped out. haha, I stopped though when i was like 14. I dont know if this is normal. W.e. its not a big deal - justabe1020
4) hahaha omggg i do that too. i cant help it. its ur own skin so it shouldnt be a problem haha - brittany
5) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
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wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - ?
6) Hello! How do you think they make beef jerky♥ Ha Ha♥ - iggiboogirl
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Question 2
Is drinking green tea for slimming reason ok to drink in diabetes?... In particular- Fei yan green tea.
1) Well you cant drink in diabetes lol as long as its sugar free lol - godofstone1
2) I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Steve Dr
3) I don't know about that particular brand, but I don't think drinking green tea plain or with a sugar substitute is bad. - DAR76
4) about it you can get information from here - Lizzy Wilkoff
5) First get to know the Type of Diabetes. i.e. is it High Blood Sugar or Low sugar level...?
if high then avoid everything that's containing sugar
if low then u r free to eat...ur blood sugar shud not fall lower than a specific level... - lilsmile
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Question 3
why the wounds of a diabetic person take a longer time to heal up?...
1) nto sure - Daniel Smith
2) skin, your immune system and your veins/arteries are all compromised due to the sugar in your body not being used properly. - Chrys
3) Human Body glucose and the Bacteria ,Both are interact with each other and hence the wound is late to be protected through time. - Goti Vazarkar
4) Blood Clotting is Delayed, scratches/wounds heal slowly due to level of sugar being high in Blood... - lilsmile
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Question 4
Im 21 years old and every year when it starts to get cold i get severe knee pain at night?... It often wakes me up & when it does its hard to bend my knee. During the day the pain isn't constant but it does hurt when I bend my knee to bend down. I sleep with my boyfriend at night in a twin sized bed which means I don't move around much at night. Anybody have any ideas on what it could be?
1) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Sachie Marburger
2) I'm not exactly sure of what it can be, but do you do any sort of exercise throughout your days? If you're an athlete or if you do some type of exercise you should look into that more. Maybe its your shoes or something new you're trying out. But if that's not the case, you should look into your regular shoes. check if your flat footed. maybe you need arch support in your insoles. Also, since you are young, it would not hurt to take vitamins! If the pain continues you should go see a doctor. - stephanie
3) Well 1st you need your space to sleep, if possible get a bigger can expect knee pain sometimes but not always.have you been check out for this issue? sounds like you need a bigger bed but check with your DR to make oz of prevention is worth a pound of cure. - Mel
4) arthritis ? check into it - nobody
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Question 5
When will puss stop coming out my belly ring?...
1) After you get smart enough to go to a doctor and get treated for your infection. - GJSmitty1
2) It is when the infection clears up... You might need to see a doctor depending on how bad the infection is! If you have red lines running from the piercing out...see a doctor ASAP!!! - confused?
3) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
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wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - ?
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