Saturday, October 30, 2010

Can a pediatrician test for hiv?

Question 1
Can a pediatrician test for hiv?...  the one i see also sees other teens and ppl up till they are 21 years of age, im 18 and there really is no one else i can see since the usual place for hiv testing is always crowded, and my parents dont know that i have had sex before.
thank you everyone who gave me an actual answer. i had sex over a year ago, it was my first time.

1)   Yes, but if he/she doesn't have the rapid test then you might have to wait for blood test results which can take up to a week. - alym

2)   Pretty much any doctor can perform an HIV test when requested. If you are going to a doctor instead of a health clinic or public nurse the fee can be a lot larger. - Jammy Dieselbug

3)   Cree, that is terrible, how could you have sex before marriage?
Have you read the bible? You've committed the sin of fornication.
Go to church and pray to Jesus Christ, pray for forgiveness, sinful child. - errm

4)   Anyone who can take blood and send it to the lab can test it for you. Doctors/ hospitals etc

If you had sex less than 3 months ago you might need to go back then to get another test as it might not show up till then,

and omg don' t listen to that ermmm freak. - miss

5)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use zerit. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - See Gaines

6)   Your Dr can order a test for will be done discretely..any local lab can draw the blood and have it tested..sometimes you are given a # so no one even knows your name..You are wise to get tested before you get into trouble..remember condoms are the very best preventer of HIV, next to abstinence.. - jst4pat

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Question 2
Do I suffer from insomnia?...  Well I wanted to know if I had insomnia. I have a really hard time sleeping at night, even if I know that I have to wake up early the next morning. On weekends I can sleep for 12 hours or more. On school days i go to sleep and 3 am and wake up at 6 am. I sleep in school and crash when I go home, I'm not usually irritable but I get that way sometimes. I'm really scared for my health to be honest. I'm 16 years old. I believe I've suffer from severe depression. I am very stressed and weirdly scared of the dark lol (I'm too old for that) but I sleep with the light off sometimes, but I am a little paranoid with it. I see weird things sometimes in the dark o_o plz tell me if this is normal or should I talk to a doctor or therapy. Lets be serious.
This has been happening EVERY day for a few years now.

1)   everyone has insomnia at one point or another so its not abnormal

try some over the counter sleeping aids ex. unisom
but try not to use it for long periods otherwise your body gets used to it

otherwise go to the sleep clinic or go see a psychologist - The Ƨky is ßlue

2)   Honestly hun I have been there and I know how it feels. The best thing for you to do is develop an regular sleep pattern. That means going to bed and getting up at the same time everyday. You need 6-8 hours of sleep...if not more. 3 hours/night while in school is not enough. It may be hard at first but you NEED to get into a routine. his will help with your depression and your overall health. You will have more energy and I promise you will like life a lot more. I went through this for years before finally figuring it out and unfortunalty I have chronic health problems because of it. Do what you can now. Follow my advice.... life will turn around for you. - Bek

3)   depression always cause you to lose sleep because you keep thinking about depressed problems so you cannot relax to sleep - tritran5555(poetri)

4)   Both my teens (17 & 14) are the same way sleeping wise except for the sleeping in school. Sounds to me you possible might have your days and nights mixed up. Try this when you get home from school make it a point to go for a walk or do some excersize. That should boost the adrenaline to keep you up. Dont sleep with the tv on or a bright light it interferes with your REM state of sleep. Try instead of a lava lamp or something that will give some light but not enough to interfere with sleep. Or do what I do sleep with something to hit what ever with. Yes I get scared of the dark sometimes also. As far as stress.. excersize helps alot, meditation, talking to someone, getting a hobby just anything to get your mind off of what you are stressed about. There is nothing wrong with talking to a doctor because maybe your hormones are out of wack you are a teenager after all and it happens sometimes. - Diakara

5)   Well, I want to be honest with you ok. As a teenager, you need a lot of sleep. Going to bed late and sleep late is what my 17 year olds love to do. My daughter will do the same thing as you some days, but I stress to her not to take a matter how tired she is, that way she can get to sleep that evening. I do believe that many teens suffer from undiagnosed depression and I think speaking to a therapist would be a good place to start. They may be able to give you better in site since they can sit face to face with you than I can on Yahoo! Answers. Please feel free to e-mail me if you have questions about anything. You take care! - angelar1974

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Question 3
Clenching jaw in sleep?...  Sometimes in my sleep ill feel myself clench my teeth together so hard that im afraid im going to break them, and i cant stop myself without taking my hands and prying it apart so that the tension is gone. I think i have a condition, it happens on rare occasions, what is this?

1)   Well i doubt its lockjaw, but its probably just "nighttime clenching". You can buy a night-guard or a mouthguard. Definitely see your dentist, they can help - This Stunna

2)   its not a condition but yes it can damage your teeth and you need a Protector that will stop you doing this you can get it from your dentist. This can be a cause of stress or just a natural cause - Hovis

3)   It's from stress. I had it too. My dentist told me to get a mouth piece to help with this. You can get them at Walmart and the pharmacist will know what you are talking about. They look sort of like a tooth whitening tray, but they are better and made to help with clenching. It makes it softer.

Meanwhile, just tell yourself you can't solve tomorrow's problems tonight, and to go to sleep. It takes practice, but it helps.

Added: Mouthguard! That's right. - Karen

4)   night gaurds really help. Also how stressed are you? Maybe try some stress relieving activities before bed??? - Bek

5)   Not all night time clenching is from stress. It may be a condition like TMJ and then hyper-mobility that causes your jaw to dislocate when you clench. I happen to have these conditions and stress isn't a factor. I just wanted to let you know that there are jaw conditions, but I would talk to your dentist and if that goes no where speak with your family doctor. Ruling things out is important. You have to be your own advocate when you go to a physician. - angelar1974

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Question 4
how to get rid of a cold sore?...  I have a cold sore and i wanted to try the toothpaste and salt thing but i will take any other suggestions also is there a specific kind of toothpaste i should use???

1)   stop sucking cock. kupo. - Mog

2)   I would use toothpaste.
LOL & I know this sounds silly but I always heard that if you kiss a redhead it will go away. - Amanduhh

3)   The best way to get rid of cold sores without a prescription is abreva cream. topical and systemic lysine have also been said to have some benefit but are not proven. - alym

4)   There are a few super expensive prescription kinds that always work. Over-the-counter stuff like that toothpaste takes longer and is less affective, but if you don't want to blow 30 bucks, then use the toothpaste. - Nathan

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Question 5
I literally ate a pizza my friend sneezed on 6 times.?...  Was it stupid of me? Her allergies were acting up and she was making a pizza for me and kept sneezing on it without covering up. Wet sneezes with a lot of spit and snot to be exact. Were the sneezes germ free? I'm scared now! I was so hungry

1)   sneezes always have germs, so basically you ate a germ pizza.. - Stephanie

2)   first of all as a friend you should tell her that it is important to cover your mouth when you sneeze. I personally think it is very gross and I never eat anything that has other people's germs on it. Now that you have you probably will either catch a virus or nothing will happen, considering your friend isn't sick.

Next time be more careful, ew how can you lol. - Mel

3)   If it was from allergies then it is very unlikely that you be effected from her sneezes.

The only way you can get sick from someone else is if they were sick themselves at the time.

It wasn't stupid of you to eat the pizza but it was a very very bad idea if I must say so myself lol - Black Panther

4)   maybe the germs were baked out haha - I_Love_Jamba_Juice_&_Soccer

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