Whar Do you drink when your throat hurts?... my throat really hurts any home remides
1) lots of citrus. u need yur vitamins. hope u get better - Adrien
2) Del Valle
Oil of Oreganol
Honey in Green Tea
Orange Juice
avoid milk/chocolate/sugar - Ferretsnax
3) Hot tea with a bit of milk and honey. Yum! - Aragorn
4) For fairly instant relief, thought short lived at times, gargle warm salt water (but don't swallow). It is a bit like being in the ocean, but it will feel better afterwards as the salt helps fluid retention. - Jared
5) i always like drinking hot cider with some honey in it - Lane
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Question 2
Sudden pimple breakout, HELP!?... So i woke up this morning, my forehead oily, (I have naturally dry skin so W.T.F!?) and like by my nose and on my chin there were really tiny pimples!! And on my forehead too. How can i get rid of this? FAST. Please help. And if you can, tell me what caused this or whatever. kthxbai.
1) could be anything from stress/diet/puberty depends whats going on with you? - Trevor
2) Have you ever had chicken pox before?because if you, havent this might be it. - B l u e luver
3) if u any itchguard cream u can use it
apply it before sleeping
u will hav gud effect - SHIRISH
4) This can be caused by anything from a change in diet or hygienic habits to stress or lack of sleep. Getting rid of breakouts can be easy if done step-by-step.
1. Open your pores and remove oil build up. This can be done with some very warm water and a steam activated cleanser that is designed to remove oil and soften the skin. Exfoliating products are also good for this.
2. Medicate. kill acne germs with some acne medication like Stridex pads or anything with benzoyle peroxide in it.
3. Seal up your pores and freeze out anymore oil or toxins by putting some crushed ice wrapped in a thin towel on your breakouts for about ten minutes.
**Following these steps each day should lead to a significant reduce in breakouts! =) - Holly
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Question 3
HELP ! i think i might have herpes?... i'm only 14yrs old , i didnt even go all the way with this guy i thouqht i loved . I get it dumb idea , but i'm scared to tell my mom anything . I have this little realllllly tiny bump on my upper lip , it doesn't hurt or get nasty looking .
Also i have these bumps on my v***** small but i think it might be from shaving . but i'm soooo scared that i have herpes from a really dumb mistake . please help me. . . i dunno what to do .
please please don't talk abt how it was dumb , because i know it was a really dumb & I shouldn't have done it , please just some advice ? :'( im sooo freakin scared , i don't know what to doo!?
1) look up pictures of herpes and see if they match, go to a doctor - ugh super ugh super ugh super
2) You should... Learn how to spell. - Natalie Greenberg
3) Anyway, I think this will help you http://www.google.com/url?q= - Zona Guitard
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Question 4
Smoked marijuana and had a panic attack and haven't slept in days what should i do?... this was my 3rd time smoking if you look at my previous question it will tell you what happened but i smoked Thursday on my birthday i was turning sixteen I'm small 5"2,skinny,110 pounds but now its Sunday i still have not slept ,I'm still dizzy,very shaky,very nervous,wake up in the middle of the night and feel real woozy kinda feel like I'm drifting away from my body but this only happens at night i wanna throw up sometimes but my body wont let me i took some night time medicine at night last-night and only got probably an hour of sleep so what should i do and whats happening to me? I plan on going to the doctor tomorrow.
1) stop smoking marijuana - EPIX AZN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2) Watch these tips http://www.google.com/url?q= - Fairy Pierre
3) rarely, certain drugs can have odd psychological effects on people. The exact same thing happened when my girlfriend took some Adderal when she was younger (to get high). She's been prone to panic attacks under extreme stress ever since. - Gnoll Gnerd
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Question 5
Kitten but mum is allergic?10points?... ive asked this question a few times but i always get sarcastic and mean answers,
so my mums allergic to cats, we've had a cat before, he died when i was 10, so my mum does like cats, shes just allergic, he slept in her bed for 13 years, her allergies arent extremely bad.
im 15 in december and we have a dog now which ive recently beeen takin for an hour walk everyday, but my cousin has recently got a kitten and over the past 4 yours ive kept askin for one, but now ive said ill pay for his food for a year and ill pay for his toys and injections and stuff,
if there anyway we can reduce her allegies ifg we do get a cat because is she says its ok my cousin and uncle were going to get me one for my birthday (8th december this year) like he could sleep in my room, id clear a space for his litter tray in the dining room no ploblem, and is their any breeds that arent as allergetic?if thats even a word
ok im going on now, thankyou :)
1) I really have no idea, but I also wish myself a cat.
maybe your mom can take medicication as she hasn't a extreme allergic.
Wish you good luck!! - anonymous
2) i have a cat for 5 years now. the thing is,my boyfriend is also allergic.things got better when i clean my room before he stop by,also,i comb my cat so there are less her hair in my room.i leave my window open as much as i can.that's it,actually. good luck,i hope you'll get a nice cat! :) - sindel
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