Do i have appendicitis?... I know your supposed to see a doctor and i will but before i do i want to know if i just pulled a muscle or slept wrong or if i might have appendicitis.
the pain is mostly in my mid back and only a little bit in the front to the immediate left of my stomach.
what is strange to me is the pain is in the lower part of the front of my body but at the mid section of my back like a diagonal line of pain.
in my back it feels like i have only pulled a muscle but why the pain is in the front i don't know.
it has been going on for 2-3 days now but it isn't moving to the right like appendicitis does.
it helps to lay on my back but still like every hour or 2 something inside of me will like move and it feels like its between my back and front of my body.
but the pain is mild if im laying down sitting or walking. if i was to like do a flip or bend my body in an odd way it would probably be moderate to severe.
Also today the back pain has moved up to right below my shoulder blade the pain in the front hurts less but is still there.
Also i just got better from a cold type of thing and i had sore throat and runny nose but no puking or any of that. just runny nose and sore throat.
1) yes. - Super Aguilas
2) If there is a lot pain, you should visit the ER. You don't want it to burst. I know when my brother had it, he was voming constantly. - JBuck
3) Go to the doctor if it gets worse..if you have it, you will know it because it is a sharp pain. However, you don't want to wait in case it bursts. My suggestion is to go to the! - katt44
4) You should see
I hope that helps you too as it helped me.
Check the multiple links over there. they'll surely be a help - Joe
5) "Do i have appendicitis?" -- You haven't described appendicitis. - TweetyBird
6) this sounds to me like a case of the "Wish you were sicks". with appendicitis you would barely be able to move, the pain would be slightly relieved by pressing on the area hard and appendicitis usually includes high fever and vomiting. you have stretched a muscle it sounds more like you have many core muscles in your abdominal, torso and hip areas aswell as ligaments and tendons and so anyone one of these can cause pain when injured. just rest for a few days by not putting pressure on that area and try not to bend or use it much - Stephen
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Question 2
Can getting shampoo in your eyes cause damage to them?...
1) if you rinse your eye with water thoroughly then there should be no damage to the eye
but if left then can cause a blurriness - Matt Carrre
2) Obviously. Thats why it hurts. Thats your body's way of telling you this is bad for you. Thats why pain is a good thing. Children who cannot feel pain often go blind because they damage their eye by putting things in it, they wouldnt understand not to do this because their body doesnt tell them - peanut 2
3) You should see
I hope that helps you too as it helped me.
Check the multiple links over there. they'll surely be a help - Alex
4) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Dszww Vdfeww
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Question 3
I can taste blood - related to GERD. HELP advice please?... Okay I have GERD ( Gastroesophageal reflux disease ) for over 3 years now.
And it's not going away any time soon although it's carmed ALOT since it first appeared.
My problem is, I can taste blood, i just got a gasp of air like a small burp that came up and i felt alot going off in my oesophagus.. and all of a sudden i could taste blood.. i also woke up today tasting blood, as GERD is worse in the mornings.
Is there anything to be worried about ?
I'm not on PPI's anymore..
I don't take anything because its not as bad as it used to be.
Any doctors ? thanks
1) You should get that checked cause you are probably having esophageal bleeds. - Robert
2) It's a sign of kidney failure - don't ask me why - Ginny Jin
3) eat small meals and don't eat within 4 hours of bed.
take an antacid before bed.
check for diabetes, watch the sugar. - tod m
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Question 4
is gastrointestinal fatal?...
1) YES! Rip out your entire gastrointestinal tract immediately. Holding a live grenade right next to your belly would be a good way to do this. Or, if you have access to a samurai short sword, you can rip yourself open with that. In the latter case it would help to have a second standing above you with a full size samurai sword to lop off your head as soon as you carve yourself up. - Ted K
2) well actually life is fatal. sooner or later we all die.and when you do die, it really does not matter , because you wil be dead, and will not know that you died , just because you are dead.
so instead of worrying about your health. enjoy your life while you still are alive.
I say this because I have cancer and i am going to die. .....just like everyone else.
But there is a good side to dieing.... you won't have to deal with life problems anymore and you won't worry about dieing either - chase
3) You should use metoclopramide, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Margo Croissant
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Question 5
is it normal for chest to feel heavy and cold while on meth?...
1) not alot people would be able to answer this since PEOPLE WHO DO METH ARE ABNORMAL. - ALan
2) Yes because it affects your heart. That is how most meth users die actually, the impact to the heart. You feel heavy and cold because your heart is struggling to keep your circulation going. Your blood isn't fully oxygenated so you feel cold. It is a very bad sign that meth is about to do its final dirty work on you. - SethSpeaks
3) You should use deltasone, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Margo Croissant
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