Monday, April 18, 2011

what is the white stuff that comes out of a pimple?

Question 1
what is the white stuff that comes out of a pimple?...  ????????

1)   Pus - Mitch Daveswell

2)   dirt,grease,puss,cum. - I am just a shadow

3)   Pus... dead lymphocytes (white blood cells). - MissisipiBlueEyedGirl

4)   Bacteria - Creditcrm

5)   Puss - Rootbeerlover

6)   PUSSSSSS - Eliot

7)   its called puss and its normal. - OverMyAge

8)   How to Get Rid of Pimples with Natural Remedies
Whether good or bad, if seeking overnight, one day treatment for pimples and pimple marks at home, one should remember that it is not practically possible. There are a wide variety of tried and tested home remedies that can treat pimples in an effective manner. These home remedies could be used for pimples on the back as well. Some popularly known pimple remedies are:

• Pimples can disappear without scars by rubbing garlic on pimples several times a day. Make sure that you do not do this very vigorously or you will break the skin and this can cause intense burning when the raw skin comes in contact with fresh garlic juice.

• Apply lemon or orange peel, pounded to paste with water on pimple affected areas regularly. You can also add this powder to a little gram flour and honey so that it forms a thick paste. Massage this paste into your skin as it will help to cleanse your skin as well as nourish it.

• Grated cucumber applied over the face for fifteen minutes and then washed with water can help prevent pimples, blackheads and dryness of the face. If you have been popping your pimples, it would be advisable to use this home remedy for pimples to help soothe the inflamed asking. This remedy will also help to fortify your skin and keep it well moisturized. You can also use this pimple remedy at other times as a preventative measure to keep your skin free of pimples.

• Mix a teaspoon of honey with half teaspoon each of camphor lotion and tomato juice. Apply this mixture on the pimples and wash after fifteen minutes with lukewarm water followed by cold water. This also helps lighten spots or marks left by pimples - Ovilia Fernandes

9)   Pus and dead skin - Claire Voyant

10)   Snail eggs - Juan Alzate

11)   Dirt greece etc - Sachin

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Question 2
are these stretch marks?...  i have gained a little weight, probably about ten pounds but im definately NOT big. I have these strecthmark looking things right on the back of my thigh right under my butt cheak. I cant tell if their stretchmarks or not because there red looking lines and ive seen stretch marks arent they usually white? well what do you think i could be, and should i see a doctor. AND what should i do to get rid of them?
thanks for your advice(:

1)   Stretch marks and dark skin remedies

The easiest remedy to get rid of stretch marks is using lemon juice. The juice of lemon is known for its bleaching properties. You can apply the juice on your marks and let it dry there
Applying Vitamin E on the marks is also an effective way to fade them. If you don't have Vitamin E oil, use the contents of a capsule of Vitamin E on your marks.

For dark lips you can use the lemon juice. You can apply this over night and wash it off in the morning. You can use milk cream and turmeric on your lips and your face. This will help to lighten the color of your skin. You can also use beat up the white of a raw egg and add some drops of almond oil to it. Apply this to your face and let it dry before you wash it off. A paste made of gram flour and a few drops of milk is also effective. Add a pinch of turmeric to this and apply on your face and your lips. Let it dry before you wash it off using circular motions. You can also apply Aloe Vera gel on your face. Apply it at bedtime and leave it on over night. Our natural treatment for stretch marks will present to you a wide range of techniques that you can use to make those irritating stretch marks vanish forever.

Cocoa Butter - Cocoa butter is one of the best methods of getting rid of stretch marks. Cocoa butter can be found in many moisturizing lotions and creams.

However, the best way is to buy a stick of cocoa butter and apply it liberally and regularly over your stretch marks until they disappear.
Vitamins and minerals - The importance of vitamin E as a natural treatment for stretch marks cannot be overstated. The best way is to make a mixture of vitamin E extract, Aloe Vera and cocoa butter and gently apply the mixture over the affected area. Another effective vitamin for fighting stretch marks is vitamin A.

Vitamin A is a key ingredient in many stretch mark removal creams and can also be used a natural treatment for stretch marks. Vitamin K is another powerhouse that can be used to treat stretch marks. Many creams contain vitamin K and these should be applied on the affected area at least twice a day.

In addition you should consume foods that are rich in vitamin K such as green vegetables, tomatoes and dairy products. Zinc is an important mineral that can help to reduce the occurrence of stretch marks. You should consume foods that are rich in zinc such as seeds and nuts especially during times of pregnancy.
Aromatherapy - There are also many aromatherapy oils that are also very effective in treating stretch marks.

Oils containing extracts of lavender have been used for generations to treat stretch marks. Other aromatherapy oils that are also used include chamomile, jojoba, sweet almond and avocado.
Natural apricot scrub - Apricots have therapeutic properties that make them an ideal natural treatment for stretch marks. You can use an apricot-based cream or simply rub an apricot on the affected area of your skin for fast results. - Ovilia Fernandes

2)   there not stretch marks i think there cellulite :( thats even worse or maybe its the marking of your undies lol :) - Laura Sassine

3)   i seen some commercial with some kind of lotion that suppossed to help - BIGE

4)   No they are not stretchmarks. Like you said they are white looking.

They are probably veins. You should aplly creams to get rid of them.

Answer mine:;_ylt=Auy_lEZ.Ap4Ti9NzDl0gv4Xsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110418213857AA9og3V - AllanMAN

5)   To me these look like fresh stretch marks. They turn white or a silvery pink color as they heal or go away. Freshies are bright pink purple or a mix of both normally, try rubbing shea butter on them when you wake up and go to bed. Good luck!! - Becca Swindell

6)   if theyr not stretch marks from gaining weight then theyr probably from just growing tall of something. usually stretch marks are a bit of a purple color and are inverted. u can go to see a doctor if ur consernd. to get rid of stretch marks they have creams but im not sure if u can really ridith of it all together. - OverMyAge

7)   Hellow there.

I would not be worry if i would be you. I don't think so you need to see a doctor.
i have stretch marks on my hips because i used to be really over weighed.
And i got stretchmarks after i start to work on to loos weight. I got them on my biceps close to my shoulders.

They are red until they gonna be healed.Afterwards they gonna turn into the whiteis colour you mentioned earlier. And you won't be able to notice it. Only if you gonna take a close look at it. - Szabi

8)   they sound like stretch marks to me. they may start out red and fade over time. im not big either and i have some on my thighs. ive been doing a laser treatment to reduce them. you can start using lotions and body butter to prevent any more! use it on thighs, buttttt, hips, underarms, boobs, anywhere that is prone to stretch marks! lol ummm, they seriously suck....if you started taking birth control that may be the cause. i just found that out when i saw the doctor that did my laser treatment! other then that the cause can be puberty, or just genetics. because you said you wernt fat so its gotta be one of those! GOODLUCK! - Nancy Bell

9)   They are most definetly stretch marks. Fresh stretch marks are red or even purple lines. With years the stretch marks that do become old also change in appereance to white or to your skin tone..but definetly not to even your skin tone.

Use the Maderma lotion. I highly recommend it. I've used it myself and it delivers fast results.

Good luck.

Also if you exercise your skin might get toned and you the stretch marks may be no that visible. - PAIX!

10)   First of all I hope u gained those 10 lb in muscle and height... second its probably ur butt is having a fit just spray ur @** with axe n you'll be fine - Juan Alzate

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Question 3
How do you get rid of mosquito bites?...  I'm on vacation in Hawaii where it is very humid and I am also VERY prone to mosquito bites :( Last night I got 2 mosquito bites on both sides of my arm near my elbow. They swelled up and now there is a HUGE lump on my arm and I can't bend it. Please help they itch like crazy and like I said because of them I can't move my arm. How do I get them to be smaller and not itch???

1)   Rub butter on them. - Davey Joe

2)   Cut your arms off. - Juan Alzate

3)   The best solution just put your hand in warm water and gentile rub instead of scratching. - Star Shine

4)   One of the best ways to tackle mosquito bites is to make a solution of a cup of water to which you have added about 10 crushed aspirins. This can be applied to the bites for instant relief and sanitization. This will also ensure that you are not bitten again, as aspirin will act as a natural repellant. Alternately, you can also apply salt water solution to take care of mosquito bites. This will work the same way. Instead of using plain salt, you can also use Epsom salts or baking soda for the same effect. In order to repel mosquitoes further, you can also add a few drops of organic vinegar to this solution.

Another effective remedy which will provide relief is making a water-based solution of camphor and applying this to the bites. Crush a few pieces of camphor and add them to a cup of water. Let this stand for a couple of days and then use. Similarly, it is believed that applying Vicks Vaporub to the bites will also provide soothing relief as well as prevent mosquitoes from attacking further. Calamine lotion is also an excellent remedy for relief from not just mosquito bites, but bites from all other insects as well. In order to save yourself from such things in the future, it is always useful to adopt preventive measures rather than risk getting bitten.
A good remedy you will find in your kitchen is that ever useful baking soda. Take about two tablespoons of this powder and throw in some water. Mix to get a paste. Try to make it a nice, thick paste which you can then cover your bites with. Something as simple as ice cubes can numb the bites and take care of the itching. Even a cold washcloth would do. This is one of the simplest and the quickest ways of dealing with those annoying bites. It’s one of the cheapest ways too. Ice not only tends to the inflammation but also provides relief from the sting. To ease that pesky itch, you should get your hands on some white vinegar. This is a great cleanser and organic cleanser. Use a few drops on cotton to dab on your bite marks. If you happen to be covered in bites, simply head for a warm bath with about two cups of this vinegar. Apple cider is another alternative. You can even add either vinegar to your paste containing baking soda. If you don’t want to go in for a bath then a hot washcloth will also do. Another home remedy which provides instant escape from the itching is a slice of lemon. Your skin may get better faster thanks to the antioxidants. Just remember to get rid of the seeds first. A soothing lotion is calamine lotion. As far as essential oils go, lavender can do wonders for your bite. Just dab some on your mosquito bite. Witch hazel has also been used in the treatment of mosquito bites. Other essential oils which can help in this case include peppermint and tea tree - Ovilia Fernandes

5)   read about it here
open the first and second green link
there on right side for detail info - Chiki Lo

6)   Use a fan or mos qutio net. - Stevie Foenander

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Question 4
How to get rid of black heads..?...  and or pimples that leave marks? like little dark spots on your skin. Is there anything to make these go away? And also i had a big pimple on my forehead that i wanted off my face immediately. So i constantly picked at it and it left a scab. Then i got annoyed with the scab and peeled it off. And now you can see like part of the white meat and im afraid its going to leave a scar! What do i do about it? how can i remove all of these spots off my face??!! Please help me anyone who can help.

1)   nose patches or facial scrub - Elizabeth Milewski

2)   The build up of sebum and dead cells can be controlled by washing the face regularly with cool water. A paste of yogurt and oatmeal applied to the face and rubbed off after a few minutes, helps to reduce the formation of blackheads and other forms of acne. After having washed the face, pat the skin dry so as to leave it with enough moisture content. Yogurt has anti bacterial properties that remove infection causing bacteria while the absorbent properties of oatmeal reduce the amount of oil that is present in the skin. By rubbing it off gently, the pores are cleaned and open up for undisturbed flow of oil through the ducts of the sebaceous glands. The use of honey has been highly recommended in the removal of blackheads, because it acts as a natural peel and exfoliating agent on the skin.

Aloe is known to be an effective moisturizer and the use of aloe gel is recommended to reduce inflammation caused by blackheads and acne. Besides this, it also prevents scarring of the affected area, thereby reducing blemishes. Known for its anti bacterial properties, the use of a few drops of diluted tea tree oil will help to clear the bacteria that cause the blackheads. Similarly, the citric acid present in lemon juice clears the face of dead skin and increases its elasticity when applied to the face. Be especially careful to dilute the lemon juice in milk cream or water before applying it to the face, as it could damage sensitive skin. Since it also has natural bleaching properties, the lemon juice helps to prevent scarring and will lighten the skin tone as well. Another excellent exfoliating paste could be made by mixing sun dried and powdered orange peels in water. The paste kills bacteria and cleans and refreshes the area of skin to which it is applied. It is advisable to avoid picking of the skin with the nails because the nails carry germs and bacteria that get into the skin and cause the formation of blackheadsTo some extent, dirt does aggravate the condition, as does excessive use of make up. Therefore, these are two things that you need to address. Wash your face regularly using plain water, or maybe a mild soap. Use make up sparingly, and wash off the make up as soon as you return home. You can also steam your face at night, before going to bed. This will both clean and open up the pores.

In addition, you can use some home made face masks and face washes. Mix egg white and honey, adding a pinch of turmeric powder if you like. Apply this mixture to your face and wash it off after half an hour. You can also make a paste of cinnamon powder and lemon juice or honey, and apply it to your face once a day, for half an hour. In addition, when blackheads appear, crush a clove of garlic and gently rub the clove on the blackhead - Ovilia Fernandes

3)   Face scrub (not the smooth soapy stuff) also black head are a B****. if you want to pick at it literally scratch off the tip and squeeze until you feel a "pop" type feeling and see either a little tiny white or black seed come out. then, the wound can heel. alot of people squeeze the puss out and go about their day. you can't just squeeze the puss out. you need to squeeze the seed out. also if you'd rather not squeeze it out which is better. just wash your face and/or put a warm to hot cloth over your face and in a couple days it will go away. You're pores are closing up around dirt which causes the pimples and black heads. you need to open your pores by the warm/hot cloth - Samantha Emerson

4)   read about it here
open the first and second green link
there on right side for detail info - Chiki Lo

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Question 5
I have a rash that looks like a mix of eczema and bugbites, and i got it from my bf, what is it?...  So, I have always had mild eczema, but after I started dating my new boyfriend (of about 3 months) I immediately developed a worse rash where the eczema like patches appear all over my arms, inner elbows, tops of shoulders, and sometimes back and torso. At first it appeared on my legs too. The rash also looks like little red bumps with a tiny red scab in the middle, about 2 millimeters each. The patches are no more than half an inch each, but also get scabby. My boyfriend is pretty hairy so its hard to see if he has the patches but i have noticed similar scabby, bug bite looking bumps on him. They are very (and sometimes extremely) itchy....Any idea what this is?

1)   No clue.. google, webmd, and see a doctor asap. - Samantha Emerson

2)   could be scabies go get checked its contagious - evelyn_marca

3)   read about it here
open the first and second green link
there on right side for detail info - Chiki Lo

4)   Eczema Remedies
Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon camphor and 1 teaspoon sandalwood paste on the rashes. Apply nutmeg paste to the affected areas. Put natural vitamin E on the affected skin, it will relieve you of itching. Zinc taken orally and applied directly on the affected skin is effective. Both shark cartilage and lotion of blueberry leaves reduce inflammation. Use pine tar soap to wash the affected skin. Drink tomato juice daily, it will cure the symptoms in a few days.

You can also make a lotion out of crushed dandelion leaves, spearmint leaves, and a few drops of oil. Apply this lotion to your skin and allow it to remain on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water. This can act as an effective eczema cure. It is better to avoid cosmetic products as far as possible as the chemicals in them may aggravate the condition. An exfoliating cream is a very good option, but it is important to use it regularly in order to get rid of the upper layers of dead skin. It is also important that you use a gently exfoliating cream instead of a commercial product as this will help to prevent unnecessary irritation of the inflamed skin. You can make a cleansing scrub by soaking a handful of nuts in a small quantity of water. Blend these nuts along with half an avocado as avocados contain healthy oils that help to protect and moisturize your skin. Massage your skin gently with this creamy natural exfoliating paste and you can then allow it to remain on your skin for about 10 minutes before you rinse it off. You can add a few drops of fresh lemon juice to this paste to help cleanse your skin of the uppermost layer of dead skin cells.

An important aspect of any eczema treatment plan would be to keep the skin well hydrated and moisturized. While there are plenty of commercial products available for this purpose, some in fact specially marketed for eczema patients, most commercial products do contain some amount of chemicals and fragrances that could be too harsh for your sensitive skin, aggravating the eczema symptoms. The best option would be to use natural oils for an eczema cure. Try and stick to virgin varieties of these oils as the refinement processes that are used destroy and significantly reduce some of the natural properties of the oils. Virgin coconut oil is one such natural oil that is believed to be highly effective as a remedy not just for eczema, but for a variety of skin conditions. The healing effects of virgin coconut oil are attributed to its various properties including a rich content of lauric acid and other fatty acids. The only other rich source of lauric acid is a mother’s milk. Coconut oil can simply be applied over the areas of skin that are affected just like any topical ointment. This will help to keep the skin smooth and soft.

Another natural remedy for eczema that is often used in eczema treatment at home would be the application of mudpacks.

Turmeric powder can also be used in natural eczema treatments and you could make a paste with a tablespoon of the powder mixed with the same proportions of bitter neem leaves.

The application of cold compresses is also believed to help in eczema treatment and should help provide relief to any skin irritation.

Another useful and easily available ingredient for eczema treatment would be papaya. Mashed papaya seeds can be applied to the areas of skin that are affected to reduce the itchiness.

In addition to using natural remedies for eczema and other medications for eczema treatment it is also essential to follow a good skin care regimen. Make sure you avoid using harsh soaps and other commercial products like cosmetics that contain chemicals or any other drying agents - Ovilia Fernandes

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