Friday, June 17, 2011

Bump on eyelid?????????????

Question 1
Bump on eyelid?????????????...  I have tosis so I had surgry twice on my eyelid and where the scar is I had two bumps for stitches but one is red now and it bugs me to death. Anything wrong with my eye

1)   it could just be a stye i hate those - No me gusta

2)   Butter on toast????????????? I can do it, too.

Your wound is infected. Wash, sterilize, see a doctor.

P.S. I just had a mental image of you getting soap or alcohol into your eye. Don't do that. - Dockle

3)   If it is red and makes your eye look more closed then your other eye then you may have a sty.
If this is the case then it will get bigger over a few days and then go away, it may hurt and I suggest putting a warm compress on it. That's what I did when I had one and it helped majorly. - Rita

4)   Not to repeat an answer above, but it could be a stye. Take a wet cloth or towel and heat it up until it is hot, and hold it against your eyelid for about 20-30 minutes a day. TRUST ME, this will help! - JSMD

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Question 2
Runny nose for months!!?? Help..?...  I am 16 years old and I have always kind of had allergies. NEVER this bad. But I would say my nose has been runny on and off for 2 to 3 months now. I am taking tons of medicine.. but if I just miss one dosage it is basically like starting all over again. I stuff paper towels up my nose in order to stop it from getting everywhere! This lasts probably 1 to 2 days until I am better (not back to normal). I haven't seen a doctor yet because my parents think it is just a seasonal allergy, but i disagree! What is the cause of all of this?! And is there anything I could do at home or should I just go to the doctor? I've taken all the medicine I can possibly take over the counter. Thank you!

1)   When you take a hot shower breath in the steam. it clears it. then when you get out dont be in a cold area. or if you are make sure you dry ur hair then it wont come back - Evita

2)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Lorretta Phelan

3)   Even if it's just a seasonal allergy, you should see the doctor. I have hayfever and other allergies and every spring, I have to go have a shot on top of the medicine I take just so I don't sneeze my head off. Besides, it's not good for you to be taking all sorts of medication especially when it isn't working. - lildevil112878

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Question 3
Is bronchitis contagious if you don't have a fever still?...  I have bronchitis in my chest makes it really hard to breathe am I contagious still even though the fever is gone?

1)   If you are still coughing and the pain is still there, then yes, it is. - Chris Jones

2)   Yes I had this recently... The germs can still create a contagious environment in witch someone can still get infected even though your fever is still down it is just a symtom the brochitis is still in your body - Madison

3)   "Is bronchitis contagious if you don't have a fever still? I have bronchitis in my chest makes it really hard to breathe am I contagious still even though the fever is gone?" -- You say that you have the condition so why would it not be contagious even without fever? Actually it's not the bronchitis that's contagious, it's the virus or bacterium that caused it. You could transmit the organism and in one person it could cause a cold, in another nothing at all and in still another, it could cause sinusitis. The one who gets sinusitis may be most likely to develop bronchitis. - TweetyBird

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Question 4
how to get of acne scars?...  last year for about 7 months i would get pimples on my forehead and because ive allways had a habbit of randomly scratching my forehead my nails would scratch the zits and they would start to bleed. they would go ways maybe 2 weeks later but in thoes 7 months i got about 5 zits and that happend every time and not when i just feel my forehead with my fingers it would fell all bumpy like how where the zits were the skin has hardened or something. you cant see it it just feels weired for me when i feel my forehead. so i dont know if that is regular ace scaring but i would still like to know how to get rid of it

1)   let yourself get sunburned and when the scarred skin peels off you will be left with fresh new skin - Felix Charleston

2)   about it you can get information from here - Lorretta Phelan

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Question 5
Can I get diabetic medication prescribed if I’m uninsured?...  I've developed all the symptoms of diabetes and a blood glucose meter has consistently shown my sugars at elevated (300+) levels. I can usually "feel" when my sugars get REALLY high, especially when I'm sleeping because I'll have to wake up nearly every hour to pee and when I do wake up my mouth is extremely dry. I’ve also got a wound on my foot that’s taken months to heal and it’s still not completely healed.

Anyway, I don’t have any income and no health insurance and I really should be on medication to keep my glucose levels under control, but I don't know how to get them prescribed to me without paying a couple hundred dollars to see a doctor. I would be able to afford the generic prescription if I could find a way to get it prescribed to me.

Do I have any options?

1)   medicaid might cover it talk to a county social worker... - hotchickagirl422

2)   Find a clinic (sometimes free). Hospitals sometimes have these. This is why doctors get free samples.

Drug companies are giving drugs to people who cannot pay for them. This is different than the free samples. You will have to see a doctor.

Don't give up your sugars are too high for this to happen. When I did not have insurance I would find a doctor who would give a very discounted cost for cash. Remember the free samples. They all get them.

Best of luck.

Mot - Mother Earth

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