15 year old female? Tons of facial hair?... Hi, im 15 and have TONS of facial hair. I have it on my chin, side burns, cheecks, everywhere. UGH.
I cant get it wax from a professional and I tried plucking but theyres so much. waxing strips didnt work out either. So, what kinda cream is the best? and wont damage my skin and will take it from the root?
1) Cover your head in duct tape. Pull. - Graffiti Changed My Life
2) Shave - J¡zz lN MY PANT5
3) why can't you wax it? don't use any hair removal cream for your face because the hair will grow out longer faster and thicker ... try a laser face removal if you can afford it - Mojo
4) That's disgusting!! You could use nair - brittany
5) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Fteww Xseww
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Question 2
How to get rid of pimples off my period!?... Ughh i just got my period. Thankfully its thanksgiving break... Sorta... Thursday we are having a party at my house there are going to be a lot of people and a lot of my friends. I really do not want my friends seeing me like this! I have one scar and two pimples that makes it look lke a triangle and i have two on my forhead please help!
1) If I told you how easy it is to get a job in this recession, you wouldn't believe me. But the truth is more employers are going online to find people just like you and me who are ready to work at a good job (one that pays good!). The only thing that makes sense is to stop wasting time driving around all day filling out a dozen applications and going from one boring low paying job to another. I found this site that pretty much matches you up with your dream job that is available in your city right now. I have found it very helpful. Go to FindMeJobNow.com - Sommer Haver
2) some wise man said to me they could have 2 same time and talking the same isuue that the ending re always same late or soon lol
i dont know somebody talking ending always ..
who is aint ending everything himself to close a door - Tinny Rock
3) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Fteww Xseww
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Question 3
Itching under my fingernails?... OUCH it's aan itching sensation...
1) Possibly a nail fungus. See the doctor or sometimes a pharmacist can help~ - ☺
2) Ohmygawd. This happened to meh today! I bet its just skin irritation. Try to put lotion or COLD water on it. It really hurts. I know how you feel, girl. - Christina Kim
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Question 4
what is good for seb derm tratment?...
1) If I told you how easy it is to get a job in this recession, you wouldn't believe me. But the truth is more employers are going online to find people just like you and me who are ready to work at a good job (one that pays good!). The only thing that makes sense is to stop wasting time driving around all day filling out a dozen applications and going from one boring low paying job to another. I found this site that pretty much matches you up with your dream job that is available in your city right now. I have found it very helpful. Go to FindMeJobNow.com - Sommer Haver
2) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Fteww Xseww
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_____ Brought to yo by : BlogFOC.com
Question 5
Thyroid problem related to bloating?... Would a thyroid problem cause bloating on the stomach?
Im just curious, i tried searching on google, but couldnt find an answer.
1) I don't think so.
talk to your doctor about it. You may have other problems - Jay L
2) Hi David. I have Hypothyroidism, and at times my stomach gets horribly bloated. I know other people that have thyroid issues, and they say they experience it also. I think it has something to do with the fact that your digestive system slows down when you have Hypothyroidism, and speeds up when you have Hyperthyroidism. I get stomach aches, and nausea also. Not fun :-( - Angelbunny17
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