Chances of me getting an STD? It turns out this guy I made out w/at a party?... has I think herpes and chlamydia
PS All we did was makeout.
And I found out that he was also hooking up w/guys so even though all we did was makeout a bit we didn't actually have sex but I heard herpes is something you can also get from kissing. Is that true w/chlamediaShould I get tested for everything??
1) If he has herpes anywhere near his are at risk...chlamydia is usually transmitted through sexual contact only. - Jonathan D
2) i would be more worried about hepatitis...get tested for that................... - Steve B
3) That's all it take to get herpes of the mouth yuk watch out how you kiss it come and gos so some one with it may not look like they have anything. - thats ok
4) You should use fluconazole, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Kristan Lout
5) Chlamydia is something only passed through sex. It depends on what kind of herpes he has. If he has genital herpes then you can only get it through sex (intercourse or if you do oral he can give you herpes of the lip better know as cold sores). If he has herpes of the lip (cold sores) usually you will only get them if he has a cold sore on his lip or is just getting one also if you have cold sores you can give someone genital herpes by having oral sex. Unless he had a sore on his mouth the chances that you have herpes of the lip is very unlikely but if he did have a cold sore when you were making out don't worry too much about won't kill you the worst things about it is that it can hurt, it's ugly looking, you get a scab looking sore that won't go away between 1-3 weeks, and you can give it to someone else. - Chiyo
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Question 2
Help! I am disgusted by the act of pooping.?... I hate it so much. It is the worst thing ever. It is so embarrassing, even to myself--especially the time it takes and the awful smell. It is the worst thing about being alive. I am so ashamed of myself for pooping. It is so bad that it prevents me from living a normal life and I literally dread it, day in and day out.
It would be WONDERFUL if there was a way that I could just stop pooping totally. My life would be so much more pleasant if I didn't have to worry about poop. Is there ANY WAY I can stop going number 2 completely without adverse effects? I just HATE it and feel so ashamed for it.
Serious answers only please. This is not funny.
1) I'm sorry but this is just too funny. I thought this question was asked by a girl actually. XD
You seem really serious though, so I'll try to help you out some? Unfortunately, you must poop in order to carry out your normal bodily functions. Or, have your colon look like this:
Ok all jokes aside.. you said that you were offended by the smell - that can be fixed. Eating a high fiber diet and drinking lots of water will lessen the smell a LOT. Or, you can hold a cloth up to your nose every time you do it, lol. - Lo♥e²O
2) .............
I'm trying to figure out if this question is serious or not....
And no, you can't just stop pooping. It's impossible....
I think you should eat fiber (you'll go faster) then read the book "Everyone Poops"... :) - Katy
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Question 3
Your child is born with a genetic disorder that will eventually lead to complete paralysis.?... Your child is born with a genetic disorder that will eventually lead to complete paralysis. Your doctor tells you that there is a gene therapy treatment that has a high probability for a complete cure, but the procedure is new and carries a fair amount of risk. What will you do? If something does go wrong with the treatment, who should bear the responsibility? please help!
1) I'd do it. If you don't take the risk, your child will definitely end up paralyzed, and that would be a horrible way to live. If the kid undergoes treatment, they'll at least have chance of living a normal life. - Alfred
2) I would go for it. Nobody is responsible for it failing. Good decisions sometimes have bad outcomes, but that doesn't mean that the decision was wrong. - Frank
3) If it was me I would take the chance if it meant my child had the chance for a long and healthy life. If the doctor has explained all the risks and I have signed the consent form knowing there are risks involved and something goes wrong, then it would be me who is responsible....I knew the risks...the doctors or hospital would not be at fault. But that's just would I would do. Others might have a different opinion. - techie0602
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Question 4
My nipples are inverted do i have breast cancer?... okay well i'm 17 and I THINK i feel a bump but i'm not sure and have inverted nipples so i was reading about breast cancer and signs of it and it said that inverted nipple is a possible sign of breast cancer. I'm like really scared. theres no like color change or bleeding or change in how my breast skin feels but one side of my breast has like bum or something but its not like notice able like when i look in the mirror i cant see that theres a bump but if i like press on my breast its like a bump and its hard. i dunno if its like sweling from me massaging my breast from time to time or if i really do have like breast cancer
1) Go see a doctor. - Supernatural Writer
2) GO TO A DOCTOR. Yahoo answer(ers) are not qualified to answer that.
But on a side note, you're 17. Your chance of breast cancer is extremely low. - Daddyskaggs
3) Breast cancer is a disease of mature breast tissue, with 80% of those diagnosed being over 50.
Between 16 and 20 your risk of breast cancer is about 1 in 1 million, half the risk of being struck by lightning.
The risk of you developing it in both breasts at the same time is about 1 in 1 million million!
Inverted nipples are only a risk factor if the were protruding and have changed to become inverted.
When is your period due? It is best to perform self exams in the week AFTER your period as they can be naturally lumpy at other times. Although self exams are not recommended until after you turn 20.
If concerned talk to your mother or another significant female adult who will be able to reassure you and advise if this warrants seeing a Dr.
If in doubt, the Dr is always a far better source of information on your health than the internet. - Tarkarri
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Question 5
Finger has been numb for a month now?... The side of my right index finger, from the tip to the middle knuckle, has been numb for a month and seems to be getting worse. At first it was just a slight numbness but now it's stronger. Also, some sort of small lump or a very large vein has "formed" in there now and it stings when I press down on it.
I don't know how it started, but it just started suddenly. I never injured my finger or anything. Do I have carpal tunnel or something?? I want to avoid the doctor's as much as I can, but I'm getting worried it might not go away. :P
PS This may help: I use the computer and draw a lot. So it may be ct right?
tjdepere: Wow, thanks buddy. Your sarcasm helps me out PLENTY!
F**** off.
1) well you have a choice
lose the finger for lack of blood circulation
or see a doctor before they need to cut it off - tjdepere2003
2) It could have been that you dislocated the joint (like I did with my toe before) but a month is a very long time (my toe got better in a week). I really think you should get that check out. - Katy
3) Ok.. I don't think he was being sarcastic.
Tingling means that there is lack of blood supply.
Lack of blood supply=dead tissue
Dead tissue=finger removal - nothingconstant
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