if you had sex with a condom for the first time are you a virgin?... am a boy 16yrs,i lost it when i was 11 but i did it with a condom and a 17 year old girl broke me out.im just wondering,please tell me
1) sex is sex
doesnt matter if you use a condom or not (although DO USE ONE)
it is still sex - cloveryer
2) Sex is sex with or without a condom. - Random Man 4U
3) I think your still 11? - Alex!
4) your not a virgin anymore congrats. I remember when I was 14 that one night.... - dallas
5) yes you are a virgin even with condom - Eaman
6) You're not a virgin anymore, what you did was still sex It doesn't matter if there was a condom on or not - Danny
7) You were 11 and had sex with a 17 year old girl? - Vaj Eyna
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Question 2
help on migraines please?... i've had a really bad headaches for about two weeks now they've worsened into migraines until the point were there so painful i loose my balance, my vision gets blurred and often turns to double vision and my hearing get distorted as well. My hands and lips have been going numb and getting a pins and needs feeling as well within the last two days and when it happens i find it hard to actually pick things up without having to really try my hands feel to weak. I constantly feel dizzy and sick also.
when i went to the doctors he said that its stress but im not stressed and i don't understand :S just want to know if any one suffers from anything similar really.
1) Migraines can be very debilitating. Your doctor doesn't sound like he cares. Go to a specialist instead. Migraines that haven't been a long term problem may not be normal migraines. They could be triggered by a more serious underlying condition. - GideonD
2) There's some proper scientific research in recent years that identified that a lot of people with recurrent migraines were triggering their problems by clenching their jaws/grinding their teeth in their sleep and that mouth guards have been developed to prevent the problem. Just had a quick look on-line and this might help you to find out more:
http://www.thebostonchannel.com/r/2881380/detail.html - Confuzzled
3) I've been having migraines too BUT my doctor Warned me if I get get of those symptoms you are having to get in there fast---that I would need a cacat scanSee a doctor who is knowledgeable and oe who cares. - cricketlady
4) Migraines are psychological defense mechanisms that alleviate the psychological stress of suppressing natural aggressive impulses. Instead of striking out at other people, you symbolically slap yourself on the head. I'm not making that up. It's classic psychoanalytic theory.
http://www.cyberpsych.org/pdg/pdgabst3.htm - larry L
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Question 3
Does EVERYONE vomit when they have the stomach flu?... I woke up this morning feeling really nausious, sweaty, and my stomach is gurgly. And I'm deathly afraid of vomiting and there is a flu going around my school, do I have a chance to not vomit? Could I maybe of eatin something bad?
I do have GERD but I've never vomited because of it.. I haven't vomited since about 3rd or 4th grade and I'm a sophomore in high school now..
1) Not everyone vomits so easily.
Think back, do you have a strong stomach? Have you vomited easily before? - Catie Davies
2) I've never vomited when having the stomach flu, but that's just me. Everyones body has a different way of fighting viruses. - Carrie
3) It depends which strain of flu you have. The so-called "winter vomiting disease" will make you vomit and there is nothing you can do about it - pittyakker@btopenworld.com
4) most do; along with diarrhea. why didn,t you get a flu shot? a stomach bug usually lasts for a day, or two. you will puke if you have one. flu may not make you puke, but will last for days. - David
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Question 4
Do I have a big chin?... I dont think its big and no one has ever mentioned it, but Im scared of having a big chin.
Does your chin stop growing, Im 24.
Thanks in advance.
heres my picture, think my computer camera is at a slight angle.
1) There is nothing wrong with your chin. - maximiliano
2) No, looks about average to me. - Sepia
3) Is there a face under all that chin? - Vaj Eyna
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Question 5
Flu shots? Are they good for you or bad for you?... I am pretty healthy and try to eat healthy. Some say that a flu shot is bad news?? Any opinions out there?
1) flu = bad, no flu = good - dirkjohn69
2) You know that the reason AIDS is spread is because of needles, right? You really shouldn't take that shot. Shot involve needles, you know. - Vaj Eyna
3) internet nonsense. i,ve seen these comments. i,ve gotten flu shots since 1966. so far i,ve never had the flu. if you,ve ever had a full on flu infection, you,ll never miss another flu jab. - David
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