poll: How many pimples are on you right now?... they suck i know :/
1) One which is going to be ELIMINATED by the next couple minutes. Hee hee hee. CAREFUL PIMPLE! HERE I COME WITH MY SHARP NEEDLE! Hee hee hee. I think something's wrong with me. O.o - Cupcake Of Doom!
2) -0- - Cubby
3) I don't see any... Im sure there's some hidden? Funny question though. Made me smile. =D - Carl H
4) I use the needle too... - redking12534
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Question 2
I have genitl warts how do i remove them myself?...
Hey stuart can you do it for me?
1) You dont, you go to a doctor - Destiny
2) you can't remove them yourself.. - Lisa
3) Have a dermatologist remove them for you.
- Stuart - Stuart
4) Perhaps, the most popular home remedy used to remove warts involves duct tape.
It has been said; in fact, it has also been backed by scientific research, that duct tape is effective at removing or eliminating warts. If you are interested in giving this home remedy a try.
The duct tape wart removal method was reported in the Archives of pediatrics & Adolescent medicine the October 2002 issue.
The method is as follows: One cuts a small piece of duct tape just big enough to cover the wart. You then leave it on for five or six days.
After keeping the warts covered, for about a week, you will want to remove the tape, soak your wart in water, and then scrub it with a pumice stone. If your wart does not come off right away, you are advised to repeat the procedure again, for at least another one to two weeks.
Aloe Vera for removing Warts
It has also been said that aloe vera is effective at eliminating warts. You are advised to soak a small cotton ball in aloe, preferably the gel. After the soaking has occurred, for around about a minute or so, you will want to tape the cotton ball to your wart.
You will want to add aloe vera to the wart or piece of cotton every few hours. By leaving the cotton ball in place, with the exception of changing it daily, your wart should fall off in a few days or weeks.
Tea tree oil
Essential oil of tea tree is a powerful antiseptic which kills most bacteria and thus is an extremely potent method of wart removal. This method is also very popular due to its very high rate of success. Just apply essential tea tree oil directly on the wart daily until it disappears. This method should not take too many applications due to its effectiveness.
Echinacea pills
The taking of Echinacea pills will assist the healing of mild skin infections thus also making it a great help for warts. Take one or two pills a day as prescribed on the bottle.
Echinacea was highly used by Native American Indians as a universal remedy for just about everything. By the early 1900's it was the most popular herb in medical practice in the USA. Echinacea is still one of the most prescribed herbal products worldwide.
Essential lemon oil
Another common and popular method of wart removal include applying a single drop of essential lemon oil directly on the wart itself. Repeat as necessary until wart is gone.
Caster oil
Apparently, caster oil is also considered an effective wart removal remedy. When using caster oil, you will want to apply the oil to your wart. It is then suggested that you rub or massage the area with your fingers. After doing this day and night for a number of weeks, your wart should disappear.
You could also use caster oil by apply it directly to the wart, twice a day, and by keeping it covered. By keeping the wart covered with a bandage, only to remove it when changing, the wart should disappear after about three weeks.
Banana peel
Rubbing a banana peel on your wart for a few weeks as well is supposed to be a big help. One should rub the banana peel multiple times during the course of the day for maximum effectiveness.
The above mentioned home remedies are just a few of the many that you can find online or in a home remedy book.
Additional remedies include using chalk, dandelion, aspirin, baking soda, papaya, and milkweed. When choosing a home remedy, it is important to keep the ingredients in mind. You will want to refrain from using any items that you may be allergic to. If and when you are in doubt, it may be best to choose another home remedy to use.
Read more: http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/removing-warts.shtml#ixzz16YATl7EW - radioactive_babywipes
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Question 3
How do hermit crabs have sex?...
1) Why is this in the STD's category? - Jake
2) there you go right there...the VERY reason they're hermits.. - Hal Kudhugh
3) I just make sure to put rubber bands on its little claws first. - Otto Davis
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Question 4
If I'm allergic to fake jewelry, can I wear gauges?... Or tapers. Most likely tapers.
1) if they are plastic you can - Hannah
2) Why would you want to wear gauges in the first place? - Tracie
3) If I told you how easy it is to get a job in this recession, you wouldn't believe me. But the truth is more employers are going online to find people just like you and me who are ready to work at a good job (one that pays good!). The only thing that makes sense is to stop wasting time driving around all day filling out a dozen applications and going from one boring low paying job to another. I found this site that pretty much matches you up with your dream job that is available in your city right now. I have found it very helpful. Go to FindMeJobNow.com - Micha Littleboy
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Question 5
how to get rid of black heads?... I have black heads on my nose and I just started noticing some on my face. I guess I got it when I wipe my nose when I sweat. How can I get rid of them without using strips and do black heads leave within time or will it always be on my face?
1) try a good cleanser that will open the pores and unclog the blackhead - redking12534
2) Bury them in ur backyard duh! - Carl H
3) i like to steam my face open with a chamomile flowers in a pot & then wash my face and gently squeeze them out. then i use the tea as a tonic. i use coconut oil on my face, which is moisturizing and won't clog your pores.. it actually has acids that are antibacterial/antifungal. just get it cold-pressed and organic.
on the other hand, acne in the t-zone could possibly be a sign of liver toxicity or stagnation - One Love
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