Monday, November 22, 2010

My vagina smells but I am not sexually active?

Question 1
My vagina smells but I am not sexually active?...  I was put on bacterial vaginosis pills two times and the smell would always come back. i'm not sexually active. It's very embarrassing. The last thing I want is a future partner saying my vajeje smells like fish! I know doctors do not recommend douching, but i'm getting desperate. I wear cotton panties and I have good hygiene. I shower every day and wash myself down there. I'm using the new vagisil wash and it only works temporarily. I know ppl say you should not use washes because it will only make it worse, but i've had this problem long before I started using vaginal washes. I've had smelly vagina since I was about 12 years old...and i'm 18 now.

1)   how do you get your nose down there? - RumRunners

2)   yeast infection? - robert r

3)   Do you shave your vag? Maybe it's too hairy - Sarah

4)   Ok a few small questions is there white discharge, and have you seen your OBGYN? It could be a chronic yeast infection. - father

5)   clean your "toys" before reusing them - Kyle

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Question 2
How does smoking damage the lungs?...  I'm just curious

1)   you must be smoking cr@ck - The Ƨky is ßlue

2)   It gives you lung cancer... - N

3)   Creates TAR and damages the tissue.

Google some images of the lungs of a smoker... - Toyo

4)   well if you smoke i would suggest you stop but i mean look it up on google . - DaiseyDuke5674

5)   When you inhale, particles from the smoke stick to your lungs. Over time these particles (tar and nicotine mostly) build up and damage the lungs. Lungs are so fragile anyway! I'm not sure exactly how cancer starts but somehow the cells become malignant and start multiplying rapidly, causing cancerous tumors.

Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your body. Period. - luvrats

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Question 3
HELP!im white with very sensative skin. face went from clear to nonstop breakout now that im with a black man.?...  Ive tried everything to get it to clear up but it won't budge.... his face is oily due to his ethnicity but I don't understand why my face is reacting so severely! I've had the acne for 4 months now with no let-up.... I'm afraid my face will scar.

1)   well if your not rubbing your face all over his all the time, then it isn't his oils.... Maybe you've changed your diet recently, or started using a new type of lotion/makeup.... - Rkayn

2)   It prob isn't related to his skin color, more likely its from his face rubbing against yours when you kiss. Happens to white people too. Or it could be a change in your diet since you started dating him. I know at the beginning of most relationships you go out to eat a lot. Wash your face every night and morning and use moisturizer after to keep face from drying out. Good luck! - Saphire

3)   Is it possible you are having stress or anxiety associated with this situation or something else for about the same time? His oils have no effect on your skin. Acne happens from within your own hair follicles. Hormones and stress can cause flares. Relax and enjoy your man and see the dermatologist about your skin. - curator

4)   Check anything new your eating or vitamins your taking for soy. It can cause people to break out who never broke out before. And if it is from him it probaly is from his beard stubbled causing irritation that is allowing to bacteria to get into the small scratches, so after you've been in close contact wash your face. - Lisa

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Question 4
Red blistering rash on testes?...  My dog has a red blistering rash on his testes. It is a cluster of bright red bumps. He doesn't seem to notice it or be in any pain. I know i need to get him to the vet, but we can't get in for over a month. should i take him to the emergency clinic or is it something minute that can wait a bit? i would also really like to have an idea of what it could be. anyone know?

1)   Maybe you should lick them, I heard saliva is very soothing - Sarah

2)   that comes from having sex with goats.............dont ask me how I know this but ummm.........get him to the doctor soon cuz it friggin hurts - Turbinado

3)   Take him/her to the vet. - Fido

4)   If I told you how easy it is to get a job in this recession, you wouldn't believe me. But the truth is more employers are going online to find people just like you and me who are ready to work at a good job (one that pays good!). The only thing that makes sense is to stop wasting time driving around all day filling out a dozen applications and going from one boring low paying job to another. I found this site that pretty much matches you up with your dream job that is available in your city right now. I have found it very helpful. Go to - Marisa Taroni

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Question 5
What if you have sex...?...  After you take the next choice pill and it was unprotected. She took the pill about 12 hours ago. Will it still help?

1)   nope - ladystang

2)   about it you can get information from here - Dorotha Bail

3)   by pill do you mean the morning after pill? If so then as long the unprotected sex should be okay, but thats only because the morning after pill makes her go into a forced period, which doesnt allow 99% of the time any fertilized eggs to get stuck to the lining of womb, because it also cover the wall with a liquid so the egg just comes out. Altough the Morning after pill doesnt always work it is usally suuccessful. BUT if you ment her birth control pill, as long as she didnt just start the birth control that day or even up to 1 month to the day before that then you may be okay. it take the "birth contol pills" ONE MONTH to regualte in a womans body. But I think you will be okay, but save yourself the worry next time and use protection. - YourOldestFriend

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