My 8 month old son diagnosed with cancer!?... My son is 8 months old and a few weeks ago I saw what I thought was a diaper rash, I start throwing desitin on it but it wouldnt go away. I took him to the doctor for a fever and some wheezing to find out he had bronchitis and while i was in there i asked if he would look at the diaper rash, as soon as he saw it he was quick to say it wasnt a diaoer rash and that he needed to pop it. He poped it and said he was sending it off to get tested. that was monday today it wednesday and when i was changin his diaper i went to apply ointment and more blood and infection popd out of it. I am petrified, not sure if I am scared that my son has MRSA or that I am going to lose him. I keep reading these stories about people who lost their children due to MRSA and I could not imagine losing him. Does anyone have any insight or words of wisdom we will find out for sure if it is MRSA friday morning but to me that is a life time away. thanks you guys
1) EAT HIM before the disease taints the meat - Alexander Mauldin
2) Prayers for your child, you and your family. No person, must less a child should have to face anything like that. - Cricket
3) tyfuuyijbohyijgdg76ofitgorsy8tgduyfgbdyxighfo;diuhgucvjh bughsyoiguhbtrdyuhyti9xdutyhj9utfhgyerijhy978eyhsuotghizernuhfgzoskojnjxf8ughenuistefs - Bundol Gang
4) im realy sorry to hear that :(
a young boy that lives near me here in england had a simular thing and the community helped to raise money so he could have treatment in america and hes all well now, theres alwaysways something you can do, im not sure what to suggest but dont give up and i wish you all the best - Dave
5) I'm so sorry to hear about your son.. but I think you should stay positive for your son's sake and for yourself.. even if he's 8 months old he might be able too see on your facial expression that somethings not right.. Idk but what if idk what to say, Just stay strong and be positive and pray for him to get over this successfully - Mi
6) MRSA is not cancer. Yo baby might have gotten it from yo Dr.'s dirty fingers in his diaper. Dr's have lots of diease cuz they work in a diseased place. - honest answers
7) My prayers go out to you and your family, and I hope your son is okay. Here is a link to the CDC MRSA website with some info that may help you deal with the situation. I can only say that you need to be patient and wait for the results, in the mean time you should keep the area as clean as possible to help the healing process. Also, MRSA is an infection not cancer. Best wishes! - John
8) I am really sorry to hear about that.
However, the golden rule is to always wait for the lab results. It can be something trivial and you may be stressing yourself out for nothing.
Yes, MRSA can be deadly, but it's not the only deadly bacteria out there. Was he at a hospital before the diaper rash appeared?
MRSA is like an enemy, the doctors will do their best to get rid of it if it does exist. Community acquired MRSA can be treated more easily than hospital-acquired strains - it's more aggressive than hospital-acquired strains though.
Just wait and see what the results are, they should be in very soon. - ssyd99
9) MRSA is a staph infection not cancer. What you desribe does not sound like MRSA at all, more like a boil if it had to be popped. - LYNN in FL (suspended @#*%)
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Question 2
Is this a tumor??? SCARED!?... Right after I had my baby ( a month ago ) i found a lump on my back of my arm. I did get a shot somewhere near there before I left the hospital sumwhere near or maybe even tht exact spot.. but I'm scared its a tumor... its a lil itchy and a tad bit sore when I mess with it.. could this be here from my shot.. I'm getting worried.
1) It actually sounds more like a cyst. Cysts are under the skin, generally movable and they are a localized pocket of semi solid liquid. Either way you'll need to see a doctor, cysts need to be drained, but no one can diagnose you on the internet. Since your hormones are out of whack so is the rest of your body, which means you are more susceptible to things like cysts or boils, don't provoke it anymore, just see a doctor. - Dentist Lady
2) Tumors are rarely itchy or sore. Sounds like a cyst or a bad bug bite... - Gnoll Gnerd
3) Im 16 I found lumps on my testies and I cant tell anyone, we've lost many people from cancer this year , don't want to put my family through this again. so im right with you. I say you are perfectly fine, but if you have the courage to go to the doctors unlike me, your taking on e for the team. - Rocka Man
4) Its very unusual for cancerous tumors to originate from this location, so based on location alone, its unlikely that it a cancerous growth. Its more likely to be something like a cyst or fat deposit. Next time you are at the doc's office ask about it - even if its the pediatrician. on your next visit. - formerly_bob
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Question 3
Has anyone heard of a brain disorder like this?... I am hoping someone here has heard of something similar to what I am experiencing, because no doctors have really been able to diagnose me with anything.
For about 6 years, I have been developing a number of symptoms:
-severe anxiety
-panic attacks
-"seeing the air"
-seeing flashes of bright lights in both eyes, that are blue or white, moving or stationary, quick or
slow-ish, right in front of me or in my periphery, etc.
-memory problems
-people appear to be glowing near their head
-large, moving shadows
-deja vu often
-"stutters" in time
-distorted temporal and spatial perception (things move very slowly or look very far away, or sometimes they are expanding outwards)
-limb weakness
-not "recognizing" my face in the mirror
-difficulty reading/understanding during an "episode"
-sweating, nausea, have always been tired, shaking, crying without feeling sad
-feeling of things happening over and over
These didn't worry me so much and I always figured I had an anxiety disorder, but now I have developed more:
-inability to speak during an "episode" (hard to form words, feels like my muscles aren't working, but also speak very slowly)
-eyes randomly focus in and out
-waking up every morning with eyes (the actual eyeballs) shaking uncontrollably
-scintillating scotoma, only once, without preceding any sort of headache
-severe confusion during "episode" (preservation of person, place, and time)
-numbness in hands
-more intense deja vu
-difficulty using hands (maybe a problem judging depth?) during episode
-feeling as if literally sinking or falling
As a kid, i saw lots of "bubbles" that looked like cells, i was very anxious, I had a number of phobias, a number of obsessions, I didn't like other kids, etc. I once went blind in one eye as a kid for about 30 minutes but never got a headache. When I was around 14, I passed out face first onto the ceramic floor after being extremely thirsty for a week (and drinking plenty of water) but they never knew why. (Had a blood pressure of something like 70/20 when I got to the ER.)
I have taken a number of medications, including prozac, keppra, klonopin, cymbalta, buspar, and adderall. Adderall helps much of the time, but sometimes does not work at all for no given reason (unrelated to dosage).
I have had a number of tests done, all which came back negative (EEG, MRI, CT scan, bloodwork, etc). I saw an opthamologist who told me that my eyes appear to be fine.
I have 20/20 vision, rarely have headaches, have no had a true hallucination or psychotic episode, and have never felt suicidal ideality.
Family history includes severe stutter, thyroid disorder (not sure which), heart disease, genetic serotonin problem which seems to strike around 35, leaving women in my family nauseous and unable to swallow or function otherwise (does not appear to affect men), depression and anxiety, and alcoholism.
If you have heard of anything that sounds like this, please reply.
1) see a doctor dude - 1234567
2) See a one here will be able to diagnose you..seriously. - Dentist Lady
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Question 4
bad pimples! help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?... i don't know whats been going on but lately ive been breaking out alot. and they are big pimples too!
they are red and they now look like scabs! they also burn! they look really gross , and i dont even want to leave my house! :( can anyone help me by telling me what to do to cure it ?
1) I recommend buying acne products like creams at your local pharmaceutic, and wash your face because acne tends to build strong and grow in oily conditions.
Ex. an oily face - El Chuntaro Catracho
2) Hey! I have the same exact problem. Salt and water will get rid of the acne for a couiple of hours to get some Proactive. Seriously, I use toothpaste. White toothpastes get my face clear.
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Question 5
Is it ok for me to itch around my ringworm?... Ringworm
1) can make it spread
try using a cold compress or ice pack to help the itch - Cricket
2) *slap* don't touch!! if you keep itching it it's not gonna get better - K
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