Friday, November 19, 2010

Yellow eyes and pain in her side?

Question 1
Yellow eyes and pain in her side?...  Hi my sister is 24 yrs. Old. This morning she awoke with slight pain over her left hip area. Also the whites of her eyes are turning yellow. What could be wrong?

1)   I don't know about the pain, but yellow eyes can be a sign of a serious liver problem. She should get to the doctor as soon as she can. - shortie

2)   jaundice.... Doctos quickly - Ten

3)   sounds like a liver problem get her to see a doctor - Ray Stevenson

4)   If the whites of your eyes have recently become yellow then it's possible that you have mild jaundice.

The only way to have this checked is to get examined by your doctor.

A simple blood test will clear up any diagnostic uncertainty.

Jaundice is usually a sign of liver problems, which can often be treated once the cause is identified. - Esther!

5)   Could have something to do with her kidneys or liver ....Yellow of the eyes and skin usually occurs when the liver or kidneys fail to do their job. I had a friend with hep c (i believe it was C anyways) who had the same problem. She needs help immediately. - robbodabbo2004

6)   SOUNDS LIKE A LIVER COMPLAINT ,go to the Doctors/hospital as soon as possible .Could be liver failure, jaundice hepatitis,so its important to go now. - The Wail of a Banshee

7)   Your eyes turning yellow is usually Jaundice, which is a liver issue, I'd go see a doctor, because it can be a lot of things wrong, from somethings very minor(like a gall stone blocking the duct temporarily), to some pretty serious things.

So have it checked out. - BigNeil

8)   There's something wrong with her liver. Possibly hepatitis. She needs to see a doctor ASAP. - Wembley34

9)   yellow jaundice or hepatitis b get her to a doctor. the yellow is bilious fat.not being broken down by the liver which is where her pain is coming from .kidneys are also affected as the fat get into the urinary tract.this to could become yellow and painful.don't let her eat fatty foods of any sort. or salt.. - silver44fox

10)   Sound to me like your sister might have Bile duct obstruction due to Large gallstone blocking the ducts. This can be a serious if left untreated. Main Symptoms are Pain in right side, yellowing of eyes or skin or both. Also ask her to pay attention to her Bowel motions, Pale or light colored stools are the Number 1 Sign of Bile duct obstruction.
Heres what you should do, Make her see a doctor right away, If this is left untreated she will get a nasty infection which would be a risk to her life. I am not trying to scare you just help
So be wise and take her to the doc. in the mean time squeeze a lemon into a cup then fill it with a lil water heat it up and make her drink it , it help thin the bile to help it get through more easily. - barbraryan69

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Question 2
Will it be good if we stop taking salt through food totally?...  Since salt is responsible for complicating hypertension, will it be good to avoid salt totally from food? In India, we generally use a little amount of salt in many food items. I am thinking about the possibility of stopping it altogether for cooking. Initially there will be some problem due to change of taste of food, but that will become normal after some time. (I am not yet a hypertensive person, with BP 130/90 mm Hg (age 33yrs), but as a precaution I want to do this. My fasting blood sugar is 102unit and it has increased by 10 units in about a year. My HDL is also low, 32 units. May be I am going to develop sugar and heart related problem in near future. So I want to be cautious.) What is your opinion?

1)   Yep it would - Chase Cureton

2)   no people still need salt, just not a lot of it. We need salt because it maintains our normal health, vigor and alkaline design, Salt plays a big part in helping the body to digest food and turn them into living tissues, as well as helping to transmit nerve impulses that contract the muscles. Salt is also necessary for making the sodium bicarbonate the body needs to alkalize the food we eat to maintaining the alkalinity of the blood and lymph fluids. All sugar cravings are the need for salt. Salt is ion that used for energy transporting. Salt also connect your mental body with your physical body - xxlickmylipsxx

3)   No. If you cut out all salt your body will shut itself down, as you need it. Body fluids are salty (hence tears, sweat and, don't personally know! but, urine is too. You need some salt - ▓▒Triple J ▒▓

4)   I have not added salt to anything I eat for probably 40 yrs or more
there are natural salts in almost everything we eat so we cannot eliminate it entirely and our bodies need some salt
I find that sometimes I do eat something prepared that is too salty for me and I am unable to finish it since my taste buds have been without added salt for so long - tro

5)   As far by the theories of human physiology one cannot survive without salt in our body. Even if we don't take salt in its true form we get salt from other food items like fish, meat, leafy vegetables and even from water sometimes.

And you query is not valid because of this simple reason.

Without zero salt intake whole body mechanism of our osmotic regulation will be in trouble and there will be impairment in our Sodium-Potassium balance which does the fundemental communication between cells at the molecular level. (what doctors say as electrolyte imbalance) and this a condition which could even prove fatal. - purushothaman s

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Question 3
HEAD LICE MEDICAL EMERMGENCY?...  I have lice, and i probbaly have had it for a long time but my parents ignored my comment about my head being itchy. so now its pretty bad im sure i have thousands of those little things. My dad refuses to listein to me or treat me..i need help he wants to get a professinal but my head itches so much i need help

1)   Mayonnaise. It supposedly helps to kill the bugs, but not necessarily their eggs. Just slather your hair in mayonnaise (it feels weird and gross, wear gloves or suck it up and wash your hands when you're done) and put a shower cap on. It will help for awhile and deter you from scratching your scalp. - Jill

2)   Go to the drugstore and buy your own head lice treatment shampoo and use it exactly as directed. The mayonnaise recommended will only treat live lice, not the nits and you need to kill the nits also. Go to and type in head lice and read up on what you need to be doing as far as your clothing, bedding, etc. that needs to be done to get rid of these. - J B

3)   Look, you definitely need to treat them... Your dad should be serious abt it cos you can easily transmit the Lices to family members...

The medical condition is called: PEDICULOSIS CAPITIS. and it could reach your genital area(groins) causing PEDICULOSIS PUBIS.

It could be very bad, disgusting, itchy, and embarrasing, but the treatment is very simple.

There are topical creams or lotions or shampoos with special way of administration for your case; such Medicinal products having LINDANE-generic name- can be very effective. The head lices die from the first wash of LINDANE but you have to wash(using the shampoo or cream or lotion) again after 7-10days to kill the newborn lices from the hatched eggs. (eggs of lices cannot be killed by LINDANE).

So full treatment takes 1-2 weeks, but you don't have to worry at all... Make sure to isolate your linens and clothes from your family's ones and wash well and dry clean if possible. (or put under sun for many hours)

Good luck and get well soon.

Nursing Sciences university student (Middle east) - Hassan M

4)   If you have access to Tea Tree Oil, mix some in your shampoo. You will have to shampoo with it several times in order to get rid of them.
If you are in school, please go to the school nurse & maybe she can help you get the help you need. Good luck. - Nashvegas

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Question 4
Ct scans or Xray? Anyone know the difference between the two as far as radiation exposture?...  

1)   CT scans give you huge amounts of radiation and it is recommended that you have as few of these in your lifetime as possible. The radiation from these is continuous during the scanning process. X-rays send out a one-time, short dose for a single picture.

Regarding the other poster - a one-time CT will not kill you, it is the accumulation of radiation over your lifetime that causes your increased risks of cancer. The information I have given you is fact, not an opinion. - J B

2)   JB should be ashamed....

A "CT Scan" IS X-rays, it's just a series of them from multiple angles and positions to generate a 3-D image of inside you....of course a CT Scan is "more" exposure to radiation because it is MULTIPLE exposures....

HOWEVER...employ a little "Common sense".....doctors do not recommend a CT Scan "for fun", they do it because it enables them to look inside you without slicing you open....the risks of "exploratory surgery" when the surgeon has no idea what she is looking for are OBVIOUSLY going to be higher than a scan! - MarcThyme

3)   An xray is a flat image sent towards your body with one beam of radiation. A CT-scan are multiple slices of radiation pictures taken from top to bottom or from left to right of your body. Think of the CT scan as a 3D Xray.

A CT-scan is necessary to avoid exploratory surgery, and to be honest, other scans give off so much more radiation than CT-scans. PET scans give off the radiation equal to 17 CT-scans. - Zetsu

4)   CT (computerised Tomogram) Scan reconstitutes Multiple X-rays in 3 Dimensions hence many times more irradiating compared to a simple chest X ray. Standard protocols are used to control radiation exposure. Also CT gives more information than a simple xray. For example a 'metal hook' on Xray does not tell you if it is front, back or a swallowed one whereas CT can tell you that. It can tell the doctor the exact location of a lesion eg: tumour, can help plan an operation by telling its relation to important structures like blood vessels or nerves. see source below - aanandam aanandame

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Question 5
How to prevent intestinal gas?...  

1)   A fart should do - classyone

2)   Chew your food well, cut down on gas-inducing foods (i.e. carbonated beverages, beans, greasy foods). Otherwise...go to Rite Aid, pick up some Bean-o, and pop one of those before every meal. - Jill

3)   Don't eat beans. - Everythang's gonna be all white

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