Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Help with cold sores?

Question 1
Help with cold sores?...  I was kissing my boyfriend last night, and he told me that when he woke up this morning he had a huge cold sore on his lip. Is it possible that I gave it to him or did he already have it, and now I'm possibly infected?

1)   Yes, it's possible that you gave him the cold sore. - Spacewreck

2)   Its not a big deal more people gave it then dont its not an std although it is a type of herpes it is nothing to worry about - H H

3)   He wouldn't get it that fast. He probably had it in his system already. You could have been exposed. If your lip starts to tingle or feel swollen, just feels weird, get some Abreva and use that. It works!! - BoredinVA

4)   It is possible that you transferred it to him.Just make a paste of ginger and honey and have it little by little and both of you will be rid of the cold. - Vidya

5)   One of you already had it, if he did then you'll probably get one too... i use to get them all the time, it's like having pink eye "in terms of how dangerous cold sores are." They go away after about a week - if you apply a 'cold sore ointment,' which you can probably find at Walgreens or Walmart it'll go away - Bryan Holmes

6)   if you have never had one before the likely hood of you giving it to him is slim but possible.
Ask him if he has had them before. If so, then he is having an outbreak and he could give it to you.
If this is the garden variety cold sore it is Herpes Simplex 1 and contagious and you have it for ever, just like the other Herpes.
There is help with the sores though.
Get a supplement called Lysine and take it. It suppresses the Herpes virus and works very well.
Getting this kind of Herpes has nothing to do with being sexually promiscious. He probably got the virus from his parents.
I get those and I got it from my dad.
I use the lysine in tandem with a lysine salve and it works well.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3115841 - ckngbbbls

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Question 2
I recently bought a 20% Salicylic Peel. I got more acne!?...  Before I bought the at-home salicylic peel, I had very little acne but some enlarged pores and blackheads. Now, after I've used the peel three times I have a whole lot more pimples. I've been following the instructions and everything so I don't know what's wrong. Is this supposed to happen until after a few tries? Or is something wrong? Thanks :)

1)   Maybe its too strong? Or it irritated your skin? Or maybe afterwards it allowed bacteria into your skin to cause the acne. I'd stop using it if I were you, and let your face heal while using a gentler product, - tina

2)   Generally, the rule with acne medicine is that "its going to get worse before it gets better." it will probably get better, just keep using it. - HastyG

3)   When you try a new product your skin has to adjust to it. Its bringing out more because its not used to it - Harley Quinn

4)   You have simply confirmed that dry skin breaks out more than oily skin, which people find hard to believe until they experience it. Salicylic acid is very drying to the skin, as a matter of fact. It also has no effect on things like enlarged pores, or even blackheads. When you dry out the skin, you remove the natural bacterial barriers skin has, which leaves the door open for the bacteria normally living on the skin to get in. Pimples are caused as a result. I suggest you leave off peeling the skin. Salicylic acid is okay for a really nasty pimple, but not all over the face. For blackhead removal, you have a choice. You can use the strips made for noses and foreheads, and use those on other areas of the face quite safely. You can also give yourself a steam facial, which will open up the pores and let them clean themselves. Once or twice a week, a steam facial is a good thing. It also helps to keep gunk off the skin, including your hands. If you live in a city where there is lots of air pollution, it can be a challenge. Use witch hazel and a cotton pad to wipe down your face a couple times a day. You'll see all the gunk and dirt that has landed on your face. You also need to keep your hands off your face, unless they are fresh washed and you are washing your face. Everything you touch gets transferred to your face otherwise. For now, use the witch hazel to soothe the skin on your face, and leave off the peels. You'll have to learn to live with pores the size they are, as well. Just stick with plain soap and water for washing, and only use a dab of salicylic acid gel directly on really bad spots. - The mom

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Question 3
What does this look like?...  http://s79.photobucket.com/albums/j121/Kalli_02_/?action=view&current=312d048b.jpg

They are VERY itchy. These are on my inner thighs, mostly on the right. It is red because I can't stop scratching them. They are just very itchy bumps. Any ideas?

1)   It could be an allergic reation to something or maybe u wore new jeans and that's what caused it... - Rockin White Chick!!!!

2)   this is just allergy,....try ice on it..........this is the natural remedy or use dermi cool talcum powder - Nitin

3)   it could be scabies or possibly chaffing from a combination of sweating and rubbing or eczema.... Google the images.... if it persists longer then 48 hours with no relief then I would see your doctor. Try taking a luke warm bath, or an oatmeal bath. Pat the area dry and if it seems like dry skin use a unscented body lotion... try a small area before you lob it on in case the skin is over irritated... then it may burn.... but Vaseline may help the itching and it wouldn't burn. Hope I could help. - WenDDarling

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Question 4
i have an appointment to go to the skin doctor and get moles and stuff checked out..?...  i'm very nervous because i feel very uncomfortable with my body and i was told that i have to get completely naked should i just cancel the appointment is it really a big deal? .. or can someone possibly make me feel a little better about this :P

1)   Relax! The doctor should only uncover a small area at a time, If there is a particular mole that is bothering you, start with that one so its not stressing you out. Realize that the doc looks at people all day and is going to be understanding that it makes you nervous. If it is a male doc, he will have a nurse in there with him to make you less self concious. Explain to him that you are very nervous before you undress, and he will be able to reassure you. Don't cancel by all means! Its important to stay on top of these things! you'll be fine!! - tina

2)   relax blah it vil b fine,........see just don't flirt wid him ,....hehe - Nitin

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Question 5
Worried about getting tetanus?...  Okay, so I cut my finger with my pocket knife the other night. I went to the E.R. 2 hours later and got two stitches and a tetanus shot because I couldn't remember when my last vaccine was. Does this mean that I'm in the clear from getting tetanus? I'm curious how a vaccine after the injury will help? Any info would be appreciated.

1)   tetanus vil wrk within 24 hours - Nitin

2)   Did you get your vaccinations as a baby? If you did, you don't have to worry at all. You only have to have tetanus shots ever 10 years anyway. Besides a cut with a pocket knife doesn't seem high risk for tetanus anyway. So, you're covered! - nochocolate

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