Friday, October 16, 2009

can u be turned down for a job because of the colour of your skin?

Question 1
can u be turned down for a job because of the colour of your skin?...  i recently went for a job interview for the post of a beautician which means the interview was practical. i was required to perform 2 treatments, which i know i did to a high standard as i have a good client base doing mobile beauty. i did get an odd feeling as soon as i walked in though as she imediatly told me the hours had been reduced to just 1 days work as if she was trying to put me off., even though ive noticed she is still advertising. i am over qualified for the job, and was extremly pleasant and yet i contacted her today and she told me i didnt get the job, as i didnt 'fit' the criteria she was looking for. do you think it could be to do with the colour of my skin? its really got me down because despite the fact i was dressed in a suit with my c.v, certificates and great practical treatments, she accused me of not fitting the you think she was being racist?
im white caucasian by the way and the family who ran the shop were indians in an area where it is primarily indian and african american residants.ive heard about racism to coloured people before but didnt know whether it could be the same the other way round.

1)   some people are like that man..

sorry :( - Brenden

2)   If that's your first thought....better take a good look at the chip on ya shoulder, not the mirror! - roosted

3)   Probably its more to do with her clients preferences - Joe

4)   Next time, if someone says you didnt fit the criteria, you should ask them in what way. But sadly, racsim is still out there. They wont come out and tell you but that could be the reaseon. However, do not jump to conclusions, it maybe something else. - Vice City 1986

5)   yea she jive was being racist. i say you go in there and ask for a hair-do. when their done with it, say it look like shit and tell them that ur not paying for it and then call the police if they try to make you pay. it might not get that far so do sumn crazy like knock all of their hair stuff on the floor and punch one of the beauticians in the face. - QUEEN TAKILEONIA NEOSHIA

6)   anything is possible, but it would be something you would have to prove, and its not worth it. If you were happy with the way you performed at the interview then you have nothing to worry about. You didn't want to work there anyway if thats the way they are going to act and treat people. If you are that skilled you will find another place to work that wants you. - thunder2sys

7)   You are not allowed to discrimminate.
This is why you're not allowed to put pictures of yourself on you CV, as people can judge by that.
If someone rejects you from your job, they have to have a GOOD reason as to why. And obviously she hasn't made things clear and appeared racist. The fact that you are over qualified for the job makes it seem more so.

As i'm only currently learning about this is my college course, i'm not entirely sure if you can approach the person to ask why.

I hope someone else can help you out with this. - Foxy

8)   Obviously only the employer knows, but you just have to accept you didnt get the job. As you said, if your overqualified for the job, you could just apply to a different beauticians and get a job with them. If your as good as you made out to be, other places would love to employ you.

However, having said that, it is their business, and they can employ whoever they want. This 'racist' discussion about employment quite often tends to be that somebody else was better than you on the day and you just make the 'racist excuse'. Like when blacks say they get stopped by the police because they're black, when in reality they get stopped because the police suspect them of doing something illegal, nothing to do with the colour of their skin.

Im not saying that is the case here, as i wasnt there, but you just have to accept it and move on. - Mike C

9)   Let's put it this way...if the roles were were a white employer and refused to employ an Asian girl....would that be seen as racist?? - Rolyn- yn flîn ddiawledig

10)   Most definitely due to her clientele, she wanted one of her own kind, but would be seen as discriminating if she advertised for exactly that. - holly


Question 2
I have random bruising and red blotches on my left leg... any idea what's going on?...  


hope this helps. - Seriphos

2)   herpes man u got the herpes - Hatchetwarrior584

3)   You may have a nutritional deficiency but if it persists see an MD - fran j

4)   just see your doc - Nicholas Hoult

5)   I think that could be a lot of things. Are you severally allergic to something? Maybe poison ivy? Though I am not sure why poison ivy would give you bruising.

Does it itch? Is there one place in particular that hurts more than any other? Maybe it's a bite of some sort. Or eczema?

What were you doing when this started? Was there something out of the norm that you started to do around the same time frame? - Scott

6)   yep i agree definitely some herpes. Gotta keep your leg out those dirty little holes! - fckubch


Question 3
How canI get rid of my stretch marks on my legs?...  I'm 15 and I've been too skinny ever since. I know stretch marks are hereditary, my mum has them too. Is there a way to get rid of them without expensive stuff which end up not working? Thanks.

1)   How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks?

Regular Exercise - Some stretch marks fade over time but most of them do not completely disappear. One of the most difficult stretch marks to remove is on the legs. If you have stretch marks on legs, you will need to do exercises like running and jogging. It is also important for you to eat the right foods so you can stay in your right weight. However, if you are too tired to do exercises everyday, there are more drastic treatments like undergoing surgery.

Surgical Procedure - One of the more famous surgical procedure is the tummy tuck. This type of surgery is actually meant to remove stubborn fat from the abdomen but is now used to remove stretch marks as well. Although the results are satisfying but this method cannot be used for stretch marks on legs.

Treatment through Laser - Laser treatment is a less painful and expensive procedure that can get rid of stretch marks on legs. However, there are risks involved in this method and it is important that the physician who administers it is highly trained and certified. If you fear taking risks and would like to spend less to remove stretch marks on legs, then using topical creams is the solution for you.

Stretch Mark Creams - There is one cream in the market that uses all natural ingredients and none of those harsh chemicals. This solution can heal your tissues and stimulate collagen production. Aside from making the stretch marks on legs disappear, the natural ingredients will make your skin more elastic and firm and prevent it from developing new scars. - Ananda

2)   Stretch marks are breaks in the skin from weight gain or rapid growth, and that's permanent. However you can fade them by using Vitamin E or Bio oil. - Kathleen

3)   try coca butter it wont make them comepetely disappear it will help - Love 101

4)   You can try palmers coco butter lotion. Palmers also has a oil you can use. Neither one cost to much. - Rachelle


Question 4
Does anyone know how to get rid of cold hands?...  I am fourteen, and I get cold hands a lot. Even in the summer. can anyone tell me how to get rid of this?

1)   You have poor circulation. Try exercising more and eating better. - Olivia J

2)   and wearing gloves - Michael C

3)   sweating? if yes, buttocks treatment - Bong A

4)   Poor circulation, wear gloves and exercise the hands to get the blood circulating. - fran j


Question 5
OMG.... Im getting a stye.. How do i treat it to get rid of it asap?...  Why styes come out?

1)   If it's forming below an eyelash, you can pluck out that eyelash to drain it. If that does work, put a warm teabag over your eye until the stye comes to a head then gently pop it. - Olivia J

2)   take your antibiotic.. - Bong A

3)   It's an infection, clean warm compresses - fran j


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