Monday, October 26, 2009

What information can you all give for a first time weed smoker?

Question 1
What information can you all give for a first time weed smoker?...  PLEASE help

1)   Don't do it - Mary

2)   1) Stop now

2) Quit

3) Don't do it

Weed is an addictive drug that will inevitably make you decidedly miserable in the long term. - ice

3)   first don't over do it and since its your first time you might not even get high just be with some one experienced with it when you do if you do get high you will still have full control over your body so don't freak out its fun so enjoy if you have any more question's about it you can send me a message and ask me and that other guy is full of shit its not addictive because iv smoked it for years every day but sometimes i take smoke breaks with no withdraw and its not hard to stop - ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐

4)   Don't smoke it. Weed has been linked to physiological conditions such as anxiety, depression and schizophrenia.

It might seen fun at the moment but when you are experiences mental illness because of it, are fully broke, addicted it won't seem as appealing! - rebecca k


Question 2
am i gonna get herpes?...  i made out wit a girl who is rumored to have herpes. or oral warts (EW) i didnt feel any, or wasnt paying attention to tht while it was happening. but it happend saturday the 24.. when will i know???

1)   ewww!! why would you do that?
its soo not worth it
i know you didn't do this to get like opinions but still
i don't know about herpes, but warts are contagious...
Gross *shudders*
why did u have to kiss her yuck
did u even know her?
so immoral.... get some limits and standards!!
are u that desperate?? - Lilly

2)   most likely - stryzk


Question 3
Can you survive if....?...  a teenager overdoses on 45 pills in 2 days plus 30 something vitamins she took last month. my friend did and shes in a lot of pain what will happen... she hasnt gone to the hospital
of aspirin btw

1)   It depends on what those 45 pills were. It is possible she has caused damage to her liver and without medical care soon, it is potentially possible she could die. It also depends on where the pain is coming from - she could also have done damage to the lining of her stomach. Without medical care, she could be allowing some permanent damage to happen to her body. She needs to see a doctor pronto. - J B


Question 4
Burning sensation around eye in forehead and cheekbone?...  what is a good remedy for sinuses hurting, can't take over the counter medications, is burning normal in sinus area?

1)   Oh you poor thing! You could possibly have a sinus infection. Last time I had burning in my upper nasal passage, I was diagnosed with a staph infection along with a sinus infection (during pregnancy!!) I'm pregnant again and dealing with sinus problems and I also don't take medications. When I go in for massages, I always tell the masseuse I have sinus problems and they zero in on the problem and I get immediate relief. So taking a cue from the therapist, I put my fingers on my forehead and draw them outward with firm pressure. I do the same on the bridge of my nose. Put your forefingers on the bridge of your nose and make a sweeping motion over your sinus area outward towards your ears with gentle, but firm pressure. Bonus if you can get someone else to do it for you so you can really enjoy it :) - queenofsheba0324


Question 5
Have you ever contracted an STD from somebody?...  Have you ever contracted an STD from somebody? And if so, how did you go about telling them that it was from them? Or finding out it was them? Did you get mad at the person? What STD was it and how did you get rid of it.

1)   I found out 2 weeks into boot camp that I had chlamydia. I never told anyone until now, and to this day I've got no idea who gave it to me. I was pissed at myself for having gotten into that situation. They gave me this nasty clear liquid to drink, and I assume that got rid of it.

Don't sleep around, you'll get your just desserts like I did. - gemini fae


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