Saturday, October 10, 2009

How do you know if you have tinnitus?

Question 1
How do you know if you have tinnitus?...  how do you know if you have tinnitus, other than the ringing in the ears.

1)   Go to a doctor and get it checked. - Bizarreon

2)   you pooh nails - gravitate

3)   perhaps sound is muffled?
I'm no expert, so you should ask your doctor.
Good luck - UK Cleverguy

4)   lock jaw - Kelly

5)   Read this: - Dacho LR

6)   I think that is the only symptom
I have tried some cures from the health food stores and
NONE of them worked......yet - Robert C

7)   well, go and see a doctor and then they'll check your ears and tell u i suppose x - Charlotte


Question 2
why does my skin always get itchy after i shower?...  well my skin ONLY gets itchy after i shower at night when im using shampoo. it just gets really red (only below my knee) and its just really itchy (this lasts for about 10 mins once getting out of the shower).

but this never happens when i shower and use shampoo in the morning. i use to have eczema but its basically gone. so why does this happen only at night?

but even if i use the same shampoo in the morning my skin dosnt get itchy. its only at night

1)   yes - Kenzie!!!

2)   I had this. But then I had to change my shampoo to a skin friendly one. - Unicorn Poo &+ Pixie Dust XD

3)   could be cos you are allergic to your shampoo? I used to get covered in a rash every time I had a bath because of the soap. You could try switching to the hypoallergenic versions next time and see if it is any different. Though I dunno why that would happen only at night so it's weird that. - fixer29

4)   u could be having a reaction with the shampoo ur using - CeZzA

5)   you probally just have really dry skin so just try to put on lotion everyday to help mosturise it. - Rachael

6)   Just like everyone else you might have sensitive skin so maybe you could go around and look for shampoo that is sensitive skin safe!

Hope i helped!!

Pop Princess. - Pop princess


Question 3
What's wrong with me?...  Sometimes i get really mad and hurt people (physically and mentally). I know this sounds bad but sometimes i think about killing myself. I don't hurt myself. Sometimes i get really sad over nothing and just cry for hours. I also get really happy and hyper. I noticed that my hunger and my sleeping habits have changed. This may sound weird but i always feel like something watching me. I've been doing alot of bad stuff lately (hitting people getting in trouble at school) Im 13 is it hormones or something else???

1)   Its all part of growing up.Though you need to control your anger as you could end up losing friends due to this.It sometimes helps to talk to people about your problems,to get it off your chest so maybe talk about this to a friend or a close family member and they will give you advice and support. - leah

2)   you could have bipolar disorder. if you do it is okay, millions of people have it, myself included. if this is the case, your mania must last for at least four days and include at least five of the symptoms. google bipolar disorder and read about it to see if it is you - molly

3)   im going through the same thing im 14 i think about suicide but i
dint and i don't get in fights but i get sad not cry but like it makes me really depressed but it normal, i am seeing a phsycriogist or how ever its spelled you might need mood balancers - mayjay1520

4)   Do you have family members with thyroid problems?

Some forms of thyroid disorders can run in families.. some are independent.

Messed up thyroid hormones can affect a lot of different things, including moods, and sleep, and appetite.... it wouldn't be a bad idea to have some blood tests run to see what's up. If only to rule it out as a possibility.

You'd want them to check the following:
Free T3
Free T4
and thyroid antibodies

... to start with.

If the TSH is over 2.0
and/or the Free T3 is less than mid way in it's range, or higher than the top of it's range.
and/or the Free T4 is over range or at the low end of it's range..

... it would be good to find out why the levels are off...

If it is thyroid hormones you can take replacement hormone to make up for what your gland can't make... Not fun to take pills.. but it beats feeling so rotten.

Sit down with your parents. Explain to them that you don't like that way that you feel. That you don't like the way that you have been acting. That you'd really like to find out if there is something physically wrong that can be taken care off so that you can concentrate on being alive again.. Doing well in school, having friends, and being able to have fun.

Obviously you are not happy with the way that things are right now. Let your parents be aware that you can see that you realize things aren't right and find out what is going on.

Trust your parents, let them know that you respect yourself AND them and work together to find out what is causing you to feel this way, and act this way... - Topper (Linda)


Question 4
What is wrong with me?...  Well it started Thursday. I woke up with a 101 fever, a headache and a cough. I stayed home from school, went to the doctor and was told I have a viral infection. Yesterday, I was feeling a lot better. I was on fever reducer the whole day so my fever didnt come back. Today I woke up with a 102.1 fever, the same headache from Thursday, a stuffy nose and I still have a cough and now chills. I am thinking it isnt a viral infection. Should I go back to the doctor? What do you think I have? thankss!!

1)   Virus's have to take their course. Keep taking what your taking, rest, plenty of fluids, it will pass. If you get joint pain, vomiting and diahrrea you should go back to your doc, could be the swine flu and this will need to be reported so that you aren't in school exposing others. Feel better soon. - lisa b

2)   Yes I think you should see the doctor again because it seems like you just got worse. And I think you have the flu but I would see your doctor anyway. - Ace445

3)   With the recent outbreaks of the H1N1 virus, I would seriously recommend going back to the doctor. If he did not do a nasal swab, he can't be sure if it is the common cold, or the deadly H1N1 swine flu.
Your symptoms are very like those of the aforementioned.
The cough, fever, headache, and chills, along with a high fever.... Worrisome, to say the least.
I know it seems like something that will "Never happen to you".
Believe me, you don't want to be wrong.
Colin B.
(M.D, PhD, Internal Medicine) -

4)   At the moment i am suffering with a bad virus and i am going back to the doctors for the 4th time tomorrow . At first i was like you and now i have been off school for a whole month . Virus' are unpredictable but yes you should go back to the doctors and you might have to have blood tests like i did but dont worry . it will eventually go at its own time :D hope that helps :] - Roisin >.<


Question 5
How to get rid of my acne?...  I have acne on my for head, t zone and on my chin. I really want it gone so i tried EVERYTHING but it hasn't work. I'm going to go see a dermatologist but i know they cost alot of money so i want something i can get that is cheaper and that actually works. Please help!!!

1) - JulieeSweetie

2)   clean your face in the morning and before you go to bed. - Rachael

3)   Ok, I was the same way, but then I got Acne Free. It started working it's magic the second I put it on. I'm not completely clear yet, but it won't allow me to get worse. You can get it at places like Target/Wal-Mart for about 20 bucks. It sounds like you may have sensitive skin. Luckily, they have a line for sensitive skin as well. Good luck, and happy clensing! - Kelly


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