1) get someone to put a flame on it and it will go out - ♥♥football luver girl♥♥
2) Spread some vaseline or cooking oil on the tick. It won't be able to breath and will pull back out of your skin to breath. You can pluck it off when it does. - Jodith
3) get over it baby, its just a tick. pull it out. - † my god is an AWESOME god! †
4) get someone to grabit right up against your skin with tweezer then put some aftershave or that alike on it.... - So in Love with Brendon & Bella
5) Burn it, heat up a metal rod and burn it or ask a friend to hold up a lighter to it. Or rub alcohol on it and light it. - Knight28
6) first chill out get twizzers and burn them over the stove and pick at it you nedd to get the WHOLE tick so u dont get an infection have someone do it for you - Kate
7) burn the little phucker - spiral out
8) eww how the heck did that happen, call your doctor! - :)
9) Either pick it out or go to the hospital. Best wishes. You won't get sick. (: - Mเรรz_38
10) Stay calm...
Just roll around on a rough surface or go to your neighbor and tell them to pluck it out with tweezers. - Charlie O.
11) You are ok, you are not going to die. Find someone to to help you remove it with tweezers. Just relax. - Andrea
12) well you need someone to help you with this one, but here just check out this site
http://dermatology.about.com/cs/miscellaneous/a/tick.htm - Jonathan M
13) Get a friend to put some rubbing alcohol on it - or booze if you don't have any rubbing alcohol. And then you work it out - don't tear it out or the head will break off and you'll have to dig for it.
Don't panic - we've all had ticks trying to eat us.
Once the bugger is off you, wash out the wound really well with the alcohol - it might hurt.
We pulled these off the horses all the time - no big deal. - Morpheus
14) Just pull it out with tweezers... or you could take a match and light it the blow it out and put it on the tic this should make it pop out.
Good Luck =) - MSEEBZ
15) all u have todo is grab around its HEAD then pull it off. but make sure you have its head because if you dont it can get stuck in your skin and then your skin grows over and... just make sure you grab around the head and pull it off. it doesnt hurt. - Dr.Rightight
16) lol get a cotton ball, some rubbing alcohol, and tweezers. put the rubbing alcohol on the cottonball and place that over it for a while. it should start moven out. then grab it as close to your skin and slowly pull it out. make sure you get it all cuz u dont wana get an infection. its nothing to be scared about it wont kill u. ive found em on places i never thought i would... but im still here. e-mail if you need more help - Mosin Nagant 7.62x54r
17) take a tweezer make sure not to pull the body use the tweezer pull it out by its head once its out put it in a ziplock and go to the doctors so they can check you up they'll take the tick and send it in to be tested to make sure it doesn't have lime disease i hope you can get it
eli - eli
18) What I learned to do is to take a tweezer and try to get most of it out. After that it will still most likely be alive, so put vasaline over it which sufficates it, so eventually it will die. Get someone else to take it out of you because it might be a little hard to do it yourself. After you get it out, you might want to stop by the ER or your doc just to be on the safe side and be sure you don't have lyme disease. Better to be safe than sorry I guess. Good luck=] - lmkbabe147
19) you should go the hospital to get removed. depending on the tick, and your overall health it could make you very sick if not removed properly - flyufoolz_1
20) bug spray rub achohal try those anti tick lotion for animals works most of the time - Freakey
21) if you want it to get off right away then get someone to smoke a ciggarate and blow smoke on it and it will cough then let go if it dont work then burn it with the cigaret - tenorio
22) you need to remove it with a pair of tweezers. If you have to cut the skin, you have to cut the skin. As someone who has lymes diesase (because you can never get rid of it) it's no fun at all. When you get it out....and make sure you get it all out, you need to flush it or burn it, it's the only way you can kill it. good luck - Face™
23) the best thing you'll be able to do since its only halfway in, is just to get a pair of tweezers and try getting it out. if it is unable to come out, then you'll have to try to go to your doctor. they will probably just pull it out themselves or something.. it probably won't be surgery or pain or anything like that! good luck.. and get that sucker. - junepearl123
Question 2
is it possible to have an std for years and not know?... i think i might have chlamydia or gonnorea (spelling?) but i can only think of a few possible ways that could have happend, is it possible that i contracted it 2 to 3 years ago and didn't know?
1) it is possible. If ur so worried, why not take a test to make sure? - Mike C
2) very possible - Murzy
3) yes because sometimes they are dormant and wake up and affect you after time goes by just like HIV and AIDS. - Knight28
4) i don't think so since that's wayy to long to not notice it, since don't STDs usually have some nasty visable effects, but still like said i don't really know so you should go see your doctor - Jonathan M
5) It can happen, especially if you're a woman, as you don't exactly see your cervix every day. That's why you should see your gynecologist every now and then--just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it's not there. - ?
6) Yes, It is possible my guy friend had it for 2 years without knowing until his newest girlfriend reacted weird after 2 moths after she had unprotected sex, so she got tested and had gonorrhea from him, and he asked the only other girl to get tested and she didnt want to and she just told him that she was the one who gave the gonorrhea to him. - Tay Tay
7) yea duhh... - Ligit H
Question 3
I think I'm getting a UTI (urinary tract infection)...?... My pee has not yet started to sting, but I'm getting the urge to go slightly. Will drinking cranberry juice make it go away (without the use of antibiotics)?
1) Two things....drink a lot of water and cranberry juice. If it's in the early stages, it might work. At the very least, it can keep it from getting too bad and so you won't need as much or as strong of antibiotics. - Jodith
2) I just went thru this while on vacation. I downed cranberry juice (be sure to get %100 juice) and took an equivalent to 'Azo'. I was able to purchase the supplement for about $13. at Walmart. The urge went away within a day and I haven't had a problem since. It's great that you've caught the onset and didn't wait til a full blown infection set in. (Better for you and your wallet- not to mention it's good to avoid antibiotics whenever you can.) Good luck! - ButterfliesFlutterBy
3) You should go to the doctor, if the infection goes up to your kidneys they can get damaged and you'll be in serious trouble. There are special antibiotics for this. Drink much water can help to delay the infection but not stop it. - drakee59
4) No. It's not worth risking it, because if you leave it long enough it can spread upward through your urinary tract and potentially to your kidneys. Believe me, I just let mine sit for a few weeks and finally got antibiotics prescribed, and I did not have stinging at any part of mine. - catsnacks
Question 4
What is the H1N1 Vaccine?... I am getting the H1N1 Vaccine tomorrow. I guess it is going to be through a nasal spray. The idea of something going in my nose makes me uncomfortable, will it hurt? I will be doing this either way for my own safety (my sister had H1N1), I am just curious as to why they give the vaccine in the nose and how it works. Thanks for your help!
1) a thing obama believes that everyone should take to stop the spread of h1n1. yet he wont let his kids take it... - link
2) No, it will NOT hurt. I didn't feel ANYTHING.
They push a minuscule amount of fluid into your nose and you sniff it up. In the fluid is the live H1N1 virus, only weakened. - andrenine00
3) It won't hurt it will just feel weird for a minute. The nasal vaccine is a weakened live virus - your immune system will fight the virus and "learn" how to fight the real thing when it has to. There is a tiny, tiny chance that you will get the flu from it, but very unlikely so don't worry about it.
If your sister already had H1N1 and was in the same house, you probably have already become immune to the virus because you had to have been exposed to it. - Jim L
Question 5
Can vinegar actually cause more acid reflux?... This is by far the worst acid reflux attack I've ever had, in that it's lasted almost three weeks. For four days I took three prilosecs otc's, then went back at my doctors's increased level of two a day. Relief at first, then I overate again and it came back. I will be making an appointment with a G.I. doctor tomorrow. But I'm exasperated and was crying because I couldn't eat anything that didn't cause belching and a sore throat. Exasperated, I researched home remedies, and found out about apple cider vinegar. I only have white distilled vinegar, but also found a dosage level for that. I took one teaspoon as suggested, and nothing--well, almost nothing. It didn't do what I was told it would, so I decided to call a pharmacist. He said that any more acid is a no-no; it just creates more acid when I'm trying to cut down on the acid. I'm confused!
1) Considering that vinegar is acidic, yes it can cause more acid reflux - Jeffery F
2) It needs to be the natural, from the health food store "cider vinegar" to work. It tastes bad yes, but try this: Take about 4 ounces of warm water, mix in about 1 teaspoon of honey and then about the same amount of the cider vinegar. It still tastes a little bad but it will help with the reflux. It will also help you loose weight if you use it on a regular basis, daily or twice a day.
Hope this helps! I always try "natural" remedies before the prescriptions. - God is my Judge
3) I'm assuming you are using something like tums or mylanta to help reduce existing acid? Prilosec helps inhibit the production of acid, but won't help acid that is already present. A product like tums or mylanta can help buffer the acid that is already present in your stomach.
Definitely keep the appointment with the GI. Prilosec is a fairly strong medicine. If it's not keeping your reflux down, you'll need to try something else.
It is true that vinegar is an acid. I've read also that it can help reflux, but it always seemed so counter-intuitive to me that I never tried it. - Jodith
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