can you have sex with someone with aids..?... if you use protection? and also can two people with aids have protected sex?
1) can you? yeah should you? no - Amy C
2) yes you can. wouldn't advise it though. and don't see any reason why you wouldn't use some protection even if both have aids. there could be something else to attack the already low immune system - the eyes have it!
3) you can if you want aids....
if two people already have have it they can - Rae Rae
4) Sure....just the other person has I high chance of catching it.
PS: How do you think AIDS spreads? by shaking hands? - Right Knight
5) Sure..
what would stop you from having sex with someone that has Aids..
Your question is like saying.. Can you have sex with a dog... Sure you can... but it's illegal..
What you should ask is, is it safe to have sex with someone that has aids.
and the answer is NO. Condoms aren't 100% safe.
as for 2 aids people.. They sure can but they better not get pregnant because the baby will be born with HIV. - techy76
Question 2
what is a good/safe artificial sweetner for diabetes?...
1) Equal. - Blaze_23
2) Splenda is what is recommended by the American Diabetes Foundation.
And when I went to a diabetic counselor and also nutritionist, both of them recommended Splenda as the best to use.
When my husband was diagnosed and he saw a diabetic counselor and then later a diabetic nutritionist, they also recommended Splenda. - lostmymarbles
3) I am a type-one diabetic and have NEVER been advised to use sugar substitutes, because some of them actually affect your blood-sugar levels like sugar does, and some are bad for you FULL-STOP.
A diabetic should follow the same rules as every non-diabetic:
* Don't eat anything to excess.
* And a little of what you fancy won't harm you.
* Exercise exercise exercise.
As long as I adjust my medication accordingly, from cream cakes to chocolate, there is nothing stopping me from filling my face with whatever I want . . . (apart from the first two rules above!!!)
Sugar in drinks can be a little trickier to handle. But does anybody really need sugar in their coffee or tea? After a couple of weeks of sugar-less tea or coffee, you will NEVER go back. Trust me . . . - Sir Digby Fledgling-Humphrey
Question 3
what is saline drip and what is it for?... what is saline drip? what are the side efects and what is it used for?
thanx to everyone who answers :)
1) Saline is a salt water mix similar to saline solution for your contacts. It rehydrates the body when it is dehydrated. It helps replace volume when someone has been bleeding. - Blaze_23
2) saline is usually used to mix other medications in or just to keep an IV line open. sometimes used for hydration. No side affects from the saline alone. Its only a low concentration (0.9%) salt water solution - gratefully_bj
Question 4
ITCHING LIKE HELL? how?... i've been itching since yesterday and look at me now! my body is red and ive got lumps all over my chest, my stomach, my feet,wrists and neck. dammit i cant resist and this stupid creme doesnt work >:( is this a rash or am i just allergic to something? oh and at night, i scratch myself without control. so it isnt safe for me
1) I hate to mention this but sounds like scabies
have you tried taking Benadryl or something like it?
If you haven't changed soaps or detergents and it doesn't clear up in 48 hrs I would schedule an appointment w/ ur DR.
I think you can get over the counter meds for scabies if thats what it is just make sure you wash all your clothes, sheets and towels in HOT water to keep from getting them again. - Mitzie R
2) There could be a number of things causing you to break out like this. If normal Cortisone and Benadryl doesnt work then I would go to the doctor. Could be poison ivy, poison oak, allergic reaction, scabies and the list goes on thats just to name a few.For now try using Calamine lotion or take an Aveeno bath til you can get to the doc.Hope you feel better soon! - Julie L
Question 5
Help with lactose intolorence please.?... I am lactose intolerant. But I love whey. I know I need to cout out milk, (which I will miss) but do I need to cut out whey? If I am not mistaken it shouldnt make me sick.,
1) What the heck is whey. - sk8 freak
2) My brother is lactose intolerant, and he takes pills. Just some plain old lactose digestive pills should help. If you can't take those, then you probably should cut out whey. - *Shannon*
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