Tuesday, October 20, 2009

three person who are not having HIV/AIDS, have sex with each other, any possibility of HIV/AIDS?

Question 1
three person who are not having HIV/AIDS, have sex with each other, any possibility of HIV/AIDS?...  

1)   its not possible. - Giggidy!!

2)   Come on, really? NO - Shiggity

3)   Only if one of them contracts it from somewhere else - Paul

4)   No,
Not if none of them have it :') - Ellephant .

5)   Unless all 3 people have negative test results AND were locked away for 3 to 6 months prior to the test and locked up since the test, YES you can get AIDS! There is a period of time between infection when a person has the virus and can spread it but the test results show negative. Talk to your local health department infectious disease/STD experts. - Mary

6)   about it you can get information from here http://doctors10.notlong.com/4AAEsJ5 - Alyosha

7)   HIV is not something people can nor should they go through alone. To all of us who positive stay strong and need people to win this fight, whether it's family, friends or a support group, people are the key. "http://www.stdchatting.com" is such a free site - Zbzbz


Question 2
Best cure for a head ache..?...  tablet..and a coffee..stay here....or
tablet, and kip on the couch..?

1)   i would say a nice hot bath and a head ache tablet. dont drink caffiene it will just make it worse. - Adam T

2)   drink lots of water.. - saajan_1982

3)   A hot bath, two bayer aspirin or the amount you need, and a bowl of ramen noodles. - Xolotov

4)   try exercising more monitoring what you eat and sleeping more. oh an taking a tablet (: - ashley marie

5)   Take an aspirin or paracetamol ect with the biggest glass of water you have, before going to sleep :)

Prevents hangovers too! - benuk247

6)   drink water as it helps lower blood pressure and keeps you hydrated (dehydration is a major cause of headaches) - nu rock


Question 3
Had a fever &got swine flu for 4 days is this normal?...  Had a fever for 4 days with this swineflu feel poorly still is this normal

1)   hope you feel better and yes it is normal - The Boy Who Asks

2)   You need to go to the doctor and get put on Tamiflu. They give you 10 pills and you take 2 a day for 5 days, then you are cured

my little niece had this and got treated and is better - flipflopchick

3)   swine flu can lead to serious infection.... what are the life threatening signs and differentiating from seasonal flu and to get vaccinated get info here
http://internalmedicine66.blogspot.com/ - James

4)   You people need to stop panicking about the swine flu. The regular flu and swine flu are two totally different viruses. With all the hysteria over the swine flu, which mind you, is NOT a new strand of virus. It's been around since the beginning of time. You know states are now coming down with laws to FORCE all citizens to get a shot for H1N1? Everyone will get a bracelet that we cannot remove EVER. We will be forced to stay inside of city limits until vaccinated and even then, we can be chosen for permanent quarantine at any time.
You should all stop worrying about your COLD and look into the laws that are being passed in America to force everyone to get a vaccine that isn't proven to work. More people are dying from the vaccine than the actual swine flu. - Lulin

5)   yes...it lasts 5-7 days, and the cough and fatigue can last longer. Call MD if fever lasts longer than 7 days, or if you have any difficulty breathing, or symptoms of a secondary/bacterial infection.(ear, sinu pain, localized chest or abdominal pain), or feel/look very,very ill...have a friend/family member keep an eye on you. You will feel better soon. Drink hot tea. Gargle with salt water. Chew gum (it helps keep your ear tubes open and helps prevent ear infection). Drink lots of fluids. Use cold packs to ease headache. EVERYONE: TAKE VITAMIN D. LOTS OF IT. Tamiflu only effective the first 2 days. - annie


Question 4
What sickness do I have? I'm not sure....?...  I was up almost all last night, my tonsils are very painful, and swollen. My head is stuffy, ears feel stuffy too. My nose is not running. A whole bunch of glands all over my body are hurting alot. I'm sneezing, but not coughing much. I started getting sick on Sunday. I think I had a bit of a fever before, but I don't right now.
What could this be?

1)   well first of FEEL BETTER[:
I think you could have mumps....
go to webMD.com and search it. - L♥VE

2)   it can be flu.
Some helpful self remedies are:
Increasing your fluids
Taking up Vit C
and enough sleep
if symptoms persist consult your doctor

hope this helps - Jesmer

3)   Tonsilitis, mono, and a whole lot of other things. If you continue to have a fever or don't start feeling better in a few days, you should go see your doctor. - Steph

4)   It is probably one of the various types of laryngitis. Which one: impossible to tell by internet. Consult a doc. Laryngitis may affect your heart valves later if untreated. - Dr. House


Question 5
Should I avoid dairy products while taking metronidazol (Flagyl)?...  I'm taking metronidazol (Flagyl) for bacterial vaginosis and I was wondering if I should not eat any dairy products while taking this medicine. If anyone knows please let me know! Thanks!

1)   Eating the right food is important for your wellbeing. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it's not solely a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss compound, it's a superfood too. There is a risk free trial on offer at http://tegupt.freefatfree.info I have been using it for two weeks now and it is definitely working!! - Cecelia

2)   you may. just avoid alcohol, alcohol mouthwash and products containing it coz you might experience throbbing headache.

stay healthy - Jesmer

3)   I have never heard either way about dairy products and the Met but I do remember taking it and I always drank it with a big glass of milk to help take the disgusting taste away and I never have had any problems. But I do know that you need to stay away from alcohol, even mouthwash containing it or you will become violently ill. Even a small drink will cause severe nausea and vomiting. Also, if you find that after taking it, its making you nauseous (even with out drinking alcohol) you can always ask your doctor for Metrogel which is the medication in gel form and you use it the same way you use a yeast infection medication. You insert one application each night before bed for 5 days. - ♥i.heart.him


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