They cant make you take the swine flu shot right?... Because I dont want to take it because its not been tested hardly at all. We are pretty much the guinea pigs for the shot. So they cant make you take the shot right?
I am 15 if that matters.
I was just making sure....
and no my parents dont want me to take it
1) No, they also can't make you take the regular flu shot, so I doubt they'd make you take the H1N1 flu shot too. - Z
2) they can't make you. unless your parents make you - niki
3) no, "they" can't.
however, a public school may make it a requirement and the only way out then is home school which means your parents wil have to teach you and if they both work or som eother reason decide to send you to public, you may have to.
it really is no big deal, however, i'm not getting it as i'm not afraid of the swine flu. i'd kick it's a$$. - ez80227
4) Well, i'm sorry to say but, it is your PARENTS choice either you do or don' the the Influenza A (H1N1) Vaccine. =| - Joe W
5) No, you are not required to take the shot. The H1N1 virus is killing people your age but you can gamble your life if you feel like it. Also, seeing as how you are 15 and a minor your parents can decide - not you. Get the shot - your fears are completely unfounded and if you do not get the shot and get the H1N1 flu you could die. - Paul Hxyz
6) Correct, but at your age you are in a high risk category for catching it. Your choice. This is America. - Irish
7) No, they can't make you take it. I actually feel the same way you do about it..very skeptical and I'm 32! - Christie B
8) At 15, unless you are emancipated, your parents can most certainly make you get the swine flu vaccine.
That said, what makes you believe it isn't safe? It has been produced in the exact same fashion that seasonal flu vaccines are, and their record over the last 30 years is pretty good.
There are benefits and risks from any vaccine. At 15, you are at significantly higher risk to catch H1N1, and to have complications from the illness, than you would be from seasonal flu.
With seasonal flu, 90% of the related deaths are in patients over 65. With swine flu, 88% of the deaths are in patients under 65. 24% of the deaths are in patients under 24. - Chuck
Question 2
Should I get the H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccine?... I'm 18 years old, falling in one of the reccomended brackets for those to get the vaccine, but I'm hearing a lot from both sides. Some say that the vaccine, with having so few tests, will cause serious side effects, like Guillain-Barré (neuromuscular paralysis). But others cite that swine flu could be deadly if you get a serious strain. I'm just unsure what to do. Please help me decide.
1) no, there was this girl who got and it and now she has mental side effects she can only walk backwards and she cant control anything inless she is running - Michael
2) The symptoms of 2009 H1N1 flu virus in people include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea. People may be infected with the flu, including 2009 H1N1 and have respiratory symptoms without a fever. Severe illnesses and deaths have occurred as a result of illness associated with this virus.
my opionion
side effects include redness,swelling,or tenderness at the area were u got the shot also fainting (mainly adolescents), headache, muscle aches, fever, and nausea. If these problems occur, they usually begin soon after the shot and last 1-2 days. also if u don't like shots there are nsal sprays.
i've never ever had the flu in my life! and i do not recomnd the vaccine cause it has too many side effects and they rushed through in making it. it may be FDA approved but that Gardisel (cervical cancer shot) wuz FDA approved but u don't see any commericails about it on tv anymore why?? because too many people getting sick,dying,goverment getting sued. so yah..
also it has NOT been tested enough and they have not tested it on children - HORSΣ LUVΣR!!
3) As long as you go to the doctor right away when you get symptoms of the flu and you get tami flu then you wont die. People who die are the ones who wait a long time to go to the doctor thinking they dont need help, which is wrong!
I am not going to get the shot neither is my parents or my sister because we dont want to be a guinea pig for the shot! it has hardly been tested and we dont want to get a bad side effect.
My sister got the swine flu and its been about 2-3 days and she just slept pretty much for those 3 days. Its not as bad as some people get it but she was pretty miserable. I didnt get it neither did my parents. So as long as you stay healthy and clean and always wash your hands or use hand sanitizer all the time you shoudl be ok. Dont breathe the air when someone coughs or sneezes in front of you hold your breath and walk past it fast then breathe it out. This helps a ton!
Hope this helps - Hi!
4) I do not trust the government giving away free shots. No your body may not fight off the virus from the injection. You are do young and healthy forget about it. Live and thank God for your health. If you believe you are coming down with the flu take an herb called echinacea. Learn more about natural herbs for healing and raw foods. - Moses
Question 3
why does coconut suddenly taste different?... I used to be able to eat coconut, just fine. about 2 months ago i started using coconut butter for cooking and on toast with peanut butter and it tasted amazing. then i left for a month long trip and when i ate something with coconut in it, it tasted sour, almost the way milk does when i goes bad. i thought it was just one bad food, but when i got home, even my coconut butter tasted like that suddenly too.
I heard that sometimes when something tastes really bad or rotten (even though it is perfectly good) that it is because you are growing an allergy or an intolerance to it... Does any of this ring true?
1) Consuming the correct food is important for your health. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it's not solely a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss product, it's a superfood too. There's a risk free trial on offer at I have been using it for two weeks now and it's definately working!! - Cameron
2) I think what your talking about is called taste aversion and when people have a bad experience with a food they can sometimes hate it after. - Mr. Jingles
Question 4
What kind of test do they give for H1N1?... I think I might have H1N1. I have sore throat, fever, chills, tired, cough..sick to stomach. How do they test and how soon do you know?
1) Go to your local clinic, or doctor and get treatment before its fatal. According to your symptoms you might be really sick. Prevention is better than cure. Get well. - Amyloo
2) nasal or throat swab, results avail in 24hrs - jandy
Question 5
Is there any help that I could get to pay for an insulin pump?... I am 21 and married and my husband has Cariten insurance through work but they do not seem to help as much as I thought they would. My doc says that I NEED a pump but after insurance pays there part it still leaves me paying 3,299.84 There is no way...I can afford that. Any advice would be great. I am using insulin samples from my doctor. I take 130 each meal of novolog and 160 at bedtime of 70/30 and my numbers are still to high.
I don't know if this would be helpful to you or not....I am not sure what state you are in....which may be a factor. Try googling places that would offer financial assistance for the pump. I am sure a lot of people are having difficulty paying that large sum. I would also ask your physician if he is aware of any places that would offer assistance. - LANEY
2) If you get a positive answer on this one, I would love hearing it. Right now pumps are expensive and the monthly cost for tubing and such is higher than what the insurance companies want to pay, when the same medications can be administered through a cheaper alternative, namely injections. Your diabetes specialist could make a case for you with the insurance company but as of yet, I haven't received a favorable response. - Mama Mia
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