Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why have I been coughing every night?

Question 1
Why have I been coughing every night?...  I cough a lot at night and it has been happening for quite a while, a little over a week. I don't feel sick and in the daytime I feel fine. But at night my throat does not hurt but it will itch and I will cough constantly and it makes it hard to sleep. I haven't been to a doctor I'm not sure if this is serious?

1)   your really sick but the sunlight helps i guess - AzureSkyCrimsonDreamAndDarkLight

2)   i think you have a allergic my aunty has some problem and doctor say you have allergic - Rani

3)   u have a cough. i would see a doctor, if it keeps up. but try cough syrup, like NyQuil, for now - Mads

4)   Have you tried sitting up when you sleep or laying flat on your back. You should see you doctor, I used to have that problem but u have a coughing form of Asama. I take med. for it ever night i can sleep with out it. your welcome - melissah


Question 2
Whats 'heart on my sleve' mean ?...  just wondering its in like every taylor swift song tht i love

1)   it's like you're not very careful and openly display your emotions - tiffany.x

2)   Wearing your heart on your sleeve means you show all your emotions openly, so everyone can see them. Say, you'll cry easily or not be able to wipe the grin from your face when you're happy. - Bumblelou

3)   I don't know what it means in the song, but if you wear your heart on your sleeve it means you openly show your love and you care about others and you don't mind if other people see it as part of your personality. - Sweet Cupcake

4)   Just like everyone else said,it's like really being open,and letting everyone see you're emotions. Like if when you're really,really sad you always really sob and basically cry your heart're wearing your heart on your sleeve. Or if you're happy you're smiling hugely,and laughing ... so in short,if you're the sort of person who is easily readable,and doesn't bother to hide you're feelings - ... ^-^


Question 3
Two swollen lumps! Help!?...  ok, i have this lump underneath my right ear along the top of my jaw line. Today is the second day its been there and it seems like its growing. Its starting to hurt really bad even when i move my head. I cant touch it without it hurting. Its not one of my glands. I also have another lump right in front of my left ear. It hurts only when i touch it. They both developed two days ago. Does anyone have an idea of what they might be??

1)   I dont want to speculate about what they are, it could be a number or Benign (not bad) illnesses. I suggest you see your doctor as soon as possible to clear it up. It may be a jaw injury or a absess. Your doctor will be able to let you know what it is and provide you with suitable treatment. If youlive in the uk try calling nhs direct on 0845 4647
theyre open 24/7 :) - Jennifer

2)   I think you have mumps-.
See a doctor for diagnosis.
Take Paracetamol for pain. - Rhoeas

3)   Wow, confusing. Could this possibly be swelling from an ear infection? I'm sure you know to get thee to a physician. Feel better. - Shoshi

4)   check this: - Speranza


Question 4
Are these the symptoms of the stomach flu?...  My stomach hurts really bad first of all. Like as in lower abdominal cramps. I feel nauseous but haven't thrown up. I am experiencing really bad diarrhea. It started two days ago and I ate really bland yesterday and that didn't help. Also no fever. I usually have one when I have the stomach flu so I'm not sure. Anyone think that's what i have.

1)   If you're feeling the pain just below your bellybutton, it may very well be your appendix which causes stomach cramping/pain and nausea. Please make an appointment to see your doctor. - malica

2)   Sounds more like a gastrointestinal infection to me. Because you have experienced this bad diarrhea for more than a day I suggest you go see a doctor. You may need some antibiotics to clear up the infections. Most gastro infections that do not require antibiotics clear up after a day or so usually after the body have omitted the "poison"most likely infected food, but as yourse has lasted days antibiotics may be needed to give your immune system a boost.
Drink plenty of fluids as you may get dehydrated due to the diarrhea.

Good luck hope you feel better,

EDIT: gas would not cause nausea - rebecca k

3)   Sharp pain in your lower abdominal area could just be gas. You wouldn't believe how much gas can really hurt. With the diarrhea it could just be gas. Since you have no fever you should keep eating bland for a few days cuz it could be something you ate and it takes 72 hours for food to pass all the way through your system. - xando2u


Question 5
my swollen lip?? how to cure it?...  okay heres how it happend. i was waiting in line and i think the girl who was spin the rope for the jumpy ropey thing let go off the handle on purpose and it hit my lip, any ideas how to cure it fast? it doesnt have to be SO fast just you know like in a 1-3 days blah blah.

heres a pic to show it looks like

heres a pic of my lip..

plz and ty!!

if tht doesnt work try this one

1)   Vaseline. - A girl's BFF

2)   Cold ice packs will help the it to stop swelling and to make the swelling go down. Also put chapstick on your lips so they don't crack - Isabel

3)   Drink or hold your lip in really cold iced water!! Swellen should go down quite quickly!! :) - xkxtxfx


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