Is it true that if you get the swine flu, you have a VERY LOW chance of surviving?... My dad thinks that if my sister gets it, she'll have a HIGH chance of not surviving it.
Is it true that if you get the swine flu, you have a VERY LOW chance of surviving?
Does the vaccine actually make you more prone to getting the virus?
Oh no, my sister doesn't have it. She was just skeptical about getting the vaccine after hearing about the people that got sick after getting it ;)
1) Not at all. Most instances of the swine flu are not much more severe than the normal flu. Most people are sick for a few days and get over it. It is more harmful to pregnant women and I believe very young children.
No again. The vaccine helps to prevent the illness. - lois b
2) No and no.
For a healthy person, the virus is not generally lethal. You will be sick, but you'll get better. The concern is with small children and the immune compromised.
The vaccination actually prevents you from getting the disease. - Wise Duck
3) no, you will most likely survive it. we just had our first swine flu related death of a young girl in our area, but there have been dozens of confirmed cases in the area of H1N1.
do you have any underlying medical issues? - annie
4) Lois is correct. - Maham Dacor
5) I can't really tell you the chances of surviving. But I do know one thing, the regular flu is waaaay worse than H1N1 because last year alone, it killed OVER 600,000 people. Make sure your dad gets your sister checked out ASAP. But your chances of surviving with H1N1 is quite higher than regular flu. Weird isn't it??? I hope your sister gets well soon! I wish everyone the best!! - Courtney K
Question 2
Are the Swine Flu shots safe?!?... I keep hearing all this mumbo jumbo about the swine flu being unsafe. How they released the shot far too quickly, without probably testing it. And I believe it because I remember hearing the shot wouldnt be available until November, and its been available for almost two weeks. I also heard a doctor overdosed a kid by giving him an adult shot, more than one.
So, can any trained medical professional let me know if its safe to take it?
1) They're 100% unnecessary so why even take the risk? - lankysparrow
2) well it must be safe, the five contractors that made it are sworn full immunity from being sued if someone gets sick from it or dies. couldn't pay me enough to get injected with that poison.
hmmm funny how it got marked thumbs down, i actually stated proof... idiots. - Jimmy
3) Maybe. It really depends. Many people are afraid of the side effects that can happen with swine flu. such as death, which may occur by some malfunction with the vaccine. however, it's only up to you. Swine flu give you a fever, and makes you very uncomfortable. it really depend on how likely you are to get swine flu. If you are at high risk, being stressed out working at places that are dangerous, you might need a vaccine. if you're not at risk, healthy, and fine, and over 30 or so, you should be fine. but it's up to you! - THE WISESUPERAZN
4) Its not safe!!!! I got it the other day and guess what it did. It gave me the swine flu im now out of school for the next week and a half! - julybaby723
5) It's safe. Don't believe all the anti-vaccination idiots (like the posters above me). You'll find that the people who are spreading all this misinformation about vaccines are not medical professionals or trained scientists, just a bunch of stupid conspiracy nuts.
I plan on getting my H1N1 vaccination asap and I suggest you do the same. - O8SERVER IV
Question 3
I have oily skin!!!!?... ok so i do have acne (don't give me a thign about acne i don't care)
i have an oily face and i want my hair to look liek tom delonge's sorta but my oily skin always makes it get greasy (dont tell me to wash my face twice a day or what ever cuz im usually at school when it gets greasy)
so what can i do to keep it dry
screw you guys seriously lmao but i laughed but seriously fk you
1) good, you can use your oil to cook. - I own you
2) ewwww. - Spongecakes
3) ummmmm dont get it wet? - Looky
4) clean and clear oil-absorbing sheets! just like, buy some, and they are totally portable, back-pocket sort of packets. just when you are at school and your face gets greasy, take a bathroom break and wipe your face with one sheet. it works AMAZINGLY, and you will see results.
but along with that, it would help even more if you DID wash your face twice with clean&clear face wash products. i hope i dont sound like im advertising for them but they are a good company for oil issues. - i<3yahoo
5) I have the same problem what i do is Carrie around little like make up applicators and when it gets oily just wipe it off it does not work as good as washing ur face but its a good thing to use when ur on the go! - girly!!
Question 4
When I work out I get shaky and dizzy...please help?... I am a 30 female and when I work out (either yoga or cardio) I get very shaky like my blood sugar drops or something and I get very dizzy feeling. I have been told I was the opposite of diabites but not to worry about it, just eat small meals through out the day.....and even if I eat right before I get like this when I work out. Oh and when I try to get in a yoga position certain muscles shake....but I think that is just from being out of shape LOL Any help? Should I be worried or go see my doctor about it?
1) Eating the correct food is vital for your health. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it's not only a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss compound, it's a superfood too. There's a risk free trial offered at I've been taking it for two weeks now and it's definately working!! - Kaley
2) You might be pushing yourself to hard, just start off slow and your muscles will shake at first yes, maybe for even the first week. but after a while they should stop and you shouldnt be dizzy. You could be getting dizzy from not breathing properly and when you are using your muscles, not getting the proper oxygen by breathing wrong can cause you to get dizzy or light headed. Remember when doing your cardio, breathe in through your nose and out of your mouth. When lifting, when you are using for example bench pressing, you exhale on the push and inhale when you bring the weight back down. Same for all excersizes, when you are working your muscle, exhale. breathe in on the "rest" - Jeffrey Carl
3) try the Atkins diet - it stabilizes blood sugar quite well. You don't eat sugar, so your body makes it in your liver - so you always have a constant supply. It's pretty neat - makes you feel good.
Get a used copy of his book off of Amazon - "New Diet Revolution" - he can explain the thing to you. Try it for two weeks and you'd know if it would solve the problem. - Morpheus
4) I'm no expert, but if you have a low blood pressure and get dizzy easily (like if you stand up after sitting for a while and get dizzy), then it might be because you don't have enough iron. You might want to try taking vitamins or some type of iron supplement. Also leafy greens like spinach have a lot of iron. - Aselatar
Question 5
can you tell me if this is bs or not?... this kid was telling everyone that he went to the hospital and had to get the defibrillator. you know when they get that metal thing and shock you. and he said it hurt a lot. can't you not feel it cuz you're most likely unconscious when you get that? he said he had to get it because his heart wasn't pumping blood for his body or something? idk to me it sounds like bull cuz he's always making sh** up to get attention. he even put it on his facebook status and everything. can anyone tell me if this can be bull or not? tell me more about defibrillators and if you can feel it and everything. he said he wasn't unconscious
1) Hes b.s ing. a defib is used as a last resort. there is no way that happened. The new defibs they have wont even give off a charge if there is a heart beat. - vinniekoz
2) well, i am not sure if it is possible to feel pain from the defibrillator or not but I have had them used on me. I am 23 and had heart surgery when i was 17 and I did not feel anything. This was also because my heart needed to be restarted after the surgery. The odd thing with me was it didn't dawn on me until well after the surgery that they had used the defibrillator on me. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help. Hopefully the next person will be able to help more - Shane
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