Saturday, December 18, 2010

Can human's get worms?

Question 1
Can human's get worms?...  I was wondering because I took my puppy to the vet today and he has round worms. I was wondering because I am about 6 weeks pregnant.

1)   The dog won't give you worms.
But people can get worms. My mom always used to tell me that if I ate raw meat, I would get worms. - Jožo

2)   It doesn't usually happen but it's possible. Since worms are generally transmitted through the feces, make your baby daddy clean up after the puppy. It's more dangerous for pregnant women to come in contact with cat feces though than dog. - lauryl4062

3)   Yeah,humans can get,tape worms,pin-worms, and round worms.
As long,as you're staying clean with your dog,and washing your hands after you pet him every time,and of course don't let him lick your face or mouth. I think you'll be alright though?,but you may want to check with your doctor just to be safe. - Grace

4)   Yes you can.

As for "The dog won't give you worms." really bad advice, toxocara can make you go blind and infect the fetus.

Avoid pets, especially cats and dogs poo which can carry parasites that can cross-infect humans - Nitram

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Question 2
If my partner had genital warts can i still get them after they've been cured?...  
It was cured 5 months ago

1)   Well It Depends How Long Ago Was It Cured And You Could Get Any Kind Of Disease Even If It's Cured. - RaeRaeTheSnowLeopard

2)   Warts is caused by HPV which is a virus. Even if the physical symptoms are cured the virus is still there. So yes you can still get the virus even after the warts have been removed. - livingdeaddoll246

3)   There isn't a real "cure" like there is for syphilis for instance, so yes. - rachiiez

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Question 3
what is that stick type thing in the middle of my body that has hair on it and sticks out?...  PLEASE HELP

1)   Sternum? - Ty

2)   I love a bargain as much as anyone and I used to love all the cheap stuff I could find on eBay, but nowadays it seems so hard to find anything cheap over there and just when we're all finding it tougher to just pay our bills. I don't give up so I was looking for someplace online where I could still find myself a bargain... and by accident I came across this site I never heard of before where you get rock bottom prices from police impounded stuff, I mean I was worried about scams but this stuff is actually real and I got some real cheap stuff there... it's become my new eBay lol! Go to - Elmer Trumbull

3)   It may be the handle of a knife that was wielded by Sasquatch. See, as the handle gets bloody, some of his hair inevitably sticks to it. I'm sure this must be what you're referring to as Yahoo doesn't want anything too obscene on here. So, you've been stabbed by's the only logical answer. - r

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Question 4
the sides of my figure is dark purple, so do i need to go to the doctors?...  i was at basketball practice and someone threw the ball at me and it hit my figure so i thought it was just jammed but now i can not bend it and i "jammed" it like two days ago. do i need to go to the doctors?

1)   Your figure??!?!?!?! What are you talking about? - Rick B

2)   go to the doctor - iLOVEcats

3)   (i'm assuming you're talking about your finger, not figure) anyways, if you jammed it, and now you can't bend it, and it's discoloring it might be broken. if you're really concerned i would go seea doctor about it, just ask your mom or dad. if you don't want to see a doctor, get a splint for it, or make one (from popsicle sticks and medical tape) and let it heal up. - Juliet In Wonderland

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Question 5
What can I put on my skin to get rid of scars?...  I have spots all over my legs and arms.

1)   vitamin e - Twister

2)   Mederma!!!!!!!

I had this HUGEE scar on my hip because I was swimming and I cut it on a rock..anyway I put mederma on it every morning and night and I got rid of it really fast! Like in 3-4 weeks! Its was amazing! - FaNcY PaNtS

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