Tuesday, December 14, 2010

~~~Is It True That People With O NEGATIVE Blood Cannot Get HIV~~~?

Question 1
~~~Is It True That People With O NEGATIVE Blood Cannot Get HIV~~~?...  Don't just say "yes" or "no"
Provide some sources people!

1)   no -- common sense. - shizzle

2)   No. Anyone with blood can get HIV. The only people that are resistant are a VERY small percentage of the population with a mutation that prevents HIV from infecting the person. Did I say VERY small percentage? - psykick5

3)   NO

COMMON SENSE ---- O is a universal recipient (in terms of blood transfusion) .. which figuratively means all blood types can have HIV . - wenzelpaulene

4)   Mostly anyone can get HIV, if you do some research on HIV it has to do with the lowering of white blood cells in the body, the only way that anyone could be immune to it is to defy being human because everyone has white blood cells, no exceptions and if you have them they can be lowered. - Liz

5)   Oh my god what anyone can get that what misinformed person told you that? - Queeny

6)   Of course not!
http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0oG7lqkSwhNsT0B9R1XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByc2FtNTRpBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNgRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkAw--/SIG=125dosv03/EXP=1292475684/**http%3a//std.about.com/od/hivaids/f/hivgenesusc.htm - J-Dawn

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Question 2
I have a HUGE very painful zit?!?...  I've had this zit for seriously about 2 months now. I never ever have popped a zit in my life, but this thing was not healing on it's own so I popped it about two days ago. I realized too late however, that this was a very very bad idea! Now the thing is even bigger, but now the whole surrounding area is swollen and it hurts SO BAD. The zit is right next to my ear, and it honestly throbs like I have an ear infection (which I don't because it's next to my ear that hurts where the zit is, not my actual ear).
So do you think it got infected when I popped it? Any suggestions on what I could do to heal it?

1)   It's a boil - Jake

2)   Get it moist with water, rub it off with a rag, then after about 10 minutes pop it again if you can. It hurts because its bruised from you pushing on it. When you pop it you either get the rest of the infection out or you cover it up with the rag until it stops bleeding - the_fresh_king2

3)   warm compress - and apply Neosporin to fight infection - see a doctor, two months is too long - DocJ

4)   Yes it could have gotten infected. You should try and keep your hands out of your face. That's why most acne starts. Your hands are dirty and when you touch your face it can fill your pores. Another thing you should know is that when popping a pimple you bruise the area around it, (so it might not be the actual zit that's bigger) could be the bruise. You can dab a little toothpaste on a zit and leave it overnight. It will dry it out, you could also clean it with peroxide. there are quite a few over the counter creams, cleansers,soaps,ect that you can try. It may take several failed attempts before you find one that works for you. Pimples can also appear due to hormones, and your diet! (That's why girls usually breakout before/ during her period,) you also need to examine your diet! Stay away from red meats, greasy/fried foods, sweets. Processed food, soda, etc!) Hope this helped!!! - renee

5)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use Tramadol. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://canmdh4.notlong.com/AAN5Hg7 - ?

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Question 3
Please help...I hooked up......?...  I hooked up with this guy in college last week. I have known him for awhile and one night he stayed over. He went down on me and fingered me and I went down on him. He has had a few sexual partners but always practiced sade sex and claimed to be clean. Is there any chance I could have contracted something from giving him head or what he did to me? I'm freaking out please advise

1)   YOu might be pregnant if you swallowed - Kyle Anderson

2)   You really are a dumb blonde...

Sorry is was right there i had to!

But i would IMMEDIATELY see a gyno - Shannon K

3)   unless u used condom.. yes - jessica aka skitzo

4)   You can't get pregnant if you swallowed, ignore the below comment. Umm...I dunno though. Probably not? - Carolyn Zohanie

5)   Yes there's alway a chance. I mean, if he had herpes than it could be on your mouth right now just waiting to show itself or it could not show up for months and then one day "oh hello I'm herpes nice to meet you." But you're probably ok....maybe. - Brit

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Question 4
why do people with diabetes urinate alot?...  is it just the way it is that every person with diabetes urinates alot, or is it because people with diabetes drink alot of water. can a person with diabetes urinates alot even though he/she doesn't drink alot of water? like he/she drink the same as a normal person?


1)   There's a much higher level of glucose in a diabetic person's blood which then gets filtered by the kidneys. Glucose in the renal tubes then will takes water from the body and turns it to urine. This is alongside the fact that diabetics have a higher water intake.So yes, it is possible to need to urinate more when diabetic even if you don't drink so much, because of the actions of the kidneys. - ms vicci pollard gerrard

2)   You should use avandia, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://canmdh5.notlong.com/AAp7LvV - ?

3)   Diabetes is a conditions with increased blood sugar (glucose) and when it is too high for the kidneys to reabsorb glucose, some of the glucose remains in the urine which increases the osmotic pressure of the urine causing the water to follow the glucose out of the body(polyuria--excessive urination). Due to fluid losses and blood volume the osmotic pressure will pull water from water stores in other body tissue/cells. This will lead to dehydration and increased thirst (polydipsia). It doesn't have anything to do with the amount of fluid you drink, it is the kidneys unable to handle the glucose load. - lynn25

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Question 5
My girlfriends 2 yr old lil sister has a fever of 100.. ?...  We have given her 6 baths today + tylenol, what else should we do /:

1)   Put a cold rag on her forehead. Continue to watch it. If it persists, you probably want to consider the doctor. - hayseed

2)   A fever of 100 is considered a mild fever, and there is no reason to treat it. A fever functions to fight infection, so unless it gets over 103, just let it do its job. - Al

3)   I would have said exactly what Al says. So just please don't give her any more tylenol. - nochocolate

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