Friday, December 10, 2010


Question 1
IS IT NATURAL TO HEAR YOUR OWN HEART BEAT?...  sometimes when i have been having a bad dream in bed at night, i wake up and my heart is beating fast, and i can hear what sounds like loud footsteps above me as if someone is walking in the attic or on roof, then i realise its not footsteps but my heart beating, i can actually hear it in my ears the thumping and its loud. is this natural, as it frightens me when i hear it.i can actually count each thump, its that loud.

1)   i hope so i hear mine all the time lol nah i think its perfectly normal - Staci Mair

2)   r alive and well and so what we all get the same as you please do not worry about it, - dragon

3)   Yes,its natural to hear your heart beat! It might be due to nightmares you're having.I don't think you should be alert but if you're having these bad dreams weekly.I'd go visit a doctor. - Martina E

4)   Totally normal.
Even if you don't have a bad dream if your room is absolutely quiet you can hear your heart beating when laying down. - Bev

5)   It is normal to be aware or both your heartbeat and respiration if you stop and think about it. Normally we forget about them and then no longer hear them. - Dr Frank

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Question 2
What is wrong with my throat?...  Over the past week I've had a severe sore throat on and off. Right now, the glands in my neck are swollen, my tonsils are inflammed and red/vainy with a weird crevice thing on one of them. My uvula is sticking to my tonsils and it hurts a lot to even swallow spit. I don't really feel anything else but tiredness. It's finals week and I figured I was just tired from that. Does it sound like I'm getting sick? What do I do? I'm drinking hot tea now but it's hard to drink because it hurts so bad to swallow.

1)   Tonsillitis, is what it sounds like, get some penacillin. - Rich.

2)   I've tried this before. It's called pharyngitis. Try gargling with salt water. Call your physician. - eggshell_01

3)   You are not getting sick, you are sick and it could be strep throat which if left untreated can cause you some really bad problems. It can lead to heart murmurs and Rheumatic fever which is the cause of the murmur....please go to a clinic or someplace...the glands swollen and the crevice is not a normal for a routine condition or a viral infection. It sounds bacterial and that means an antibiotic. Please get help and if you need to get the Dr. to get you out of finals then do it...good luck. - MISS-MARY

4)   Sounds like a posibility of many things. I have mono and had all those symptoms. But it could easily be something else. - Keauna Warren

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Question 3
i hyperventilate when im drunk wots wrong with me ?...  im 14 and whenever i get drunk with my friends i always start to hyperventalate.
i do loads of sport so i dont think im unfit, but it doesnt happen to any of my friends.
does this happen to anyone else ??

p.s i dont have asma :) thanks

1)   You might be allergic. I know couple people that are allergic to alcohol and it makes them hyperventilate and their eyes get all red and puffy. Its hilarious! lol - ADSaaron

2)   Getting drunk (especially at your age) isn't good. You shouldn't be drinking alcohol at all. It's bad for your mind & body. You must have very low self esteem. It's time to get some better friends & getting some help. I'm very serious. I'm a retired nurse & a mom. It makes me sad to hear that you drink alcohol. Something isn't right in your life. Fix whatever the problem is, so you can have a better future. - April

3)   You just happened to notice something that happens with everyone. Alcohol has negative effect on your body, especially at 14. The depressant effects of alcohol make you retain a little more CO2, your blood becomes slightly more acidic and your body responds by breathing deeper. Nothing new here.
Learn from all those who went before you thinking that drinking was the solution to their problems. It's not the solution, it becomes the problem. - Dave

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Question 4
i spit up brown stuff this morning what does that mean?...  

1)   It means ur pooping out of ur mouth? - Sammy

2)   I love a bargain as much as anyone and I used to love all the cheap stuff I could find on eBay, but nowadays it seems so hard to find anything cheap over there and just when we're all finding it tougher to just pay our bills. I don't give up so I was looking for someplace online where I could still find myself a bargain... and by accident I came across this site I never heard of before where you get rock bottom prices from police impounded stuff, I mean I was worried about scams but this stuff is actually real and I got some real cheap stuff there... it's become my new eBay lol! Go to - Mindi Willis

3)   umm it was probably phlegm or something - spice melon

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Question 5
How was Aids/Hiv started?...  I have a project for my Ap bio class and I need to know the theories on how was aids started.

1)   by beastialiaty or sex with cows - Jason lashlee

2)   HIV was created in a laboratory. - Dave Kev

3)   yah sex with cows, and through dickslapping gorillas....sorry bout that that was me.... *dickslaps* - ITSMEBITCH

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