Sunday, December 19, 2010

Why is cancer so funny?

Question 1
Why is cancer so funny?...  This is such an awkward for me. Every time someone mentions cancer, I can't help but notice how funny it is.

The most awkward thing related to this was when I was in a doctor waiting room and there was a TV playing a show about people with cancer. I held my laughter in for about five minutes before I couldn't help myself anymore, I think it was an interview with someone with a month to live that did me in and had me bursting into laughter. Jeez, all the people looking at me in the waiting room. I'm just worried if I ever see a person in real life with cancer, I won't be able to hold my laughter in. How awkward would that be?!

1)   It's not funny at all. Period. - Dee K.

2)   Well now you have one that is a survivor that's answering your question.
Have you ever lost a loved one to cancer or had cancer yourself
No you haven't >>> Or you wouldn't find it so funny
If you ever a see a person in real life that has cancer think about what I have said in this answer.
If you still find it funny you have a problem. - Susie Q

3)   I suggest you to see----->
I have solved many health issues using this site
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - Lisa

4)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use nolvadex. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Estella Gaeth

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Question 2
Can you get hiv this way?...  If you touch dry blood and then touch your clothes, is it all gone when you put them in the washing machine?

1)   I think you can get it if you have an open wound i am not sure though call you local health department.. - Wishful EveryDay

2)   I think the virus dies after 7 hours when it is outside the body. - Melissa B

3)   if u get dry blood on your hand your fine as long as you dont have any open wounds on your hand. as for the clothes i dont think it would survive long on there - Ryco314

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Question 3
can this be testicular cancer?...  ok so iv recently started to notice the following things right testical is slighly larger than my left one and on the top of it has a area like a balloon full of water. it has absolutely no discomfort when i touch it and i dont feel anything under it. just really soft to touch.

2.i have this frequently reocurring pain and discomfort in the area under my bellybutton to my right side only though

what can this be someone please help ........btw. i am only 17 years old

1)   These symptoms are best diagnosed by your family doctor, not the internet. - itsjustme

2)   It's normal for one testicle to be larger than the other, and what you're describing as a "balloon full of water" SOUNDS like a hydrocele, which is benign. The abdominal pain sounds unrelated. That being said, testicular cancer affects people in your age group, and since I cannot examine you over the internet, I would highly recommend you see your family doctor or pediatrician for a brief exam. All they would likely do is look, and at most, order an ultrasound, though that may not even be necessary if they are not concerned. Good luck! - DocP

3)   It's probably just a testicular cyst. They are pretty common. This link has some information about them:

As a matter of fact, when my husband was around your age, he noticed the same thing. He went to the doctor and had it examined and they confirmed that it was just a cyst and left it alone. He is now 24 and its still there and has gotten slightly bigger and a bit uncomfortable, so he went back in and the doctor decided to go ahead and remove it, even though its still NOT cancerous. He's going to be getting it removed next month...its a quick, pretty simple operation.

I am not a doctor, so any "lump" you find really should get check out, just in case. But don't worry yourself sick...its most likely just a cyst and not cancer. Good luck :) - Rainy Owl

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Question 4
How to get over a horrid cough?...  So On wednesday ( my birthday :( ) I started to just cough... Like normally. I felt no pain or anything.
Then steadily it got worse. To the point that i woke up on Friday with my throat feeling super tight and lined with sand paper. and i coughed up like mucus a bit.
Well now we have company over and I feel horrid in the mornings but by mid morning i feel good enough that i can actually go out with them and all.
I just am not really getting any sleep and the mornings are super rough.
Is there any way i can just quickly get over this?

I hate sleeping like this sooo i have just been taking it easy on the couch when were not out.

I just want to be better again D:

1)   If you can find Buckley's cough syrup get it! It will totally fix your cough AND sore throat. - xmachina7

2)   Taking an over the counter cough medicationr regularly will help, increasing your daily water intake, running a humidifier in the bedroom where you sleep and expect any viral illness to take 10-14 days to go away. - J B

3)   about it you can get information from here - Estella Gaeth

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Question 5
how is this blood type possible?...  my mom has O positive blood and my dad has B positive blood

i have O negative blood.. is this possible??

1)   I suggest you to see----->
I have solved many health issues using this site
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - Lisa

2)   You should use altace, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Estella Gaeth

3)   Yes it is possible.
We all have 2 copies of these genes.
Your Dad will have both group O and B genes but B is dominant so he's group B
Your mom must have two group O genes
You've got an O gene from both parents, making you group O

As regards being rhesus negative:
You are negative so you must have two negative genes.
Both your parents are positive and so must each have one positive and one negative gene each (the positive gene always dominates, making them both positive) so that they could both pass a negative gene to you, making you negative. - Biosh

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