Thursday, December 16, 2010

My mom has cancer and won't eat...?

Question 1
My mom has cancer and won't eat...?...  Well my mom has been diagnosed with cancer not to long ago, they say it has spreaded all over her body, and now she doesn't want to eat. We don't want to force feed her or anything, but it is very important that she eats, because they gave her Radiation, which they shouldn't have, because we didn't tell them to, and now she doesn't have any white blood cells, and eating certain foods helps gain white blood cells.. But she doesn't want to eat.. please help.. =(

-God is the answer to all of your problems-

1)   Look I don't do drugs and I don't smoke weed, I don't even drink. But I've heard that they perscribe medicinal marijuana just for this sort of thing because it makes it easier for cancer patients to eat. Ask your doctor about that, I really can't think of anything else to tell you because otherwise it's just up to her will power to force feed herself. Hope you figure something out. - Peaceful Paradox

2)   Try and get her to drink Ensure shakes or some other kind of meal replacement drink. Even if she's only doing it to please you. And vitimin pills will help too. If she's weak from it then Gastrolyte will keep her electrolytes up.

After the initial loss of apetite the stomach kind of shrinks so it's hard to get motivated back in to eating again. Hearty soups are sometimes a good starting point. - Jules Verne

3)   Do you live in a state where medical marijuana is legal?

If so, she can smoke it if she's comfortable with that, or you can bake it into brownies. Marijuana is supposed to both help with nausea (which could indirectly be making her not interested in eating) and and increase appetite. - Anon

4)   i work in dietary at a hospital and this is very common... :( a lot of times we can offer a milkshake and they will drink that. we use ensure hp to make it and they come in strawberry vanilla and choc. If you can get her to have a milkshake make it with a healthy high calorie high protein supplement. i havent drank ensure hp myself but a lot of patients seem to like it. Glucerna is also another supplement that would be good for her. hope this helps :( - Brittany

5)   my dad had cancer and passed away 3yrs ago he was in the same postion as your mom. My dad would drink protien shakes the ones in the bottle i forgot the namethey sell it at costco and walmart but he liked it for some reason and he would drink soup from the cup noodles and leave the the noodles out i hope this help and stay strong

-kristen :) - Libra89

6)   Your mother is the only one who can give permission for her treatment, including radiation therapy. This is her decision, not a family decision.
As for not eating, this may be a side effect of her treatment, caused by the location of her cancer or a result of depression about her cancer.

Try tempting her with easy to digest favorites in small portions, or try fruit smoothies made with real fruit (berries are great) and yogurt (or a soy alternative if she is dairy intolerant). - Tarkarri

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Question 2
How do you get rid of hickeys on your face?...  Ok so I have hickeys like all over my face! no its not because I was having a facial make-out session. It was because me and my friend found this plastic baby doll and we were being stupid and we tore of the arms and stuck it to our faces. This happend monday night and we still have dark, really noticable perfectly circle hickeys alll over our face! HAHAHAH its quite hilarious but embarrassing too. Whats the best way to get rid of these?

1)   Titty fuck a watermelon - slytherin curry

2)   I love a bargain as much as anyone and I used to love all the cheap stuff I could find on eBay, but nowadays it seems so hard to find anything cheap over there and just when we're all finding it tougher to just pay our bills. I don't give up so I was looking for someplace online where I could still find myself a bargain... and by accident I came across this site I never heard of before where you get rock bottom prices from police impounded stuff, I mean I was worried about scams but this stuff is actually real and I got some real cheap stuff there... it's become my new eBay lol! Go to - Delores Mattison

3)   you cant, it will eventually go away, a hickey is blood brought up just underneath the skin ... give it a week or so or try make-up - Sean Jones

4)   i have had a hickey several times never on the face but i have never been able to cover them up. supposedly green consealor works but i have fair skin and it never worked for me. but u might try it - raechel219

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Question 3
can the docs in the emergency room tell if your lying? help ASAP! PLEASE?!?!?...  when your having a gallstones attack (i have gallbladder stones)
can the docs tell if theyre hurting you at the moment or not?

i went to the e.r a few weeks ago and they did ultrasounds and xrays

found i had multiple gallbladder gallstones!
and little swelling, said they need to be removed, and gave me vicodin (which doesnt work well, i mean it helps, but doesnt take all the pain away), and told me to follow up with a specialist!

well i didnt have insurance so i couldnt! now finally i do! i had the pains a few times last week and once this week so far, but havnt had them today or yesterday (i just got insurance yesterday)

i need to get surgery asap! not only because im hurting many times a week , vommiting, getting dizzy and witht the worst pains imaginable!

but also because i need surgery by this month or i cant join the army :( they gave me that dedaline!

its mostly and almost fully because of the pain though, its unbearable!

can the docs tell? is there a way if they know yur having a attack or no?

1)   Yes. They can easily tell by your vitals, reactions, body movement, eyes, etc. simple to tell a faker. - Jamey

2)   Well they assume you are not, but if they do all the tests and nothing substantial comes up they will check you out and charge you for using up the time and for all the tests.

But if the pain is real, and if there is something there they will help you before consulting your insurance agent. - yeahh

3)   Just go go think aabout life now worry later - Greg Rick

4)   upon checking your vitals and making a pysical examination they can tell by raised pulse or fever if you are in pain..they can also tell by pysically touching and pushing lightly on the area.The Doctors can and will know if you are expiriencing an attack..after all it is their job.Sincerly hope you get the surgery right away and get to feeling better.. - LainaP82

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Question 4
Neck pain, swollen glands, headache....?...  I have had a swollen lymph node for about 6 months now but it has never hurt. Now the past few days i have become overly tired (like fall asleep standing up tired), moody, personality changes, body aches, slight temp (100-101), neck stiffness and neck muscle pain. I basically feel like I have the flu yet no vomiting and all the discomfort seems to be in my neck then this morning I got up and had a very warm burning feeling inside my left arm going from my neck down to my fingers. It stayed there for about 6 hrs and i was feeling like throwing up the whole time. I had to take a nap and wokeup feeling a little better but not by much. So what could this be? Worth a call to the Dr' office, I go to a clinic so can't really get in same day so is it maybe worth the call or should I go to first care?

1)   The clinic will probably get you in right away since your symptoms don't sound good at all. why have you waited so long to go to the Doc? - SHyIsAsnAck

2)   Go to a doctor! Any swollenness of lymph nodes accompanied by fever is never a thing to wait around with! - yeahh

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Shanika Potthoff

4)   I would go to the doctor if i were sounds like you have some sort of infection - perfectly flawed

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Question 5
i m a drug addict. how can i stop it?...  i m using it since 2006

1)   You can stop by not taking any drugs. - TheOne AndOnly Stephen

2)   tell your parents or friend to help and take you to rehab - CarelessGirl

3)   If you are really serious about it then check yourself into a drug clinic that is the best way to stop. IF you are totally against drug clinics then start going to a psychologist and see what the underlining problems of why you do what you do. Some people take drugs to forget things in their childhood,other people do it to forget daily life and or recent traumas. Whatever the reason I hope you get some professional help. - perfectly flawed

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