How can I stop craving sugar?... I can't stop consuming food with a lot of sugar, I don't even eat regular meals. I always ask people what's the first thing they want to do in the morning, and the answers always different, yet each time I always expect them to say eat. I expect them to say eat, "The first thing I want to do in the morning is eat." and I associate that with breakfast, then associate that with something drenched in syrup, is that just the sugar tooth talking? I just need to stop it with the sweets, but I don't know how, or why, besides the health concern... Also how much sugar can one consume before becoming at risk for diabetese?
1) Don't completely get rid of it just eat it in moderation - Ben Wunderlich
2) In first place it's really harmful for your health ... Just think if you consume sugar so much you'll end up in a hospital ... You know this sugar consume in excess makes you be a diabetic...Think about you your family and your health when you consume so much sugar and I hope it'll make you eat regularly - Beautiful* . *Angel
3) There's not a set amount, but binges of it are likely to eventually mess up your body's balance, so it no longer gets the blood sugar level right, and that's diabetes.
Sugar is EXACTLY like nicotine, heroin, caffeine, etc. You can get things clear in your head first, about how it's the thing that causes the panic and depressed feelings, but at the end of it all the only thing that's gonna banish 95% of those feelings is to quit.
For about 3 weeks - TimC
4) if your craving sugar , consume food with healthy natural sugar. Like instead of a pancake with syrup , hw about a baked apple with cinnamon?
Or instead of an ice cream sunday , how about a bowl of fresh berries with a little splenda and almond milk?
Or a banana with a tbsp of honey? Or a sweet potato with a bit of brown sugar? - Bella
5) A poor diet may be a RISK FACTOR in developing diabetes it is not a cause.
To deal with your sweet tooth try cutting out all added sugar and you will find that in time you taste changes and you do not enjoy sweet things so much. I Know that since cutting back on the amount of sugar I use since being diagnosed as diabetic I find lots of things to sweet now even if I used to enjoy them - crazyowl
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Question 2
quitting smoking any advice?... hi all day 6 of quitting am upset weepy crying is this normal am using patches, no motivation, a real struggle was smoking 40 a day, feel strange, any advice
1) I would recommend trying to quit with the friend getting all the help he can possibly get. And many people know that you're trying to quit, the more positive motivation you have the easier will be free to kick the habit.
I hope this information helps you wish you the best of luck. - cv3
2) i quit trying to quit - jim m
3) i think u should and you r doin the right thing if u r quitting bcoz smoking may give u a relief for now...but you may suffer from major diseases later!!!
well its good to quit...where there is a will, THERE IS a way!!!!!!!!!!!! - salva
4) chantix. a wonderful wonderful drug. - Michael Keegan
5) Get yourself something to do with your mouth. Gum (NOT nicotine gum), hard candy, or even kissing with a significant other. Drum your fingers if you have to. You are through the hardest part now it's maintaining what you worked so hard for. - Dee-Cee
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Question 3
Diarrhea, Headaches + Unusually Tiredness? Swine Flu!?... So my mother has had headaches lately, she works behind a till so she comes in contact with lots of people, and apparently a lot of people have been coughing near her, my mother and I both have been diagnosed with chronic anxiety and bipolar disorder, so we get very scared and anxious easily, so like I said, my mother has been having headaches and been unusually tired (But we have had the heating on full blast lately due to the weather, is that why we could be tired? Because we are warm and cosy?) And I have been unusually tired, but since I have been out and about my tiredness has gone, however I have diarrhea, could we have swine flu? I hope not and I am really scared.
1) Why not just the Flu. Really really doubt it's swine flu. - Kevin B
2) Highly unlikely that it is the H1N1 Influenza virus, incorrectly called the "Swine flu."
If you have chronic anxiety, you are probably getting yourselves worked up over nothing.
If you really are concerned, go to your doctor or to Urgent Care. - PenelopeM
3) Could be normal flu. Seeing as you seem to be still able to get about and use the computer, it doesn't sound to serious. Don't go to the doctor and risk infecting others. Stay at home, and keep yourselves hydrated. Unless you deteriorate I wouldn't worry. - franky...
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Question 4
Weird pain and fever?... I have a 99.8 fever and there is pain around my body that lasts for a second. What is happening and what should I do?
1) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use Tramadol. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Angle Rainbott
2) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use Tramadol. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Daryl Koebel
3) 99.8 doesn't classify as a fever...
And I dunno, talk to a doctor instead of a bunch of people on the internet. - OhMyGod
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Question 5
diarrhea, cough, spitting up mucus, throat hurts, threw up super last night, chills, im 16, whats wrong?... also, fever is only 99.5 and my ribs are killing me today. This all started with a sore throat and that was on monday, today is wednesday.
1) what is the diarrhea most like? chunky (like chili) or a smooth (like a milkshake)? let me know, and i'll diagnose you with something. - Jarooody
2) It's sounds to be an upper respiratory infection that's going around. It takes about two weeks to get over it. - Joe Stone
3) It is winter, and you have a bug. Did you tell a parent? You may need a trip to the doctors. Otherwise, stay home and rest. Drink clear liquids and eat light soups, until your stomach is better. Take something like Tylenol every 6 hours for your fever and pain. A cough medicine like Robitussin, will help with the chest congestion. If you are not better in 2 or so more days, especially since it will be Christmas, please see a doctor, or if your fever goes higher. Feel better soon! - Nancy Nurse
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