can someone give me input?... my wife took a mamography test 6 months ago. it all came back clear. about 3 weeks ago she noticed a lump on her breast. then 5 days later she noticed a on her underpit. we went to the doctor took a mamography, biopsy,and a sonar gram. the test came back positive. its in her lymph nodes. they dont know the extent of it yet whether it spread. we have an appointment with a doctor in sloan kettering on dec 29th. she will be going for further testing and speak to the surgeon. the tumor is an inch in her breast. by the way it hurt and the bump under her armpit hurt. waiting a week for these tests isnt that to long? what are the chances that the cancer has spread to other parts of her body? my heart is bleeding for her i cry at night by myself. im positive when i am with her. i have 3 little children and im flipping out inside. do you think we will get through this with a positive outcome? the term metastatic was used. however is it true metastatic in such a short time frame?
1) just have a possitive attitude even tho its a scary thing. when you go and say I hope it doesnt get worse refrase that as She is going to do fine and be well. also there have been plenty of women getting brest cancer these days and all of them turned out fine. there have been women that have it out threw their breast. with cancer just keep an eye on it. I wish her the best! - Yetti
2) If it's cancer there is no cure. No matter how rich you are, there is no cure. My Papa died of cancer, too. You will just have to face it when that day comes. - Edwin C
3) I am so very very sorry, that metastatic word was used. Listen, Dear Man, I know it seems so very very hard to handle, you sound like you are dealing with it as well as can be expected. The fact is, you need to get yourself stable. Be stronger than the fear of losing your loved one. i know it's hard , but you must not break down, in private either, your mate needs you more than she has ever needed you before. You do not know the future. You do not know what will happen for a certainty, but you must hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. When a person is prepared , it is like joining the military, you practice hard to survive.whatever the outcome, you are prepared for whatever may come. talk about death with your wife, it is something we all will face, we are mortal. we should always be prepared. I am a Christian, I am prepared, I have been told several times that I would most certainly die. I was doa, twice. I am still here. fight, with All your might, fight, get angry, not sad, get mad, and distribute the anger, for that can release adrenalin, that gives you strength. Do not cry, go out somewhere where you can scream, and afterward you can cry, this is a release of emotional pain, stress is your enemy, keep life very simple, and tell your wife, That she is not just loved but deep in your heart so firmly implanted, you are one, you will face the future whatever it may be, with Joy, and thanksgiving. it only takes once to get it out, and read, read online, all there is to know about this disease. just type it in, and there are support groups. My sister has precancer of the cervix, when she told me, I about died on the spot. May God almighty Himself give you the strength, and one thing that may help is to know, that God does not forget his children after death. he will call, and the dead shall answer, they shall live at his command, for he will have a longing for the works of his own hands, so have faith and do not wonder for our God can make us stand, and we shall live forever, as the works of his own hand. Rev 21:1-4"21 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more. 2 I saw also the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” - شاهد IJAH یهوه
4) If it is in even a singular lymph node then that is metastatic.
This could be stage 2, 3 or 4 breast cancer.
Mine was stage 3, 6 years ago and I now have no sign of disease.
Stage 2 still has a 98% survival rate.
A week won't make a difference.
Relax and enjoy Christmas with the children, next year is going to be draining, physically, emotionally and financially but the chances are extremely goodd that it will all be behind you as you celebrate Christmas as a family next year. - Tarkarri
5) I’m sorry I know all of this is new and scary to you, but we need specific information to answer you.
Her biopsy came back positive for what? What kind of cancer does she have?
Metastatic means it has spread, in this case to her lymph nodes as far as I can tell.
How old is she – age is always very relevant when asked a medical question.
You say the lump is ON her breast cancer occurs IN the breast.
You also say in is 1 inch in her breast, so I’m not sure what you are trying to say. Is it 1 inch deep or 1 inch in size?
Most women have breast cancer about 2 years before it is large enough to see on imaging. However, it is VERY unusual for a tumor not to be seen on mammography and six months later be so large she can feel it and it has spread to her lymph nodes.
This makes me wonder if it is actually breast cancer at all and not another type of cancer which happened to occur in her breast.
There is no way to answer you with this information. - Denisedds
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Question 2
Every one I know has the flu, should I get the vaccine?...
Two separate reviews of medical data on the effectiveness of vaccinating people to prevent influenza showed there were no benefits to being vaccinated for the flu.
Epidemiologist Dr. Tom Jefferson, who is with the Cochrane Vaccines Field, participated in two different reviews of medical studies related to influenza vaccines. Both reviews were published by the Cochrane Collaboration. Dr. Jefferson summarized the conclusions of the reviews in a podcast.
"... The reviews are very different in their content but not in their conclusions. Both ... highlight serious problems with the current evidence base.
... The implausible results of the studies are that the vaccines appear effective against those outcomes least likely to be caused by influenza viruses; such as influenza-like illness, hospitalization and death from all causes. In contrast they show only modest or no effect against influenza and hospitalization from pneumonia.
... our reviews include a number of studies funded by indus
1) go and get the vaccine .it is for your own benefit , - lolit
2) I think it depends on how sick you get when you get the flu. If you are often sick for 2 weeks plus when you get the flu, then you should get the flu shot. Otherwise, I wouldn't worry about getting the shot, cause irregardless, you will still get the flu if you take the flu shot, but it won't affect you as bad. So they say. - ♥~♥devilwithbleudress♥~♥
3) yes - Hia K
4) Get vaccinated . - og
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Question 3
how to get rid of acne quickly?... Hi, I'm 13 years old and I have had mild acne for about a year now, and it really bothers me. Nothing seems to work, I even tried Proactive and had been prescribed to antibiotics. So, do you have any suggestions on what I should try next and any tips you think might help?
P.S My 15 year old sister has had very bad acne since she was in third grade, and she has just started using Accutane, and that would be a last resort for me, so please don't suggest that.
1) I would recommend Acneace!!!!
I used it, and after 1 months, my acne was COMPLETELY gone!
Hope it works for you.
you can get From Google Search Acneace Official site. Good luck. - Nick Damax
2) The best thing to do is to drink lots of water, also to frequently change your pillow case. I also heard today that if you step on a clean towel before you go to sleep it helps to clear up any acne. Try it out! - ItsKaylaa
3) acne is an indication of a lack of iodine. Almost everybody is iodine deficient, due to modern diets. For immediate treatment, take a washcloth, put some baking soda on it and a few drops of iodine tincture. Very gently scrub your face with it. Too much pressure and you will give yourself a nice rash which will form a scab. The baking soda is to clean the pores and get rid of the acidity of your skin. Your skin has the highest concentration of iodine in the body beside the the reproductive system. Look for decolored iodine at the drug store. The normal iodine leaves the skin yellow until it is absorbed, which will look odd. After your lightly scrub your face and dry it, apply the iodine directly to any6 acne spots. And you might want to try taking a supplement like this one:…
or look for kelp tablets at your local health store. - Robert G
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Question 4
What could these symptoms explain?... My cousin was at home laying down. His hair was wet. Sweat dripping down his face none stop. He had a major headache. He doesn't remeber anything his mom asked. she asked him if he remebered his girlfriend and he doesn't even remeber her. He can't even stand. he was yelling something they can't understand. He said he was way dizzyer then he normaly is. He's shaking, falling, and can't get back up. the ambulance is coming to rush him to the hospital.
1) Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar - frankie
2) Why the fuck are you on here asking a question about this?? Get back to your cousin and help him out in the ambulance! - Freddyman
3) he is suffering orthostatic hypotention . this is usually happen when you suddenly get out from a prolonged . sitting , lying down .the blood pressure has dropped down to lowest level . causing dizziness and sometimes unconsciousness , - lolit
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Question 5
Getting rid of pin/ thread worms?... Ok. I have had pin worms for a while now and I am too embarassed to tell my mom. (I live in the U.S.) I've tried bathing a lot and it works for a little bit. I really want to find a way to get rid of them even if it means finally telling my mom. It feels disgusting to have this infection and i want it to STOP! Please help me soon....Is there an over the counter medicine?
1) try albendazole 400mg single dose - Murali
2) pin worms /thread worms are parasitic infections . you need to do stool analysis to confirm it then a possible deworming . you just need to be observing strict personal hygiene . by washing hands before handling your foods . cook well your food . avoid eating street foods . hand hygiene is the best procedure to avoid parasitic infections such pinworms . - lolit
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