Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Here are my symptoms...what do I have?

Question 1
Here are my symptoms...what do I have?...  My mom just got over the same thing, and I don't have allergies.. my symptoms are: really bad sore throat, stuffy and runny nose, small fever, plugged ears, headaches, and I'm always really tired. what do I have? Its a lot worse than a common cold. In the past 24 hours, I've been asleep for 19. How long will it last? I am taking airborne, sudefed, and ibprofen. (Sorry about the spelling) and I woke up this morning with all this, last night I only had a sore throat. I'm 15, if that changes anything.. I think that's all the information I have. Please help!!

1)   I would go to the doctor. Anytime you have a sore throat (especially very bad) and a fever really need to go to the doctor to rule out strep throat. If untreated strep can lead to potentially serious adverse problems (including affecting your heart), and there really is no other treatment for it other than antibiotics. - Tamara Karr

2)   You probably have the flu. Stay home from school, rest drink lots and lots of fluids. Soup, milkshakes, water, tea... Anything. Tharaflu helps a lot too. Also emergan-c. Hope you feel better! :) - Miranda Corn

3)   Sounds like either just a bad cold, or the flu. - Midgetman32123

4)   Sounds like some type of flu...u should go to the doctor. - Ze Ze

5)   I recently had mono and those are the symptoms I had . I would go to a doctor and have them check it out. Good luck - bigmoney12

6)   Got to the doctor. You could have a bad case of strep throat or mono. Just go to the doctor and have him/her exam you. - Justin Kallis

7)   Sounds like a severe viral infection.Go and see a doctor immediately.
If you want ayurvedic you just squeeze tulsi leaves and drink it off concentrated. - Nature Goddess

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Question 2
I can't breath out of my nose, and I haven't been able to for years?...  I can blow and blow and blow out my nose for hours, but nothing comes out.

When you look on X-rays, I have a bump on my nose, and I don't recall seeing it there a few years ago. My theory is I broke it playing dark tag when I was little and never got it fixed. Is it possible that a broken nose may be contracting my breathing?

1)   I love a bargain as much as anyone and I used to love all the cheap stuff I could find on eBay, but nowadays it seems so hard to find anything cheap over there and just when we're all finding it tougher to just pay our bills. I don't give up so I was looking for someplace online where I could still find myself a bargain... and by accident I came across this site I never heard of before where you get rock bottom prices from police impounded stuff, I mean I was worried about scams but this stuff is actually real and I got some real cheap stuff there... it's become my new eBay lol! Go to - ?

2)   have you tried nasal spray steroids? - ANDRZEJ

3)   If air goes out it should go in. There might be a polyp that flaps back an forth. - readupmore.

4)   Its possible that you broke your nose and it wasn't treated, but you may want to ask your doctor to check for a deviated septum. It has to do with the nostril being closed off and you can get it at different times in your life, often it shows up at the end of puberty when you are done growing. Again, have it checked out by your doctor, the procedure to fix it is pretty quick and simple. - riddles and rhymes

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Question 3
If you pee for someone for a drug test can they trace that you peed and not the actual person being tested?...  If you pee for someone for a drug test can they trace that you peed and not the actual person being tested? If I pee for say my sister...can the people testing my sister find out that the urine is actually mine.

1)   no and its simpe DONT do drugs an you'll pass - crazy nikki fan!

2)   No..its just a waste.does not contain DNA. - cykin

3)   There is a chance, yes. Such as age factors in urine, and a bunch of other things. Simply put, if you have to pee for someone, you are aiding them in whatever they are trying to hide, and that both lets you and the other person down. - lena13666

4)   haha.. no of course not - Electronic Utm

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Question 4
having sex during my girlfriend period does make me catch an std?...  heloo guys, i did get a sexual intercourse with my girlfriend during her period.what are the odds of catching an STD, and what are the std that i may catch..thnxx

1)   Your girlfriend having her period has no effect on wither or not you catch an STD. First off, if you are that worried, maybe you should rethink the relationship, and both of you get tested often. The odds of catching something really only depend on if you wear a condom or not. No condom, the greatest the risk for an STD. - lena13666


3)   You should use fluconazole, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Roxann Raisor

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Question 5
Will painting your face cause brain damage?...  

1)   umm no i dint believe so. at least i hope not anyways. - DrummerLover6

2)   No.. the fumes from the paint could. But doing it once or few times a year won't give you brain damage from the paint.
The fumes are the biggest worry probably and that isn't even that harming. - Sheldon Cooper.

3)   if you are a child yes, but if you are not a child then no - dragonslayer

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