Small bump on vagina?... im kind of worried. I just finished my period a couple days ago. and since i've been done my period it its been itchy down there. i do shave all the hair off, and when i did i noticed a small bump. it wasn't red or anything but it was there. i decided to squeeze it and that made it red. and puss comes out when you squeeze. not all the time, and not a lot of puss. it doesn't hurt. i have never had sex, but i have done sexual activity if that helps. its on the right lip, and kinda in the middle. any idea as to what this is?? should i be worried? please help.
1) The herps - Teenage Dreamer
2) it might be a wart get it checked out - Jay Rex
3) don't freak out about this honey. :)
this can be one of two things, especially since you haven't had sex.
if it's just one bump, and you do shave, it's most likely an ingrown hair.
(i get these sometimes)
now another reason; you can get pimples down there, this happens sometimes.
if its really irritated just make sure you keep the area clean, and dry.
for swelling take a chamomile tea bag soak it in warm water and place it on the bump.
i would suggest being careful, or not shave a few days in that area. :)
i hope this helps honey. - maygunnmarie
4) First of all, lots of people will write and tell you this is an ingrown hair, or a pimple, or an infectious venereal wart. All of these are highly credible answers, and should not be dismissed lightly. Any of these is quite possible.
The might also tell you to not worry about it, apply an ointment, see a doctor.
I'm here to tell you that it is none of those three things, and you should definitely NOT pursue any of these remedies.
This is conclusive because of 1) the itching, 2) lack of ingrown hair evidence, 3) presence of menstrual activity, 4) the low volume of puss, and 5) the lack of pigmentation.
What you have is a centipede brump. A centipede brump is when a centipede lays eggs right underneath the skin of a young woman. This is more frequent than you think, and afflicts some 200,000 young women each year. The only time that the conditions are right for the larvae is right after menstruation for a young woman.
Please try to not scratch or irritate it. This will disperse the centipede eggs in your blood, they will hatch in your organs, and this could be fatal.
Instead, just wait. They will hatch and emerge on their own. ALMOST always in your sleep! And you won't even know it happened afterward.
Plus, you can consider yourself a surrogate parent! - elmeroguapo
5) Go see a specialist right away. It could be just a pimple,but it could be something worse. One thing about a possible sexually transmitted disease is that the sooner you get it treated, the better the results. It could be a number of diseases, but it may just be a pimple. It is an unusual place to find a pimple though. Get help right away. - wayne2write
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Question 2
Can you get HIV from an infected person using your loufa (Wash sponge for showering)?...
1) I love a bargain as much as anyone and I used to love all the cheap stuff I could find on eBay, but nowadays it seems so hard to find anything cheap over there and just when we're all finding it tougher to just pay our bills. I don't give up so I was looking for someplace online where I could still find myself a bargain... and by accident I came across this site I never heard of before where you get rock bottom prices from police impounded stuff, I mean I was worried about scams but this stuff is actually real and I got some real cheap stuff there... it's become my new eBay lol! Go to - ?
2) you cant be serious - rolls1949
3) HIV/AIDs are spread through 4 body fluids: Blood, Breast milk, Semen and vaginal fluids. So, if the person is bleeding, or the loufa came in contact with their semen or vaginal fluid- which later comes in contact with yours- then it can be possible.
I don't understand why you would share a loufa with anyone though to be honest. - Torieee
4) Wow...ummm...A) Why are you using the same loufa as someone else? B) why are you showering with "HIV"? C) ...why was pluto forced to stay outside bc he was a dog..but goofy was well a dog too and he was allowed to drive a car and became a home owner? - GaPeachStuckntheLoneStarState
5) The short answer is no. The HIV virus is quite fragile and dies in seconds outside the body. The only ways you would be at risk of HIV would be if you were having sex with or sharing needles with someone who's HIV positive. It is not shared by any type of casual contact, sharing personal items, etc. - pepperbeast
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Question 3
Im scared of getting cancer?... Someone help me overcome this fear :(
1) dont smoke dont drink workout all you can do get checked but thats it - Nik
2) I love a bargain as much as anyone and I used to love all the cheap stuff I could find on eBay, but nowadays it seems so hard to find anything cheap over there and just when we're all finding it tougher to just pay our bills. I don't give up so I was looking for someplace online where I could still find myself a bargain... and by accident I came across this site I never heard of before where you get rock bottom prices from police impounded stuff, I mean I was worried about scams but this stuff is actually real and I got some real cheap stuff there... it's become my new eBay lol! Go to - Courtney Langer
3) Don't be a troll - Waytootiny
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Question 4
i have a Questions on herpes?... Okay heres the senerio:
Say neither the girlfriend or boyfriend have herpes.The only thing they've done is kissed and made out.Well say one gets a canker sore and a couple of blisters not cold sores on the chin and around the mouth but not on or touching the mouth.. Can it be herpes?
wht if neither of them had it though and you can suddenly get it without either of them having it
1) yes you or your boyfriend may have herpes... you can catch that shit from toilet seats - Brittany
2) Yes - Sir Trollsalot
3) Doubt it. I've heard that we all have one type,but it's dormant until someone gives it to us.
But, i don't think either of them could have it. - Alexandra
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Question 5
Liquid like Vaginal Discharge?... I've been having this yellow liquid like discharge. I don't know what is causing it but I have to wear a small pad. I got it 3 days ago. I have never had sex or any form of sexual relations with anyone. I think it smells. Its kind of itchy as well and sometimes a little swollen or red. AH. I doubt its a std if im a virgin. Idk help.
1) It could be a type of infection (i had last month) or most likely a yeast infection.
Seek help from a doctor or a gyno. - Alexandra
2) I am only 13 and i have the same thing and i am still a virgin of coarse but anyway i asked my mom about it and she said it is just my period. - Taylor
3) That sounds like it could be normal vaginal mucous, which can be heavy in some girls. If the smell is musky that's normal but if it's rotten or sour smelling you should see a doctor. As for the itching and swelling, I'm not so sure-- have you had your first period yet? Sometimes girls get weird symptoms from that.
Also, if you borrowed anyone's bathing suit or underwear (yeah, gross, but some girls do...) you ~may ~ have an std. - laughter_6
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