Monday, November 22, 2010

Itchy vagina lips.. sore..? ?

Question 1
Itchy vagina lips.. sore..? ?...  So, I lost my virginity last weekend. And since I've noticed my vagina lips are itchy.. and once I start scratching it just gets itchy-er and hard to stop.. also, I tried masturbating and it was painful with one finger, when I usually use two.. &also, hard to get/stay wet. we were both virgins so I know its not an STD.. whats wrong with me? :(

1)   sounds like a bacterial infection such as Teneas Cruris (jock itch) or ringworm of the groin. - Fergie

2)   You might be allergic to the condom or something to do with your Ph balance with the guy you were with. - Jay Sin

3)   How sure are you that it's not an STD? Not only can people be born with STD's from their parents but they can also lie about whether they've had sex with someone before. Get tested or use lotion and see if it cures just dry, itchy skin. - A.B

4)   Sounds like a yeast infection..ak your dr. if it is a reaction to the condom you need to know, because a latex allergy can suddenly become so severe it can kill, I have one and have to carry an epi pen... but I think it is a yeast infection. - karate_mamma

5)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use premarin. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Michiko Snelling

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Question 2
What are some good options for acne?...  At the moment I use the Tea Tree range from the Body Shop which is helping but not getting rid of my acne. Any methods you have used that worked really well? I'm not talking about the girls who get the odd pimple but those who have mild to moderate acne.

1)   i think that there is medication you can take. not sure about the side effects though. i had moderate acne a few years ago. i used to rub crushed garlic into my face and it really worked. within a week all of my spots had gone. i'm not sure if i would recommend it though because it was quite painfull. - ec123456789able

2)   I had success with this when my skin was breaking out - - Lili Bibi

3)   To get the best answer of your question
please see this site -----> - Lisa

4)   You should use accutane, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Michiko Snelling

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Question 3
Mole near my crotch, began to shrivel?...  It's below my navel and stomache but right at where my leg begins
This mole has been on me since i noticed at 5 yrs of age.
it has changed, before it was just like any other mole but now the black part of the mole shriveled up to just a spot and around it is darker than my skin. which is almost the size of a pencils eraser. .. I've always wondered why. it hasnt changed any more than that since I was 13, and now im 19, do i need to go to a doctor.

1)   They say you should have a mole examined if it's irregular or if it changes...I'd go to the doc...get it sampled and be done with worrying... - adam r

2)   asdasd - 1234niceguy

3)   I would personally go to a doctor to be safe...Since it's been so long, I don't know how it could be cancer but I'm sure anything is possible in the medical field. Plus, cancer is ALWAYS unpredictable and can show up even in the most un-obvious places.
Please get checked out. :) - Kady

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Question 4
How do porn stars get protected from HIV?...  Most of the porn stars perform without condoms...

It would take 3 months for HIV to show up in blood test....

Even one shows negative result which were taken a week ago, what if he has contracted the virus on the previous day and pass it others on the next day????

How does the industry protect such actors??
Sometimes, the result might show false negative, but still they can pass it to others

1)   They just do testing as far as I know. That's why it's a dangerous profession. - KB929

2)   They get tested before every movie with a test that it's pretty powerful. And if they have HIV, they are excluded from perfoming scenes with people. For example, HIV-positive porn actors are either working doing 'solos' or with HIV-positive actors. When an actor is known to have the virus, every single person who worked with him, has to get tested. It's a sad situation, but they have to face it. - Roberto Alexandro

3)   Right now, porn stars do not use condoms (most do not) but they are required to submit negative HIV test results every 30 days and be tested on a regular (monthly) basis.
I know it seems like they are taking quite a risk for their career (by having mulitple, unprotected sex partners) but the fact is, that porn stars actually have a much lower rate of HIV transmission than the general public (possibly due to the regular testing.) - krzynurse13

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Question 5
Hypothyroid/High Cholesterol/weight loss plateau?...  I know that being hypothyroid causes weight gain and high cholesterol (I am on medication for both as of the Jan 2010)...I gained 50 pounds in less than a year before I was diagnosed. After diligently going to the gym starting in August (4-5x a week) eating on average 1200 calories a day, and having a calorie deficit of 500-1000 a day I began losing about 1-2 pounds a week and my waist dropped from a 35 to a 30. But since 10/27 I haven't lost a pound, no inches lost, and I haven't changed my routine. The only thing that changed was I had a problem with my cholesterol medication between the doctor and the pharmacy and wasn't able to take it for about 3 weeks - around the same time I noticed the scale wasn't budging. I was still taking the thyroid meds.

Can stopping your cholesterol meds prevent you from losing weight? I have a doctor appt next week for something unrelated but I am sure I can ask him about it. Until then, can anyone help?
No it doesn't sound crazy. Before I realized that the meds was the only thing that changed I did decide to up my calorie intake to a 1500-1700 average thinking maybe that would help. I am afraid to take it to 2000 because according to the workouts and daily average calories burned for my body, thats closer to 2200...and I wanted to have a higher deficit than 200 a day.

1)   IF you still wanna see some weight loss, I suggest ,and don't think its crazy, to crunch up your calorie intake from 1200 to about 2000. This is your recommended intake, and should help speed up your metabolism... This means your hypothyroid problem can go away... O AND DON'T FORGET THE GYM WORKOUTS - Tarek R

2)   To get the best answer of your question
please see this site -----> - Lisa

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Michiko Snelling

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