Saturday, November 20, 2010

what causes pink eye?

Question 1
what causes pink eye?...  and if i had it when you were younger, can you get it again?

1)   Yeah you can, you can get it from expired make up and sharing make up - Becca

2)   Caused by viruses, bacteria, and some other things. Link below.

Yes, you can get it more than once. Some people have chronic cases. - Hawk Eye

3)   pink eye is a viral infection. You can just catch it in the air, really, as easily as you can catch a cold. However, some people are more susceptible than others. There's not much you can do except for boost your immune system and, if you like, use eye drops for the pain, perhaps with a mild anti-biotic just in case. - Depth

4)   The cause of pink eye is commonly a bacterial or viral infection, an allergic reaction or — in babies — an incompletely opened tear duct.

And yes it is possible to contract it multiple times. - D

5)   The more common cause of pink eye can be from your eyes contracting some sort of bacteria that has obviously irritated your eyes. Viruses, allergies or damages in the eye can also be a leading cause. Just because you had pink eye when you were younger doesn't make you a more likely contractor of the infection. It's not a disease like cancer. It can come back if you use dirty towels lets say or rub your eyes with dirty hands and such. - Cooper Lyles

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Question 2
Why are my girl friend's bazongas less of bazongas and more like mosquito bites.?...  My dad kept telling me that I have to love a girl with huge "BAZONGAS" as he put it, but her Bazongas are more like mosquito bites, why?

1)   I dunno. Interesting question though! - Michael

2)   use aloe vera on them - Sophia A

3)   Asked the 'soon to be single' man. - Stupid Flanders

4)   because everyone is different

(idiot) - noah c

5)   If you're actually so immature you refer to them like this you shouldn't even have a girlfriend. - Dj

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Question 3
How can I clean my face without using products?...  I'm african american.I have ance that okay but no really bad.I want something that's cheap ,easy to use and can clear my face.Thx (^^)

1)   honey and garlic - Holly

2)   soap and water? - courtney

3)   rub some aloe on your face - Jet 2

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Question 4
Do I have the symptoms of lung cancer?...  My throat itches and hurts and my spit is sticky and very white and sometimes its a yellow color but a very light yellow color and i have red bumps on back of tongue the bumps feel hard. When I look at my spit its so sticky it gets attached to my hands and then it starts dripping off my hands. Going to the doctor Monday.

1)   im scared - Holly

2)   Weight loss and fatigue are the earliest symptoms, along with chest or back pain and a chronic cough. Late symptoms are coughing up blood. It doesn't sounds like it but I'm glad you're seeing a doctor. - ExeneC

3)   In my opinion it does not at all sound like lung cancer. - Vortex

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Question 5
The past couple of days it has been hurting my right Eye to blink or be closed ???????????????????????????...  For the past 3 days my right eye has been in alot of pain. Every little blink seems to hurt, and sleeping hurts also. THe pain is in the corner of my eye...(like facing my nose lol) And it is a little swollen on the outside.... i have no idea what it could be. I had a sty when i was younger, but it can't be a sty again because there is no 'bubble' thing lol im in a good amount of pain so if anyone has any ideas of what it could be .....

1)   Ask a doctor or family or friend or better sources. i would recommend to do it fast before it hurts more. I think i know what your talking about anyways. - Yoshiyo C.

2)   I get this sometimse. For me, it's sinus related. The pressure that's building up in your sinuses pushes all your head stuff (for lack of a better term) and that includes your tear ducts. Makes your eye feel swollen, or your tear duct feel clogged and very very painful. Try something for allergies and sinus congestion, see if that brings it down.

Do note that your tear duct can be clogged as well but I wouldn't jump to that conclusion first. - fracturedmoonlight

3)   If you wear makeup its probably because of your mascara, because I get that sometimes. It can also be a sign of a couple of things
- You need to get your eyes checked.
- You are tired/ stressed
- Your eyes being stained meaning you are/watching TV, and on the computer to much so your eyes are not being able to adjust to the light.

I would say to get a cloth and put cold water on it, and pad the area that is swollen to you with the cloth so that it feels the cool sensation! Good luck. - HottSizzlee

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