Tuesday, December 21, 2010

fingertip skin coming off from guitar?

Question 1
fingertip skin coming off from guitar?...  gah..... its so annoying.... EVERYTIME i play guitar ( I play alot ) the skin from my fingertips peel off and get into my frets on my guitar.... it sucks because i have to clean the damn fretboard after every jam.... is there a way to harden my skin so it dont rip and get on my fretboard? or will i always be like that? ; I don't push down that hard on the frets either ; should i just loosen on my the fret pressure? or what?

1)   i think your fingertips will just get used to it after a while - Stephanie

2)   Played guitar myself for a while, and actually had the same problem. I would try to put a little less pressure on the frets and use some hand cream to help with the already dry skin, but the only thing that will really put an end to the problem are the callouses that build up with time. - Max Peterson

3)   Try using the rough side of a piece of velcro to exfoliate the dead skin from your fingertips. You might even attach a strip to a convenient place on your guitar for easy access. - Bco4th6th

4)   try putting lotion on ur fingers then icing them for amroxamitly 10 mins - iluvhim48

5)   Hey, you're playing lots, so keep on keepin' on. Do that and you're gonna get good.

Should wipe the thing down after every session anyway.

Try a can of "Finger Ease" guitar string lube, squirting the stings and neck before you start, or before the next set starts, if on stage. At home - or at work - avoid hot water or lotions on your fretting hand, as they will quickly soften the callouses you worked hard to develop.

There is a possibility that your guitar needs a little fret honing, if it's worth it. I've played a few where the frets were sharp enough to almost bite you. Try a few others to see if they are more comfortable - quick and slick - just to feel the difference. - Danny

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Question 2
Scabs on my scalp ? Is it cancer?...  I am really scared. I went to get my hair dyed 2 days ago and the color I wanted require ALOT of processes. At first they bleached my hair and then rinsed it and then add a bunch of other chemicals to it and after that I went home. And then today I went back so they can finalize the color and now when I feel my head I can feel that I have some scabs on some part of my head. When I peeled it off it looks like a super dark color (It's like scabs people get after they got wounded ). I am really scared because I dyed my hair pretty often and people told me about cancer too but I didnot care. Please help me. I am really worried. I'm only 18.

1)   you dont have cancer but it something much worse, your gay! - ballz

2)   bummer.............sry ur going 2 die. - Cjm

3)   I've never dyed my hair, I'm 15, and I know exactly what you're talking about. Those 'scabs' are just dried pieces of skin. The hair dye may have dried your scalp up a little so some parts are starting to peel and crack. Just rinse your head under cold water rather than hot when you take a shower. I still have mine but they're starting to go away. It isn't cancer buddy, don't worry :) - summer.rain

4)   i'd be more worried about my hair falling out.
give it a rest, dude - Pax

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Question 3
Skin is flaking from the top of my hand?...  What could it be? I'm not sun burned.

1)   Is it cold where you live? If so, it might be dry, chapped skin from wind or cold. I get it too. Use lotion on your hands every time after you wash them. If it gets really bad (painful, skin splitting, bleeding) ask your doctor to give you some prescription skin cream. I've had to do that before and it helps a lot. Hope this helps. - Angelia

2)   bleach - Pax

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Question 4
Should I go to the doc again or wait?...  I've had Asthma since birth. I'm on meds for Asthma. I got a cold the other night. I went to the doc yesterday, but they said I didn't have strep throat like my son since my culture came back negative. I know sometimes cultures are false, and I'm coughing up thick yellow phlem tonight. I don't have a fever yet. I'm thinking if I get a fever then I should go back in again. My nose is running really bad too. I felt a little noise in my chest when I breath tonight, but I coughed it up.

1)   I love a bargain as much as anyone and I used to love all the cheap stuff I could find on eBay, but nowadays it seems so hard to find anything cheap over there and just when we're all finding it tougher to just pay our bills. I don't give up so I was looking for someplace online where I could still find myself a bargain... and by accident I came across this site I never heard of before where you get rock bottom prices from police impounded stuff, I mean I was worried about scams but this stuff is actually real and I got some real cheap stuff there... it's become my new eBay lol! Go to WinItems.com - Debbie Targett

2)   that noise is rales,id go back to your doctor,asthma sometimes turns into bronchitis.i have asthma too and have had recurring bronchial infections 3 times since last year.i took an antibiotic twice to get rid of the bronnchitis. - whizzer 360.

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Question 5
HIV and Crystal Meth Amphetamines.?...  If someone that was on Crystal Meth, say for 2 months, and had sexual contact with someone that is HIV positive roughly 10 months ago. What are the chances that they test poz? Heard stories that meth makes it 4-6 times more likely that they will test Positive, but not sure if that is true or not....Hit me up with some answers people. Please, only serious only. Thanks!
The person has been off meth for a month. is it still likely he/she test poz, even tho he/she tested neg last month

1)   serious answer,get off the meth - Gday

2)   What are the chances? Can't give you a number or statistic. But yes it does increase your chances of catching the virus, but only because it's been linked to more high-risk sexual behavior (government study linked below). Basically, amphetamines themselves don't increase your chances, it's what you do after you use them. They found that a large number of men who used amphetamines before sex ended up being careless because of it (not using condoms, rough sex, etc.). So that's why they say that.

And anybody can test positive a month after testing negative. It can often take 3-6 months before HIV shows up during testing. Somewhere around 99% of people would test positive after 3 months though. That's why if you get tested, you should always return at 3 months and then again at 6 months just to make sure.

If you think you might have contracted it, get tested. Google "free hiv testing" in your city and you'll find plenty of clinics, or you can go down to the health department. It only takes about 20 minutes to get tested. - Drexl

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