Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why hasn't a cure for cancer been found yet.?

Question 1
Why hasn't a cure for cancer been found yet.?...  with all the advances in modern medical technology, what is it about about cancer that makes it hard if not impossible to cure? Why hasn't medical technology found a cure yet for this devastating disease?

1)   Because cancer makes to much money to cure it. - catluva

2)   Because they're busy making wars and exploring space - Paula

3)   there are many cures for different types of cancer. it really depends on when you find it, and what kind it is. early detection is the key. "cancer" is like a "common cold". there are varieties of cold viruses. literally hundreds of infectious agents. the trigger for cancer is not well understood. why do some people get it, and some don,t? - David

4)   Because there to much money in looking for a cure.

There was a guy who use to go around talking about different ways of dealing with cancer but I think he was another one who was forced to stop because what he talked about would take money away from the pharmaceuticals. For instance you could actually put cancer into remission just by cutting dairy completely out of your diet. - Daddy Bear

5)   Because there is no one "cancer." It is a collection of hundreds of conditions. And when you fight cancer, you aren't fighting a foreign invader; you are fighting the patient's own body and cells. You have to figure out how to attack the cancer cells without killing normal cells. Fantastic progress has been made in certain kinds of cancer, like childhood leukemias, and hope is growing for others— even some of the most devastating— but it will be a war of many battles.

As for the "there's too much money in the current system," every doctor, nurse, and medical researcher would have to be a psychopath for this conspiracy theory to work. Think any of those people ever die of cancer? Think their loved ones do? You bet. If there were a cure, we'd know it. - fusepark


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Question 2
what does haemoglobin count means?...  

1)   It originated in Eastern Germany when a group of monks abandoned the catholic church to become Protestants (Lutherans) They went out into the city and began to talk and socialize with the girls there. (NOTE: Lutherans are allowed to marry, unlike catholic priests.) After a night of heavy drinking, the monks were kissing many of the girls beneath a branch of mistletoe hung up above the bar. Afterwords it became a tradition for the monks, every year they would go to the same bar on the same day, celebrating their conversion to Lutheran Protestantism
Eventually, word spread around Spain and other monks converting continued with the socializing beneath the branch of mistletoe, and it became a Lutheran Protestant tradition, which soon spread to other religions, even Catholicism. (how ironic!) - Beastlykid

2)   It is the measurement of your blood iron. - Kathleen

3)   What is haemoglobin? Did you bother to find a definition before asking here?

Haemoglobin = red blood cells

So a count of red blood cells would mean...?

I dunno... how about the amount of red blood cells present and how that compares to the expected amount?

I'm sorry but the lack of thinking I see on Y!A is becoming appalling. - Daniel C

4)   14/ - Om Prakash P

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Question 3
Help please really ill with diabetucketoacidosis?...  Your Open Question:

Help ... i have diabeticketoacidosis?

Hi .... I'm 18 and type 1 diabetic ... I haven't been very well recently in which I have neglected to take my insulin .. Yes I know this is dangerous but I have been bieng sick and been stressed with all my work .. And I have a lot of sh*t going on in my life .. I know I have dka as I feel bas ... Carnt breath properly heatbeat going fast weeing drinking bieng sick. Etc ...... The thing is I don't want to go hospital .. I have the biggest fear, I have experianced so many deaths there I don't want to go .. So how do I get rid of dka ... Please don't have a go at me for not going hospital . I just need help to get rid of it .. Its like I'm typin this now and I'm struggling to keep my eyes open

1)   Honey, honey.
Listen, you need emergency help. Please. Call 911, now.

You can't help yourself if it has gotten this bad, and you are in grave danger. You need immediate medical attention. I know about hospitals. I studied nursing and I couldn't take it, I don't like them either. But, there are times when you really need help and this is one of them. Please, do this, call for help. - KateG

2)   Look, get realistic about your condition. If you don't medically treat this, you can get sicker than you are now. Diabetic Ketoacidosis is serious. Get yourself to a hospital.

You have to learn to take care of yourself, eat properly, take your insulin or you are going to kill your kidneys. Then you will lose all your options about your health care.

Stop being an idiot. - Kathleen

3)   Give yourself regular insulin now!!! Check you sugar!!! if it doesn't get better you will have to go to the hospital!!! - KB929

4)   I love a bargain as much as anyone and I used to love all the cheap stuff I could find on eBay, but nowadays it seems so hard to find anything cheap over there and just when we're all finding it tougher to just pay our bills. I don't give up so I was looking for someplace online where I could still find myself a bargain... and by accident I came across this site I never heard of before where you get rock bottom prices from police impounded stuff, I mean I was worried about scams but this stuff is actually real and I got some real cheap stuff there... it's become my new eBay lol! Go to WinItems.com - Bernice Haykov

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Question 4
I have pneumonia and I need help I'm 13?...  I went to the doctor yesterday and I'm scheduled to come back today. I wokeup today and I was spotting brown, could this be that I am on my period. I had it over this past thanksgiving, is that to early to be on my period or is this just a symptom?

1)   what,s this got to do with pneumonia. - David

2)   Sometimes young girls have problems like that. Since you are going to the doctor today, you can ask him. Spotting wouldn't be a symptom of pneumonia. - Jenny

3)   Sounds like your period. You are young and just starting . After a year or so it will level out. My daughter is 16 and hers is not normal yet. The cycle usually is every 28 days. Get well soon.

Ps being sick often triggers your harmone levels and u will start early. - BAMABANDS

4)   Pneumonia's pretty nasty stuff, but am not too sure how spotting brown would have anything to do with it. Just happening at the same time.
Talk with the doc. - Gottcha

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Question 5
hi i never suffer from acne but now i keep getting these bumps in my face what should i do or use?...  

1)   about it you can get information from here http://usmedans46.notlong.com/4AA1K4U - Kathlene Rindels

2)   about it you can get information from here http://canmdh90.notlong.com/AA1K4Un - Hazel Suarez

3)   What kind of bumps? You mean pimple? Are they red or skin-colored? Do you feel pain, itchiness or nothing? Describe your lesions more or at least upload a photo.


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http://dermablog-by-docmench.blogspot.com - francheska12

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