Tuesday, November 30, 2010

how to get rid of acne?

Question 1
how to get rid of acne?...  

1)   Call me at 9665859772 i wil tel u in detail - Suraj

2)   Hey :)
ive got quite bad acne, and from experience, i know there is a LOT of ways to get rid of it.
wash your face twice a day
get over the counter treatments like :clearasel, clean and clear, ect ect.
or if your acne doesn't respond to that or it is worse than that, i suggest going to your doctor.
thats what im doing right now and im currently on anti bacterial tablets that are working really well :)
they take you through stages of using different creams and tablets seeing which is best for you.
acne is a very easy thing to get treated, all you have to do is visit! :)
goodluck x x

P.s: drinking a lot of water also helps - ShimmyShake~

3)   Use turmeric before you bath apply turmeric for 15 mnts then go for bath do it for 15 days and dont use any soap or cream for 15 days and use only your towel wash face with cold water atleast thrice a day - Chethan Bn

4)   eat lots of orange and keep its peal safely
dry it in sun and make powder of it
use this powder twice a day .it surely would not only help removing acne but also will enhance your complexion - Anima Anjuri

5)   i have tryed quite a lot different face washes, lotion and potions i am 15 and my acne is very bad i was on antibotics they didnt work i am now on the pill to try and get rid of my acne i would say the best thing for you to do is go ask your doctor - Dutch-ie

6)   You should use accutane, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://canmdh87.notlong.com/AAM48Zh - Idalia Blanzy

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Question 2
What's the most effective way to cut myself with less scars?...  And what household items can u use as a blade and I wannna know witch Hand and leg to do it on how to coverit up and what's most effective

1)   you freakin emo GET A LIFE - CK

2)   easiest way is to not do it you emo freak!! - bad boy

3)   First - you need professional help - you can start with your family doctor who will refer you to a psychiatrist who can teach you other methods of coping with stressors. Next, every single cut makes a scar on your skin and these are permanent for the rest of your life. If you live through this phase, you will be answering questions frequently from others as to where the scars came from and why you did this in the first place. You will also have to ALWAYS wear long-sleeve clothes, even in the hottest summer days in order to cover these. And, some employers may not hire you because of these scars and believing that you might have some psychological issues. Get help now. - J B

4)   Go and get some help for your mental problems, cutting is not normal behaviour. - A

5)   Stop calling her a freak. Shes not emo. Shes a person, just like you and me. So back off before i break your face. If you cut yourself just remember that i will always think of you as a wonderful person no matter what. Pain isn't the answer to pain. People care, trust me, you may not believe me, but they do. - Kristen

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Question 3
The pill for acne, if you used it please answer?...  i am on the pill for acne i have been on it for 1 month and 1 week, i just want to know if you have used this pill to try and get ride of your acne did it work?? i am on dianette< think that is the name of it

1)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use accutane. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://usmedans33.notlong.com/6AATqXC - Hyon Veninga

2)   Hi,Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, ( http://www.b2cshop.us ) Here are

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( http://www.b2cshop.us ) - Pa As

3)   Hey! I was on the acne pill (cannot remember the name, but it was little and pink) for a couple years and it definitely helped with my face and body acne. You won't notice any results for the first couple months though because the pill keeps future acne from forming, not curing the acne already on your skin. :) You just need to wait out the already existing acne to see results! Good luck! :D Also, don't give up on your skincare routine such as washing and mooisturizing. You still need to do these things while taking the pill to receive the best results! - Maryssa Mitchell

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Question 4
i'm 15- could i have hiv?...  i have a lot of the signs of HIV. i've given head to about 15 guys and i had unprotected sex once (about 2 months ago). i've cleaned up my act but i'm hoping HIV isn't my terrible consequence for being a skank. thanks.

1)   I don't know BUT if one of those guys goes to the Dr. or you do and the Dr. finds out you are passing it around, would not want to be you.

By the way nice start in life. - atsa me atsa you?

2)   Tomorrow (Dec. 1) is World AIDS Day. There is free testing going on everywhere, so if you are really worried it is the perfect time to get tested. Of note: it is very difficult to get HIV from oral sex, and your chances from unprotected sex are less than 5%, but it is still possible. Get tested tomorrow. - Wembley34

3)   you're 15? you should be worrying about homework... not hiv! - Olivia

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Question 5
what is the average life expectancy of black labs ??...  

1)   Anything from 10-15, but i'd say around 12 - We Stitch These Wounds

2)   I have no idea how this is in the "diabetes" category... Regardless, I think it's about 10-12 years. - Wembley34

3)   With proper caring, good grooming and regular checkups.....a black lab can live any where from 12 to 15 years or longer - Christopher

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Monday, November 29, 2010

Will i get lighter skin if i avoid the sun all summer?

Question 1
Will i get lighter skin if i avoid the sun all summer?...  

1)   Yes, of course! Your skin gets darker when it protects itself from the UV rays of the sun. It will also help if you put on sunscreen. Good luck. - Sunny.

2)   yes, during summer wear light clothing since it doesn't absorb muc h heat, and long sleeve everything long if possible, wear sunscreen and mosturizer! even in winter :) - Izzy

3)   Yes..u will...but u do need vitamin C.... - Bumble-b

4)   It depends if your skin is naturally that dark it wont get any lighter if that's the pigment of your skin. It probably will a tad, but don't stop going outside to enjoy that summer air just put some sun block on the highest spf you can find. - Lilly

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Question 2
How to cure dry lips?...  my lips have been dry for about 2 years now, i really didn't care cause im not that girly [ tomboy=D], but now i get sore on my lips cause of it , and i can hardly move my lips.

1)   You can buy all the fancy products you want and some may work...temporarily. Try taking some vitamin E oil and running on your lips as needed. In addition since your lips are probably wind burned, or chapped, then you need to hydrate more than you normally would. keep moisture on them for about a week and they should return to "normal" - Ac Estes

2)   lip balm - Holly J

3)   You don't have to be a girly girl type to not like having chapped lips. Use petroleum jelly or nonflavored chapstick, or any one of the chapped lip remedies. The sooner you get moisture on the lips the better it will feel. - The mom

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Question 3
I have red dots all over my thighs. What are these?...  Is it razor burn? I don't shave there that often so I don't think so but I don't know what else it could be!

1)   I've got razor burn there! It's sucks the worst thing about shaving "down there" is stubble and bikini bumps. :-( - Monica Babe

2)   That happens to me occasionally when my skin is irritated. Have you recently tried a new soap? Did you use soap with other things like shaving cream, bubble bath, etc?
It's probably just an irritation, so I wouldn't worry. If it doesn't start to get better by tomorrow, then definitely contact your doctor. :) - Jessica

3)   It could just be acne (the red bumps). I have them too, not necessarily razor bumps or irritation. - Sunny.

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Question 4
i'm allergic to wheat, corn, corn flour,penuts, and soy?...  can anyone give me some good recipies to try?

1)   1. go to your sink
2. turn on water
3. fill glass and enjoy! - RumRunners

2)   Go to celiac.com and you'll find several gluten-free recipes. I'm not sure as to where you'll find corn, peanut, & soy-free recipes. - BrownisBeautiful

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Question 5
Why am i having sharp pains around my heart?...  im 15 now, and i've been having sharp pains under my left breast. it really worries me. i have no idea what it is. can you please help?

1)   That is something you need to be telling your parents - M T

2)   At age fifteen I doubt its anything serious, it could be heart palpitations (harmless) still its better to see a doctor no one on yahoo answers can properly diagnose you - Wilma dikfit?

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

poll: How many pimples are on you right now?

Question 1
poll: How many pimples are on you right now?...  they suck i know :/

1)   One which is going to be ELIMINATED by the next couple minutes. Hee hee hee. CAREFUL PIMPLE! HERE I COME WITH MY SHARP NEEDLE! Hee hee hee. I think something's wrong with me. O.o - Cupcake Of Doom!

2)   -0- - Cubby

3)   I don't see any... Im sure there's some hidden? Funny question though. Made me smile. =D - Carl H

4)   I use the needle too... - redking12534

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Question 2
I have genitl warts how do i remove them myself?...  
Hey stuart can you do it for me?

1)   You dont, you go to a doctor - Destiny

2)   you can't remove them yourself.. - Lisa

3)   Have a dermatologist remove them for you.

- Stuart - Stuart

4)   Perhaps, the most popular home remedy used to remove warts involves duct tape.

It has been said; in fact, it has also been backed by scientific research, that duct tape is effective at removing or eliminating warts. If you are interested in giving this home remedy a try.

The duct tape wart removal method was reported in the Archives of pediatrics & Adolescent medicine the October 2002 issue.

The method is as follows: One cuts a small piece of duct tape just big enough to cover the wart. You then leave it on for five or six days.

After keeping the warts covered, for about a week, you will want to remove the tape, soak your wart in water, and then scrub it with a pumice stone. If your wart does not come off right away, you are advised to repeat the procedure again, for at least another one to two weeks.

Aloe Vera for removing Warts

It has also been said that aloe vera is effective at eliminating warts. You are advised to soak a small cotton ball in aloe, preferably the gel. After the soaking has occurred, for around about a minute or so, you will want to tape the cotton ball to your wart.

You will want to add aloe vera to the wart or piece of cotton every few hours. By leaving the cotton ball in place, with the exception of changing it daily, your wart should fall off in a few days or weeks.

Tea tree oil

Essential oil of tea tree is a powerful antiseptic which kills most bacteria and thus is an extremely potent method of wart removal. This method is also very popular due to its very high rate of success. Just apply essential tea tree oil directly on the wart daily until it disappears. This method should not take too many applications due to its effectiveness.

Echinacea pills

The taking of Echinacea pills will assist the healing of mild skin infections thus also making it a great help for warts. Take one or two pills a day as prescribed on the bottle.

Echinacea was highly used by Native American Indians as a universal remedy for just about everything. By the early 1900's it was the most popular herb in medical practice in the USA. Echinacea is still one of the most prescribed herbal products worldwide.

Essential lemon oil

Another common and popular method of wart removal include applying a single drop of essential lemon oil directly on the wart itself. Repeat as necessary until wart is gone.

Caster oil

Apparently, caster oil is also considered an effective wart removal remedy. When using caster oil, you will want to apply the oil to your wart. It is then suggested that you rub or massage the area with your fingers. After doing this day and night for a number of weeks, your wart should disappear.

You could also use caster oil by apply it directly to the wart, twice a day, and by keeping it covered. By keeping the wart covered with a bandage, only to remove it when changing, the wart should disappear after about three weeks.

Banana peel

Rubbing a banana peel on your wart for a few weeks as well is supposed to be a big help. One should rub the banana peel multiple times during the course of the day for maximum effectiveness.

The above mentioned home remedies are just a few of the many that you can find online or in a home remedy book.

Additional remedies include using chalk, dandelion, aspirin, baking soda, papaya, and milkweed. When choosing a home remedy, it is important to keep the ingredients in mind. You will want to refrain from using any items that you may be allergic to. If and when you are in doubt, it may be best to choose another home remedy to use.

Read more: http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/removing-warts.shtml#ixzz16YATl7EW - radioactive_babywipes

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Question 3
How do hermit crabs have sex?...  

1)   Why is this in the STD's category? - Jake

2)   there you go right there...the VERY reason they're hermits.. - Hal Kudhugh

3)   I just make sure to put rubber bands on its little claws first. - Otto Davis

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Question 4
If I'm allergic to fake jewelry, can I wear gauges?...  Or tapers. Most likely tapers.

1)   if they are plastic you can - Hannah

2)   Why would you want to wear gauges in the first place? - Tracie

3)   If I told you how easy it is to get a job in this recession, you wouldn't believe me. But the truth is more employers are going online to find people just like you and me who are ready to work at a good job (one that pays good!). The only thing that makes sense is to stop wasting time driving around all day filling out a dozen applications and going from one boring low paying job to another. I found this site that pretty much matches you up with your dream job that is available in your city right now. I have found it very helpful. Go to FindMeJobNow.com - Micha Littleboy

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Question 5
how to get rid of black heads?...  I have black heads on my nose and I just started noticing some on my face. I guess I got it when I wipe my nose when I sweat. How can I get rid of them without using strips and do black heads leave within time or will it always be on my face?

1)   try a good cleanser that will open the pores and unclog the blackhead - redking12534

2)   Bury them in ur backyard duh! - Carl H

3)   i like to steam my face open with a chamomile flowers in a pot & then wash my face and gently squeeze them out. then i use the tea as a tonic. i use coconut oil on my face, which is moisturizing and won't clog your pores.. it actually has acids that are antibacterial/antifungal. just get it cold-pressed and organic.
on the other hand, acne in the t-zone could possibly be a sign of liver toxicity or stagnation - One Love

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Monday, November 22, 2010

My vagina smells but I am not sexually active?

Question 1
My vagina smells but I am not sexually active?...  I was put on bacterial vaginosis pills two times and the smell would always come back. i'm not sexually active. It's very embarrassing. The last thing I want is a future partner saying my vajeje smells like fish! I know doctors do not recommend douching, but i'm getting desperate. I wear cotton panties and I have good hygiene. I shower every day and wash myself down there. I'm using the new vagisil wash and it only works temporarily. I know ppl say you should not use washes because it will only make it worse, but i've had this problem long before I started using vaginal washes. I've had smelly vagina since I was about 12 years old...and i'm 18 now.

1)   how do you get your nose down there? - RumRunners

2)   yeast infection? - robert r

3)   Do you shave your vag? Maybe it's too hairy - Sarah

4)   Ok a few small questions is there white discharge, and have you seen your OBGYN? It could be a chronic yeast infection. - father

5)   clean your "toys" before reusing them - Kyle

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Question 2
How does smoking damage the lungs?...  I'm just curious

1)   you must be smoking cr@ck - The Ƨky is ßlue

2)   It gives you lung cancer... - N

3)   Creates TAR and damages the tissue.

Google some images of the lungs of a smoker... - Toyo

4)   well if you smoke i would suggest you stop but i mean look it up on google . - DaiseyDuke5674

5)   When you inhale, particles from the smoke stick to your lungs. Over time these particles (tar and nicotine mostly) build up and damage the lungs. Lungs are so fragile anyway! I'm not sure exactly how cancer starts but somehow the cells become malignant and start multiplying rapidly, causing cancerous tumors.

Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your body. Period. - luvrats

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Question 3
HELP!im white with very sensative skin. face went from clear to nonstop breakout now that im with a black man.?...  Ive tried everything to get it to clear up but it won't budge.... his face is oily due to his ethnicity but I don't understand why my face is reacting so severely! I've had the acne for 4 months now with no let-up.... I'm afraid my face will scar.

1)   well if your not rubbing your face all over his all the time, then it isn't his oils.... Maybe you've changed your diet recently, or started using a new type of lotion/makeup.... - Rkayn

2)   It prob isn't related to his skin color, more likely its from his face rubbing against yours when you kiss. Happens to white people too. Or it could be a change in your diet since you started dating him. I know at the beginning of most relationships you go out to eat a lot. Wash your face every night and morning and use moisturizer after to keep face from drying out. Good luck! - Saphire

3)   Is it possible you are having stress or anxiety associated with this situation or something else for about the same time? His oils have no effect on your skin. Acne happens from within your own hair follicles. Hormones and stress can cause flares. Relax and enjoy your man and see the dermatologist about your skin. - curator

4)   Check anything new your eating or vitamins your taking for soy. It can cause people to break out who never broke out before. And if it is from him it probaly is from his beard stubbled causing irritation that is allowing to bacteria to get into the small scratches, so after you've been in close contact wash your face. - Lisa

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Question 4
Red blistering rash on testes?...  My dog has a red blistering rash on his testes. It is a cluster of bright red bumps. He doesn't seem to notice it or be in any pain. I know i need to get him to the vet, but we can't get in for over a month. should i take him to the emergency clinic or is it something minute that can wait a bit? i would also really like to have an idea of what it could be. anyone know?

1)   Maybe you should lick them, I heard saliva is very soothing - Sarah

2)   that comes from having sex with goats.............dont ask me how I know this but ummm.........get him to the doctor soon cuz it friggin hurts - Turbinado

3)   Take him/her to the vet. - Fido

4)   If I told you how easy it is to get a job in this recession, you wouldn't believe me. But the truth is more employers are going online to find people just like you and me who are ready to work at a good job (one that pays good!). The only thing that makes sense is to stop wasting time driving around all day filling out a dozen applications and going from one boring low paying job to another. I found this site that pretty much matches you up with your dream job that is available in your city right now. I have found it very helpful. Go to FindMeJobNow.com - Marisa Taroni

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Question 5
What if you have sex...?...  After you take the next choice pill and it was unprotected. She took the pill about 12 hours ago. Will it still help?

1)   nope - ladystang

2)   about it you can get information from here http://canmdh66.notlong.com/AAZpEiR - Dorotha Bail

3)   by pill do you mean the morning after pill? If so then as long the unprotected sex should be okay, but thats only because the morning after pill makes her go into a forced period, which doesnt allow 99% of the time any fertilized eggs to get stuck to the lining of womb, because it also cover the wall with a liquid so the egg just comes out. Altough the Morning after pill doesnt always work it is usally suuccessful. BUT if you ment her birth control pill, as long as she didnt just start the birth control that day or even up to 1 month to the day before that then you may be okay. it take the "birth contol pills" ONE MONTH to regualte in a womans body. But I think you will be okay, but save yourself the worry next time and use protection. - YourOldestFriend

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Itchy vagina lips.. sore..? ?

Question 1
Itchy vagina lips.. sore..? ?...  So, I lost my virginity last weekend. And since I've noticed my vagina lips are itchy.. and once I start scratching it just gets itchy-er and hard to stop.. also, I tried masturbating and it was painful with one finger, when I usually use two.. &also, hard to get/stay wet. we were both virgins so I know its not an STD.. whats wrong with me? :(

1)   sounds like a bacterial infection such as Teneas Cruris (jock itch) or ringworm of the groin. - Fergie

2)   You might be allergic to the condom or something to do with your Ph balance with the guy you were with. - Jay Sin

3)   How sure are you that it's not an STD? Not only can people be born with STD's from their parents but they can also lie about whether they've had sex with someone before. Get tested or use lotion and see if it cures just dry, itchy skin. - A.B

4)   Sounds like a yeast infection..ak your dr. if it is a reaction to the condom you need to know, because a latex allergy can suddenly become so severe it can kill, I have one and have to carry an epi pen... but I think it is a yeast infection. - karate_mamma

5)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use premarin. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://canmdh41.notlong.com/AAL8me0 - Michiko Snelling

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Question 2
What are some good options for acne?...  At the moment I use the Tea Tree range from the Body Shop which is helping but not getting rid of my acne. Any methods you have used that worked really well? I'm not talking about the girls who get the odd pimple but those who have mild to moderate acne.

1)   i think that there is medication you can take. not sure about the side effects though. i had moderate acne a few years ago. i used to rub crushed garlic into my face and it really worked. within a week all of my spots had gone. i'm not sure if i would recommend it though because it was quite painfull. - ec123456789able

2)   I had success with this when my skin was breaking out -

http://great-face.com/articles/acne/acne-skincare-tips - Lili Bibi

3)   To get the best answer of your question
please see this site -----> www.all-home-remedies.com - Lisa

4)   You should use accutane, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://canmdh44.notlong.com/AAQT0En - Michiko Snelling

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Question 3
Mole near my crotch, began to shrivel?...  It's below my navel and stomache but right at where my leg begins
This mole has been on me since i noticed at 5 yrs of age.
it has changed, before it was just like any other mole but now the black part of the mole shriveled up to just a spot and around it is darker than my skin. which is almost the size of a pencils eraser. .. I've always wondered why. it hasnt changed any more than that since I was 13, and now im 19, do i need to go to a doctor.

1)   They say you should have a mole examined if it's irregular or if it changes...I'd go to the doc...get it sampled and be done with worrying... - adam r

2)   asdasd - 1234niceguy

3)   I would personally go to a doctor to be safe...Since it's been so long, I don't know how it could be cancer but I'm sure anything is possible in the medical field. Plus, cancer is ALWAYS unpredictable and can show up even in the most un-obvious places.
Please get checked out. :) - Kady

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Question 4
How do porn stars get protected from HIV?...  Most of the porn stars perform without condoms...

It would take 3 months for HIV to show up in blood test....

Even one shows negative result which were taken a week ago, what if he has contracted the virus on the previous day and pass it others on the next day????

How does the industry protect such actors??
Sometimes, the result might show false negative, but still they can pass it to others

1)   They just do testing as far as I know. That's why it's a dangerous profession. - KB929

2)   They get tested before every movie with a test that it's pretty powerful. And if they have HIV, they are excluded from perfoming scenes with people. For example, HIV-positive porn actors are either working doing 'solos' or with HIV-positive actors. When an actor is known to have the virus, every single person who worked with him, has to get tested. It's a sad situation, but they have to face it. - Roberto Alexandro

3)   Right now, porn stars do not use condoms (most do not) but they are required to submit negative HIV test results every 30 days and be tested on a regular (monthly) basis.
I know it seems like they are taking quite a risk for their career (by having mulitple, unprotected sex partners) but the fact is, that porn stars actually have a much lower rate of HIV transmission than the general public (possibly due to the regular testing.) - krzynurse13

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Question 5
Hypothyroid/High Cholesterol/weight loss plateau?...  I know that being hypothyroid causes weight gain and high cholesterol (I am on medication for both as of the Jan 2010)...I gained 50 pounds in less than a year before I was diagnosed. After diligently going to the gym starting in August (4-5x a week) eating on average 1200 calories a day, and having a calorie deficit of 500-1000 a day I began losing about 1-2 pounds a week and my waist dropped from a 35 to a 30. But since 10/27 I haven't lost a pound, no inches lost, and I haven't changed my routine. The only thing that changed was I had a problem with my cholesterol medication between the doctor and the pharmacy and wasn't able to take it for about 3 weeks - around the same time I noticed the scale wasn't budging. I was still taking the thyroid meds.

Can stopping your cholesterol meds prevent you from losing weight? I have a doctor appt next week for something unrelated but I am sure I can ask him about it. Until then, can anyone help?
No it doesn't sound crazy. Before I realized that the meds was the only thing that changed I did decide to up my calorie intake to a 1500-1700 average thinking maybe that would help. I am afraid to take it to 2000 because according to the workouts and daily average calories burned for my body, thats closer to 2200...and I wanted to have a higher deficit than 200 a day.

1)   IF you still wanna see some weight loss, I suggest ,and don't think its crazy, to crunch up your calorie intake from 1200 to about 2000. This is your recommended intake, and should help speed up your metabolism... This means your hypothyroid problem can go away... O AND DON'T FORGET THE GYM WORKOUTS - Tarek R

2)   To get the best answer of your question
please see this site -----> www.all-home-remedies.com - Lisa

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://canmdh36.notlong.com/AA1IIrI - Michiko Snelling

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

15 year old female? Tons of facial hair?

Question 1
15 year old female? Tons of facial hair?...  Hi, im 15 and have TONS of facial hair. I have it on my chin, side burns, cheecks, everywhere. UGH.
I cant get it wax from a professional and I tried plucking but theyres so much. waxing strips didnt work out either. So, what kinda cream is the best? and wont damage my skin and will take it from the root?

1)   Cover your head in duct tape. Pull. - Graffiti Changed My Life

2)   Shave - J¡zz lN MY PANT5

3)   why can't you wax it? don't use any hair removal cream for your face because the hair will grow out longer faster and thicker ... try a laser face removal if you can afford it - Mojo

4)   That's disgusting!! You could use nair - brittany

5)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Fteww Xseww

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Question 2
How to get rid of pimples off my period!?...  Ughh i just got my period. Thankfully its thanksgiving break... Sorta... Thursday we are having a party at my house there are going to be a lot of people and a lot of my friends. I really do not want my friends seeing me like this! I have one scar and two pimples that makes it look lke a triangle and i have two on my forhead please help!

1)   If I told you how easy it is to get a job in this recession, you wouldn't believe me. But the truth is more employers are going online to find people just like you and me who are ready to work at a good job (one that pays good!). The only thing that makes sense is to stop wasting time driving around all day filling out a dozen applications and going from one boring low paying job to another. I found this site that pretty much matches you up with your dream job that is available in your city right now. I have found it very helpful. Go to FindMeJobNow.com - Sommer Haver

2)   some wise man said to me they could have 2 same time and talking the same isuue that the ending re always same late or soon lol
i dont know somebody talking ending always ..
who is aint ending everything himself to close a door - Tinny Rock

3)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Fteww Xseww

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Question 3
Itching under my fingernails?...  OUCH it's aan itching sensation...

1)   Possibly a nail fungus. See the doctor or sometimes a pharmacist can help~ -   ☺

2)   Ohmygawd. This happened to meh today! I bet its just skin irritation. Try to put lotion or COLD water on it. It really hurts. I know how you feel, girl. - Christina Kim

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Question 4
what is good for seb derm tratment?...  

1)   If I told you how easy it is to get a job in this recession, you wouldn't believe me. But the truth is more employers are going online to find people just like you and me who are ready to work at a good job (one that pays good!). The only thing that makes sense is to stop wasting time driving around all day filling out a dozen applications and going from one boring low paying job to another. I found this site that pretty much matches you up with your dream job that is available in your city right now. I have found it very helpful. Go to FindMeJobNow.com - Sommer Haver

2)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Fteww Xseww

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Question 5
Thyroid problem related to bloating?...  Would a thyroid problem cause bloating on the stomach?

Im just curious, i tried searching on google, but couldnt find an answer.

1)   I don't think so.

talk to your doctor about it. You may have other problems - Jay L

2)   Hi David. I have Hypothyroidism, and at times my stomach gets horribly bloated. I know other people that have thyroid issues, and they say they experience it also. I think it has something to do with the fact that your digestive system slows down when you have Hypothyroidism, and speeds up when you have Hyperthyroidism. I get stomach aches, and nausea also. Not fun :-( - Angelbunny17

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

what causes pink eye?

Question 1
what causes pink eye?...  and if i had it when you were younger, can you get it again?

1)   Yeah you can, you can get it from expired make up and sharing make up - Becca

2)   Caused by viruses, bacteria, and some other things. Link below.

Yes, you can get it more than once. Some people have chronic cases. - Hawk Eye

3)   pink eye is a viral infection. You can just catch it in the air, really, as easily as you can catch a cold. However, some people are more susceptible than others. There's not much you can do except for boost your immune system and, if you like, use eye drops for the pain, perhaps with a mild anti-biotic just in case. - Depth

4)   The cause of pink eye is commonly a bacterial or viral infection, an allergic reaction or — in babies — an incompletely opened tear duct.

And yes it is possible to contract it multiple times. - D

5)   The more common cause of pink eye can be from your eyes contracting some sort of bacteria that has obviously irritated your eyes. Viruses, allergies or damages in the eye can also be a leading cause. Just because you had pink eye when you were younger doesn't make you a more likely contractor of the infection. It's not a disease like cancer. It can come back if you use dirty towels lets say or rub your eyes with dirty hands and such. - Cooper Lyles

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Question 2
Why are my girl friend's bazongas less of bazongas and more like mosquito bites.?...  My dad kept telling me that I have to love a girl with huge "BAZONGAS" as he put it, but her Bazongas are more like mosquito bites, why?

1)   I dunno. Interesting question though! - Michael

2)   use aloe vera on them - Sophia A

3)   Asked the 'soon to be single' man. - Stupid Flanders

4)   because everyone is different

(idiot) - noah c

5)   If you're actually so immature you refer to them like this you shouldn't even have a girlfriend. - Dj

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Question 3
How can I clean my face without using products?...  I'm african american.I have ance that okay but no really bad.I want something that's cheap ,easy to use and can clear my face.Thx (^^)

1)   honey and garlic - Holly

2)   soap and water? - courtney

3)   rub some aloe on your face - Jet 2

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Question 4
Do I have the symptoms of lung cancer?...  My throat itches and hurts and my spit is sticky and very white and sometimes its a yellow color but a very light yellow color and i have red bumps on back of tongue the bumps feel hard. When I look at my spit its so sticky it gets attached to my hands and then it starts dripping off my hands. Going to the doctor Monday.

1)   im scared - Holly

2)   Weight loss and fatigue are the earliest symptoms, along with chest or back pain and a chronic cough. Late symptoms are coughing up blood. It doesn't sounds like it but I'm glad you're seeing a doctor. - ExeneC

3)   In my opinion it does not at all sound like lung cancer. - Vortex

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Question 5
The past couple of days it has been hurting my right Eye to blink or be closed ???????????????????????????...  For the past 3 days my right eye has been in alot of pain. Every little blink seems to hurt, and sleeping hurts also. THe pain is in the corner of my eye...(like facing my nose lol) And it is a little swollen on the outside.... i have no idea what it could be. I had a sty when i was younger, but it can't be a sty again because there is no 'bubble' thing lol im in a good amount of pain so if anyone has any ideas of what it could be .....

1)   Ask a doctor or family or friend or better sources. i would recommend to do it fast before it hurts more. I think i know what your talking about anyways. - Yoshiyo C.

2)   I get this sometimse. For me, it's sinus related. The pressure that's building up in your sinuses pushes all your head stuff (for lack of a better term) and that includes your tear ducts. Makes your eye feel swollen, or your tear duct feel clogged and very very painful. Try something for allergies and sinus congestion, see if that brings it down.

Do note that your tear duct can be clogged as well but I wouldn't jump to that conclusion first. - fracturedmoonlight

3)   If you wear makeup its probably because of your mascara, because I get that sometimes. It can also be a sign of a couple of things
- You need to get your eyes checked.
- You are tired/ stressed
- Your eyes being stained meaning you are/watching TV, and on the computer to much so your eyes are not being able to adjust to the light.

I would say to get a cloth and put cold water on it, and pad the area that is swollen to you with the cloth so that it feels the cool sensation! Good luck. - HottSizzlee

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Yellow eyes and pain in her side?

Question 1
Yellow eyes and pain in her side?...  Hi my sister is 24 yrs. Old. This morning she awoke with slight pain over her left hip area. Also the whites of her eyes are turning yellow. What could be wrong?

1)   I don't know about the pain, but yellow eyes can be a sign of a serious liver problem. She should get to the doctor as soon as she can. - shortie

2)   jaundice.... Doctos quickly - Ten

3)   sounds like a liver problem get her to see a doctor - Ray Stevenson

4)   If the whites of your eyes have recently become yellow then it's possible that you have mild jaundice.

The only way to have this checked is to get examined by your doctor.

A simple blood test will clear up any diagnostic uncertainty.

Jaundice is usually a sign of liver problems, which can often be treated once the cause is identified. - Esther!

5)   Could have something to do with her kidneys or liver ....Yellow of the eyes and skin usually occurs when the liver or kidneys fail to do their job. I had a friend with hep c (i believe it was C anyways) who had the same problem. She needs help immediately. - robbodabbo2004

6)   SOUNDS LIKE A LIVER COMPLAINT ,go to the Doctors/hospital as soon as possible .Could be liver failure, jaundice hepatitis,so its important to go now. - The Wail of a Banshee

7)   Your eyes turning yellow is usually Jaundice, which is a liver issue, I'd go see a doctor, because it can be a lot of things wrong, from somethings very minor(like a gall stone blocking the duct temporarily), to some pretty serious things.

So have it checked out. - BigNeil

8)   There's something wrong with her liver. Possibly hepatitis. She needs to see a doctor ASAP. - Wembley34

9)   yellow jaundice or hepatitis b get her to a doctor. the yellow is bilious fat.not being broken down by the liver which is where her pain is coming from .kidneys are also affected as the fat get into the urinary tract.this to could become yellow and painful.don't let her eat fatty foods of any sort. or salt.. - silver44fox

10)   Sound to me like your sister might have Bile duct obstruction due to Large gallstone blocking the ducts. This can be a serious if left untreated. Main Symptoms are Pain in right side, yellowing of eyes or skin or both. Also ask her to pay attention to her Bowel motions, Pale or light colored stools are the Number 1 Sign of Bile duct obstruction.
Heres what you should do, Make her see a doctor right away, If this is left untreated she will get a nasty infection which would be a risk to her life. I am not trying to scare you just help
So be wise and take her to the doc. in the mean time squeeze a lemon into a cup then fill it with a lil water heat it up and make her drink it , it help thin the bile to help it get through more easily. - barbraryan69

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Question 2
Will it be good if we stop taking salt through food totally?...  Since salt is responsible for complicating hypertension, will it be good to avoid salt totally from food? In India, we generally use a little amount of salt in many food items. I am thinking about the possibility of stopping it altogether for cooking. Initially there will be some problem due to change of taste of food, but that will become normal after some time. (I am not yet a hypertensive person, with BP 130/90 mm Hg (age 33yrs), but as a precaution I want to do this. My fasting blood sugar is 102unit and it has increased by 10 units in about a year. My HDL is also low, 32 units. May be I am going to develop sugar and heart related problem in near future. So I want to be cautious.) What is your opinion?

1)   Yep it would - Chase Cureton

2)   no people still need salt, just not a lot of it. We need salt because it maintains our normal health, vigor and alkaline design, Salt plays a big part in helping the body to digest food and turn them into living tissues, as well as helping to transmit nerve impulses that contract the muscles. Salt is also necessary for making the sodium bicarbonate the body needs to alkalize the food we eat to maintaining the alkalinity of the blood and lymph fluids. All sugar cravings are the need for salt. Salt is ion that used for energy transporting. Salt also connect your mental body with your physical body - xxlickmylipsxx

3)   No. If you cut out all salt your body will shut itself down, as you need it. Body fluids are salty (hence tears, sweat and, don't personally know! but, urine is too. You need some salt - ▓▒Triple J ▒▓

4)   I have not added salt to anything I eat for probably 40 yrs or more
there are natural salts in almost everything we eat so we cannot eliminate it entirely and our bodies need some salt
I find that sometimes I do eat something prepared that is too salty for me and I am unable to finish it since my taste buds have been without added salt for so long - tro

5)   As far by the theories of human physiology one cannot survive without salt in our body. Even if we don't take salt in its true form we get salt from other food items like fish, meat, leafy vegetables and even from water sometimes.

And you query is not valid because of this simple reason.

Without zero salt intake whole body mechanism of our osmotic regulation will be in trouble and there will be impairment in our Sodium-Potassium balance which does the fundemental communication between cells at the molecular level. (what doctors say as electrolyte imbalance) and this a condition which could even prove fatal.

drdeepan@yahoo.com - purushothaman s

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Question 3
HEAD LICE MEDICAL EMERMGENCY?...  I have lice, and i probbaly have had it for a long time but my parents ignored my comment about my head being itchy. so now its pretty bad im sure i have thousands of those little things. My dad refuses to listein to me or treat me..i need help he wants to get a professinal but my head itches so much i need help

1)   Mayonnaise. It supposedly helps to kill the bugs, but not necessarily their eggs. Just slather your hair in mayonnaise (it feels weird and gross, wear gloves or suck it up and wash your hands when you're done) and put a shower cap on. It will help for awhile and deter you from scratching your scalp. - Jill

2)   Go to the drugstore and buy your own head lice treatment shampoo and use it exactly as directed. The mayonnaise recommended will only treat live lice, not the nits and you need to kill the nits also. Go to WebMd.com and type in head lice and read up on what you need to be doing as far as your clothing, bedding, etc. that needs to be done to get rid of these. - J B

3)   Look, you definitely need to treat them... Your dad should be serious abt it cos you can easily transmit the Lices to family members...

The medical condition is called: PEDICULOSIS CAPITIS. and it could reach your genital area(groins) causing PEDICULOSIS PUBIS.

It could be very bad, disgusting, itchy, and embarrasing, but the treatment is very simple.

There are topical creams or lotions or shampoos with special way of administration for your case; such Medicinal products having LINDANE-generic name- can be very effective. The head lices die from the first wash of LINDANE but you have to wash(using the shampoo or cream or lotion) again after 7-10days to kill the newborn lices from the hatched eggs. (eggs of lices cannot be killed by LINDANE).

So full treatment takes 1-2 weeks, but you don't have to worry at all... Make sure to isolate your linens and clothes from your family's ones and wash well and dry clean if possible. (or put under sun for many hours)

Good luck and get well soon.

Nursing Sciences university student (Middle east) - Hassan M

4)   If you have access to Tea Tree Oil, mix some in your shampoo. You will have to shampoo with it several times in order to get rid of them.
If you are in school, please go to the school nurse & maybe she can help you get the help you need. Good luck. - Nashvegas

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Question 4
Ct scans or Xray? Anyone know the difference between the two as far as radiation exposture?...  

1)   CT scans give you huge amounts of radiation and it is recommended that you have as few of these in your lifetime as possible. The radiation from these is continuous during the scanning process. X-rays send out a one-time, short dose for a single picture.

Regarding the other poster - a one-time CT will not kill you, it is the accumulation of radiation over your lifetime that causes your increased risks of cancer. The information I have given you is fact, not an opinion. - J B

2)   JB should be ashamed....

A "CT Scan" IS X-rays, it's just a series of them from multiple angles and positions to generate a 3-D image of inside you....of course a CT Scan is "more" exposure to radiation because it is MULTIPLE exposures....

HOWEVER...employ a little "Common sense".....doctors do not recommend a CT Scan "for fun", they do it because it enables them to look inside you without slicing you open....the risks of "exploratory surgery" when the surgeon has no idea what she is looking for are OBVIOUSLY going to be higher than a scan! - MarcThyme

3)   An xray is a flat image sent towards your body with one beam of radiation. A CT-scan are multiple slices of radiation pictures taken from top to bottom or from left to right of your body. Think of the CT scan as a 3D Xray.

A CT-scan is necessary to avoid exploratory surgery, and to be honest, other scans give off so much more radiation than CT-scans. PET scans give off the radiation equal to 17 CT-scans. - Zetsu

4)   CT (computerised Tomogram) Scan reconstitutes Multiple X-rays in 3 Dimensions hence many times more irradiating compared to a simple chest X ray. Standard protocols are used to control radiation exposure. Also CT gives more information than a simple xray. For example a 'metal hook' on Xray does not tell you if it is front, back or a swallowed one whereas CT can tell you that. It can tell the doctor the exact location of a lesion eg: tumour, can help plan an operation by telling its relation to important structures like blood vessels or nerves. see source below - aanandam aanandame

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Question 5
How to prevent intestinal gas?...  

1)   A fart should do it.lol - classyone

2)   Chew your food well, cut down on gas-inducing foods (i.e. carbonated beverages, beans, greasy foods). Otherwise...go to Rite Aid, pick up some Bean-o, and pop one of those before every meal. - Jill

3)   Don't eat beans. - Everythang's gonna be all white

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chances of me getting an STD? It turns out this guy I made out w/at a party?

Question 1
Chances of me getting an STD? It turns out this guy I made out w/at a party?...  has I think herpes and chlamydia
PS All we did was makeout.
And I found out that he was also hooking up w/guys so even though all we did was makeout a bit we didn't actually have sex but I heard herpes is something you can also get from kissing. Is that true w/chlamediaShould I get tested for everything??

1)   If he has herpes anywhere near his mouth...you are at risk...chlamydia is usually transmitted through sexual contact only. - Jonathan D

2)   i would be more worried about hepatitis...get tested for that................... - Steve B

3)   That's all it take to get herpes of the mouth yuk watch out how you kiss it come and gos so some one with it may not look like they have anything. - thats ok

4)   You should use fluconazole, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://canmdh37.notlong.com/AAjSQlW - Kristan Lout

5)   Chlamydia is something only passed through sex. It depends on what kind of herpes he has. If he has genital herpes then you can only get it through sex (intercourse or if you do oral he can give you herpes of the lip better know as cold sores). If he has herpes of the lip (cold sores) usually you will only get them if he has a cold sore on his lip or is just getting one also if you have cold sores you can give someone genital herpes by having oral sex. Unless he had a sore on his mouth the chances that you have herpes of the lip is very unlikely but if he did have a cold sore when you were making out don't worry too much about it...it won't kill you the worst things about it is that it can hurt, it's ugly looking, you get a scab looking sore that won't go away between 1-3 weeks, and you can give it to someone else. - Chiyo

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Question 2
Help! I am disgusted by the act of pooping.?...  I hate it so much. It is the worst thing ever. It is so embarrassing, even to myself--especially the time it takes and the awful smell. It is the worst thing about being alive. I am so ashamed of myself for pooping. It is so bad that it prevents me from living a normal life and I literally dread it, day in and day out.

It would be WONDERFUL if there was a way that I could just stop pooping totally. My life would be so much more pleasant if I didn't have to worry about poop. Is there ANY WAY I can stop going number 2 completely without adverse effects? I just HATE it and feel so ashamed for it.

Serious answers only please. This is not funny.

1)   I'm sorry but this is just too funny. I thought this question was asked by a girl actually. XD

You seem really serious though, so I'll try to help you out some? Unfortunately, you must poop in order to carry out your normal bodily functions. Or, have your colon look like this:

Ok all jokes aside.. you said that you were offended by the smell - that can be fixed. Eating a high fiber diet and drinking lots of water will lessen the smell a LOT. Or, you can hold a cloth up to your nose every time you do it, lol. - Lo♥e²O

2)   .............
I'm trying to figure out if this question is serious or not....
And no, you can't just stop pooping. It's impossible....
I think you should eat fiber (you'll go faster) then read the book "Everyone Poops"... :) - Katy

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Question 3
Your child is born with a genetic disorder that will eventually lead to complete paralysis.?...  Your child is born with a genetic disorder that will eventually lead to complete paralysis. Your doctor tells you that there is a gene therapy treatment that has a high probability for a complete cure, but the procedure is new and carries a fair amount of risk. What will you do? If something does go wrong with the treatment, who should bear the responsibility? please help!

1)   I'd do it. If you don't take the risk, your child will definitely end up paralyzed, and that would be a horrible way to live. If the kid undergoes treatment, they'll at least have chance of living a normal life. - Alfred

2)   I would go for it. Nobody is responsible for it failing. Good decisions sometimes have bad outcomes, but that doesn't mean that the decision was wrong. - Frank

3)   If it was me I would take the chance if it meant my child had the chance for a long and healthy life. If the doctor has explained all the risks and I have signed the consent form knowing there are risks involved and something goes wrong, then it would be me who is responsible....I knew the risks...the doctors or hospital would not be at fault. But that's just would I would do. Others might have a different opinion. - techie0602

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Question 4
My nipples are inverted do i have breast cancer?...  okay well i'm 17 and I THINK i feel a bump but i'm not sure and have inverted nipples so i was reading about breast cancer and signs of it and it said that inverted nipple is a possible sign of breast cancer. I'm like really scared. theres no like color change or bleeding or change in how my breast skin feels but one side of my breast has like bum or something but its not like notice able like when i look in the mirror i cant see that theres a bump but if i like press on my breast its like a bump and its hard. i dunno if its like sweling from me massaging my breast from time to time or if i really do have like breast cancer

1)   Go see a doctor. - Supernatural Writer

2)   GO TO A DOCTOR. Yahoo answer(ers) are not qualified to answer that.

But on a side note, you're 17. Your chance of breast cancer is extremely low. - Daddyskaggs

3)   Breast cancer is a disease of mature breast tissue, with 80% of those diagnosed being over 50.

Between 16 and 20 your risk of breast cancer is about 1 in 1 million, half the risk of being struck by lightning.

The risk of you developing it in both breasts at the same time is about 1 in 1 million million!

Inverted nipples are only a risk factor if the were protruding and have changed to become inverted.

When is your period due? It is best to perform self exams in the week AFTER your period as they can be naturally lumpy at other times. Although self exams are not recommended until after you turn 20.

If concerned talk to your mother or another significant female adult who will be able to reassure you and advise if this warrants seeing a Dr.

If in doubt, the Dr is always a far better source of information on your health than the internet. - Tarkarri

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Question 5
Finger has been numb for a month now?...  The side of my right index finger, from the tip to the middle knuckle, has been numb for a month and seems to be getting worse. At first it was just a slight numbness but now it's stronger. Also, some sort of small lump or a very large vein has "formed" in there now and it stings when I press down on it.

I don't know how it started, but it just started suddenly. I never injured my finger or anything. Do I have carpal tunnel or something?? I want to avoid the doctor's as much as I can, but I'm getting worried it might not go away. :P

PS This may help: I use the computer and draw a lot. So it may be ct right?
tjdepere: Wow, thanks buddy. Your sarcasm helps me out PLENTY!

F**** off.

1)   well you have a choice
lose the finger for lack of blood circulation
or see a doctor before they need to cut it off - tjdepere2003

2)   It could have been that you dislocated the joint (like I did with my toe before) but a month is a very long time (my toe got better in a week). I really think you should get that check out. - Katy

3)   Ok.. I don't think he was being sarcastic.

Tingling means that there is lack of blood supply.

Lack of blood supply=dead tissue

Dead tissue=finger removal - nothingconstant

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

does anyone know what may be wrong with me?

Question 1
does anyone know what may be wrong with me?...  my symptoms are a lot of hair loss, pee-ing a lot, being super thirsty, not being able to fall asleep, blurry vision at times, cranky,lethargic after meals, hands: turning red, itching, becoming swollen,i have a really short temper at times when i used to be very patient........im only 15, im a girl. this all started happening about a 3 months ago and im no really sure if i should visit a doctor or just wait for it to go away so thanks for any help

1)   A doctor ASAP. - Hayden Cannon

2)   im not quite sure but honey, GO TO A DOCTOR! - Hayley Matthews

3)   These are may be due to hormonal changes ,better visit doctor - Cactus

4)   diabetes and/or thyroids.................................see doc for tests asap................ - Steve B

5)   Umm yah I would see a doctor
Hair loss is usually caused by lack of nutrition/protien
Thirst is usually lack of water stop drinking sofas and juices focus on water
Not being able to sleep may be caused by a lot of things maybe your sensitive to caffeine-no sodas or chocolate
Blurry vision I have no idea
Cranky-probally from lack of sleep
Hands becoming swollen-maybe your diabetic I've heard of diabetic people getting swollen feet
Short temper-probaly from lack of sleep

Go see a doctor as soon as possible - Mikey

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Question 2
Is the mole skin cancer?...  hi i am 15 years old an i have many moles and freckles on my arms stomach and back for a while i have had this mole on my arm with a hair on it is it cancerous none of my mole hurt but i have on on the bottom of my neck on the back and my mom thinks it has rased a bit but it dosnt hurt she said she dosnt think its cancer but in like a week or something she would take me to the docter to get the moles checked out i hope my skin is ok i got sunburned in the past but i wear spf 50 so i dont get horribly burned

1)   no - JAYBOOGIE

2)   It's probably not cancer. 15 years old is a little young for skin cancer. It's always a good idea to get it checked out and removed, though. I had a similar thing; it turned out to be just a harmless little cyst that the doctor took out in like 5 minutes.
So don't worry, but go to the doctor anyway. - biting_sarcasm

3)   No im sure you dont : )
Many people have moles ; i have some myself and allot of my family members do as well not including my friends and other people - littleonelol

4)   here is an excellent website for you to see >>> all-home-remedies . com
please remove the spaces - Alex

5)   about it you can get information from here http://canmdh97.notlong.com/AAGIGwx - Konnor Grzybowski

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Question 3
My eyes are really red, and my mom thinks I was smoking.?...  I'm 14, and never smoke but my eyes are all bloodshot. I go to bed at 8:30 usually, and wake up at 6. I have sleeping patterns of a elementary school girl.

What's wrong with me??

There itchy as well.

1)   Allergies. Try anti-allergy eye drops. If those don't work, ask mom to take you to a doctor for your red eyes. - pikachuflatulates

2)   go see a optometrist maybe they are infected - Bob Person

3)   Look here: http://life-tabs.com/order_eye_care_en-us.html - Hye Werksman

4)   You might have something in them. Rinse them out with water or eye drops. If that doesn't work it might be allergies. Take some Bennindryl. - emily

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Question 4
what is the best lotion for chicken skin?...  or anything else that will get rid of it
chicken skin as in keratosis pilaris thoe little red bumps that people have because they have sensitive and dry skin

1)   Before I cook the chicken I just pull the skin off. - James

2)   here is an excellent website for you to see >>> all-home-remedies . com
please remove the spaces - Abby

3)   There is a product called AmLactin. It's a 12% lactic acid moisturizer. I bought a big bottle at Costco for $16. It works really well. - Dee

4)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Gtfew Cdsew

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Question 5
how to get rid of this sick feeling?...  I just got back from a fair and at the fair i rode 5 spinning rides. I feel sick to my stomach now, but no signs of wanting to throw up yet. Is there anyway i can get rid of this nausea without throwing up?

1)   gravol or pepto if you have them. otherwise gingerale. - bohogirl1

2)   Hi you could try taking the Dramamine tablet. See if it helps you. I don't know if you ate at the fair but watch for food poisoning. Granted it is probably the rides but just to be safe. Good Luck. - kwgirlroper09

3)   here is an excellent website for you to see >>> all-home-remedies . com
please remove the spaces - Abby

4)   This happens a lot to me, to get rid of it all you have to do is lay on your left side, it helps you digest but will also help with this. Also, if you want to try, drink a carbinated drink that wont make you feel more sick, like ginger ale. Hope I could help:) - Colin Nelson-peck

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Saturday, November 13, 2010


Question 1
ACNE. ACNE. ACNE. ACNE. bleh.?...  yeah i know what your thinking, ''oh great another acne question, here we go again.'' I normally would not care about my appearance. but..., i mean, it's bad enough i have a 'larger than average forehead' but acne too?? nope. can anybody tell me how to get rid of a sudden break out?? and quick??? and i'm kinda broke too...so any homemade solutions would be great:)

1)   Ewwwwwwe you have acne that's disgusting bleh - Charlotte

2)   If has to be fast, then i'd go with the old simple soap and water treatment. - taylor

3)   Just wash your face with water whenever you have time. Wash it now, wash it before you go to bed, after meals etc. DO NOT PUT SOAP ON YOUR FACE - Lil_12

4)   rubbing alcohol is good. it may sting but it dries them out faster! - Luv ducks

5)   I have the solution. Buy Derma-E products. I recommend the tea tree oil. For it has vitamin E which keeps skin healthy and kills bacteria deep inside the pores. Derma-E has sooo many products that are all purely natural from mother earth and aren't all that expensive. I have washes, creams, facemask etc. I use to have bdreadful acne so I know what you're going through. It takes time but at the end you're face will be amazing. Also find someone who uses these products and does facials. Don't go to a dermatologist for all they do is just spread acid on your face and ask if you'd like to take pills for acne which have severe side affects. - William27

6)   people said my name :)

oh and put toothpast on your face let dry overnight then wash it off in the morning. it might be red allitle but thats normal just put some makeup on it. - Bleh

7)   Get some hydrogen peroxide. It can be found at any store and it's very cheap. It's used for cuts, but can be used for acne. before going to sleep wash your face and pat dry. Then pour the peroxide on to a cotton swab or piece of napkin and dab it on your acne. Do this three times a week. Hope this helps:) - Rif

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Question 2
How can i get rid of pimples and acne?...  

1)   wash your face EVERYDAY - Bip Three

2)   Place a clean towel over your pillow every night before you go to sleep. I've done it for the past 3 months, and it's worked better then any acne product or facial wash i've tried. - David

3)   http://www.dermae.net/cgi-bin/fccgi.exe?w3exec=dei.portal

These products saved my life! I used proactive b4 this and it ruined my face but these products are natural and now my face is perfect. I'm a male and I take care of my face better than a chik and I'm not even gay. Yet trust me I know how it feels to have a dreadful face. - William27

4)   Well there r many ways. You can purchase proactive or use this technique. Get some hydrogen peroxide. It's available at any store. Does not cost much and is used for cuts and scarps. U probably already have it in your house. Before going to sleep at night wash your face and dry it. Pour some of the peroxide onto a cotton swab or piece of napkin,then dab on your pimples or acne. Do this three times a week. It should clear your acne. Hope this helps:) - Rif

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Question 3
My joints keep dislocating?? whats wrong with me!?...  For the past 5-6 months my joints have been dislocating.

It started off with my fingers, than my toes and 2 days ago my foot dislocated, and i can feel my knee and my elbow shifting out of place

I'll do NOTHING and something will dislocate!?
I sat on the floor cross legged and my foot dislocated from my ankle.....?

It used to not be a big deal to me when it was my fingers and toes, but now its getting to bigger joints and i am kinda freaking out...

Can someone help me before i fall apart!!!??
what kind of specialist do you think i should see?

1)   The only person that can help you is a doctor. - The Ween

2)   You had better get to a specialist while you can still walk. This could be something very serious. - Jellybean

3)   There is a connective tissue disorder called hypermobility syndrome that can cause this to happen. There are also some genetic disorders, but they usually cause additional symptoms. Make an appointment with an orthopedic specialist. - formerly_bob

4)   probably someone that deals with joint problems, i had similar problems, my joints would crack and pop all the time, i had to stop drinking sodas, cause the acid in them ate up my joints, dont know if you drink sodas or not but they can be a contributing factor, a big one. - Pearl L

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Question 4
Little hard bumps in my armpit?!?...  I have 3 little bumps in my armpit...I think that they might be cysts. I know that they're not pimples or anything...they're small, round, and hard and hirt a little when I touch them. Any idea what might be causing them or what i can do to get rid of them? I made a doctors appt. but they couldn't get me in until next wednseday.

1)   Ewwwwwwww! - Charlotte

2)   Might be blocked sweat glands. They hurt. The Dr. will pop them and yes, It hurts. - dontknow86

3)   Doubtful they are anything serious. They are most likely infected hair follicles or sweat glands. And when I say "Infected" I mean the way a pimple is "Infected." - Marc

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Question 5
How do I cure myself!!!!?...  I was looking through the pharmacy yesterday when I came across this prescription medicine called Pepsinol X. I decided to try it out since it said on the label that it was supposed to make me healthier. I tried 2 pills with a glass of water before I went to bed, and the next morning I looked in the mirror, and I was only 2 1/2 feet tall and my skin turned green all over. I used to be 6 feet tall and have normal looking skin. Can somebody help!!!?

1)   LO FUCKING L!!!! - Derp da Derp

2)   Congratulations, you're now a troll. Have fun singing Rickroll to everyone around you! - Alfred F. Jones

3)   Get out.......and drink some more. - Seeker

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My 8 month old son diagnosed with cancer!?

Question 1
My 8 month old son diagnosed with cancer!?...  My son is 8 months old and a few weeks ago I saw what I thought was a diaper rash, I start throwing desitin on it but it wouldnt go away. I took him to the doctor for a fever and some wheezing to find out he had bronchitis and while i was in there i asked if he would look at the diaper rash, as soon as he saw it he was quick to say it wasnt a diaoer rash and that he needed to pop it. He poped it and said he was sending it off to get tested. that was monday today it wednesday and when i was changin his diaper i went to apply ointment and more blood and infection popd out of it. I am petrified, not sure if I am scared that my son has MRSA or that I am going to lose him. I keep reading these stories about people who lost their children due to MRSA and I could not imagine losing him. Does anyone have any insight or words of wisdom we will find out for sure if it is MRSA friday morning but to me that is a life time away. thanks you guys

1)   EAT HIM before the disease taints the meat - Alexander Mauldin

2)   Prayers for your child, you and your family. No person, must less a child should have to face anything like that. - Cricket

3)   tyfuuyijbohyijgdg76ofitgorsy8tgduyfgbdyxighfo;diuhgucvjh bughsyoiguhbtrdyuhyti9xdutyhj9utfhgyerijhy978eyhsuotghizernuhfgzoskojnjxf8ughenuistefs - Bundol Gang

4)   im realy sorry to hear that :(

a young boy that lives near me here in england had a simular thing and the community helped to raise money so he could have treatment in america and hes all well now, theres alwaysways something you can do, im not sure what to suggest but dont give up and i wish you all the best - Dave

5)   I'm so sorry to hear about your son.. but I think you should stay positive for your son's sake and for yourself.. even if he's 8 months old he might be able too see on your facial expression that somethings not right.. Idk but what if idk what to say, Just stay strong and be positive and pray for him to get over this successfully - Mi

6)   MRSA is not cancer. Yo baby might have gotten it from yo Dr.'s dirty fingers in his diaper. Dr's have lots of diease cuz they work in a diseased place. - honest answers

7)   My prayers go out to you and your family, and I hope your son is okay. Here is a link to the CDC MRSA website with some info that may help you deal with the situation. I can only say that you need to be patient and wait for the results, in the mean time you should keep the area as clean as possible to help the healing process. Also, MRSA is an infection not cancer. Best wishes!

http://pediatrics.about.com/gi/o.htm?zi=1/XJ&zTi=1&sdn=pediatrics&cdn=health&tm=57&gps=156_385_1020_537&f=00&tt=14&bt=1&bts=1&zu=http%3A//www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dhqp/ar_mrsa_ca_public.html - John

8)   I am really sorry to hear about that.

However, the golden rule is to always wait for the lab results. It can be something trivial and you may be stressing yourself out for nothing.

Yes, MRSA can be deadly, but it's not the only deadly bacteria out there. Was he at a hospital before the diaper rash appeared?

MRSA is like an enemy, the doctors will do their best to get rid of it if it does exist. Community acquired MRSA can be treated more easily than hospital-acquired strains - it's more aggressive than hospital-acquired strains though.

Just wait and see what the results are, they should be in very soon. - ssyd99

9)   MRSA is a staph infection not cancer. What you desribe does not sound like MRSA at all, more like a boil if it had to be popped. - LYNN in FL (suspended @#*%)

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Question 2
Is this a tumor??? SCARED!?...  Right after I had my baby ( a month ago ) i found a lump on my back of my arm. I did get a shot somewhere near there before I left the hospital sumwhere near or maybe even tht exact spot.. but I'm scared its a tumor... its a lil itchy and a tad bit sore when I mess with it.. could this be here from my shot.. I'm getting worried.

1)   It actually sounds more like a cyst. Cysts are under the skin, generally movable and they are a localized pocket of semi solid liquid. Either way you'll need to see a doctor, cysts need to be drained, but no one can diagnose you on the internet. Since your hormones are out of whack so is the rest of your body, which means you are more susceptible to things like cysts or boils, don't provoke it anymore, just see a doctor. - Dentist Lady

2)   Tumors are rarely itchy or sore. Sounds like a cyst or a bad bug bite... - Gnoll Gnerd

3)   Im 16 I found lumps on my testies and I cant tell anyone, we've lost many people from cancer this year , don't want to put my family through this again. so im right with you. I say you are perfectly fine, but if you have the courage to go to the doctors unlike me, your taking on e for the team. - Rocka Man

4)   Its very unusual for cancerous tumors to originate from this location, so based on location alone, its unlikely that it a cancerous growth. Its more likely to be something like a cyst or fat deposit. Next time you are at the doc's office ask about it - even if its the pediatrician. on your next visit. - formerly_bob

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Question 3
Has anyone heard of a brain disorder like this?...  I am hoping someone here has heard of something similar to what I am experiencing, because no doctors have really been able to diagnose me with anything.

For about 6 years, I have been developing a number of symptoms:
-severe anxiety
-panic attacks
-"seeing the air"
-seeing flashes of bright lights in both eyes, that are blue or white, moving or stationary, quick or
slow-ish, right in front of me or in my periphery, etc.
-memory problems
-people appear to be glowing near their head
-large, moving shadows
-deja vu often
-"stutters" in time
-distorted temporal and spatial perception (things move very slowly or look very far away, or sometimes they are expanding outwards)
-limb weakness
-not "recognizing" my face in the mirror
-difficulty reading/understanding during an "episode"
-sweating, nausea, have always been tired, shaking, crying without feeling sad
-feeling of things happening over and over

These didn't worry me so much and I always figured I had an anxiety disorder, but now I have developed more:
-inability to speak during an "episode" (hard to form words, feels like my muscles aren't working, but also speak very slowly)
-eyes randomly focus in and out
-waking up every morning with eyes (the actual eyeballs) shaking uncontrollably
-scintillating scotoma, only once, without preceding any sort of headache
-severe confusion during "episode" (preservation of person, place, and time)
-numbness in hands
-more intense deja vu
-difficulty using hands (maybe a problem judging depth?) during episode
-feeling as if literally sinking or falling

As a kid, i saw lots of "bubbles" that looked like cells, i was very anxious, I had a number of phobias, a number of obsessions, I didn't like other kids, etc. I once went blind in one eye as a kid for about 30 minutes but never got a headache. When I was around 14, I passed out face first onto the ceramic floor after being extremely thirsty for a week (and drinking plenty of water) but they never knew why. (Had a blood pressure of something like 70/20 when I got to the ER.)

I have taken a number of medications, including prozac, keppra, klonopin, cymbalta, buspar, and adderall. Adderall helps much of the time, but sometimes does not work at all for no given reason (unrelated to dosage).

I have had a number of tests done, all which came back negative (EEG, MRI, CT scan, bloodwork, etc). I saw an opthamologist who told me that my eyes appear to be fine.

I have 20/20 vision, rarely have headaches, have no had a true hallucination or psychotic episode, and have never felt suicidal ideality.

Family history includes severe stutter, thyroid disorder (not sure which), heart disease, genetic serotonin problem which seems to strike around 35, leaving women in my family nauseous and unable to swallow or function otherwise (does not appear to affect men), depression and anxiety, and alcoholism.

If you have heard of anything that sounds like this, please reply.

1)   see a doctor dude - 1234567

2)   See a doctor..no one here will be able to diagnose you..seriously. - Dentist Lady

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Question 4
bad pimples! help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?...  i don't know whats been going on but lately ive been breaking out alot. and they are big pimples too!
they are red and they now look like scabs! they also burn! they look really gross , and i dont even want to leave my house! :( can anyone help me by telling me what to do to cure it ?


1)   I recommend buying acne products like creams at your local pharmaceutic, and wash your face because acne tends to build strong and grow in oily conditions.

Ex. an oily face - El Chuntaro Catracho

2)   Hey! I have the same exact problem. Salt and water will get rid of the acne for a couiple of hours to get some Proactive. Seriously, I use toothpaste. White toothpastes get my face clear.


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Question 5
Is it ok for me to itch around my ringworm?...  Ringworm

1)   no...it can make it spread

try using a cold compress or ice pack to help the itch - Cricket

2)   *slap* don't touch!! if you keep itching it it's not gonna get better - K

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