Thursday, January 14, 2010

Am I having a stroke?

Question 1
Am I having a stroke?...  Ok guys. I'm 22 years old I'm 5'5" and I weigh 120 lbs.

Two days ago I had a bad headache and it wouldn't go away. I still kind of have it on one side of my head and it feels weird. Two nights ago I started having pains down my left leg; which feel a lot like siatica, but I can't be sure. Yesterday I went home early from work because I was feeling faint and dizzy and had a bad headache. Today, my left foot is burning and I am loosing vision in my left eye... by that I mean, it looks like I stared at the sun for a minute, or had a picture taken... except I haven't and it won't go away. Its almost like I can feel the strain from this thing in my eye. Please help me.

1)   Stroke Warning Signs

If you notice one or more of these signs, don't wait. Stroke is a medical emergency. Call 9-1-1 or your emergency medical services. Get to a hospital right away!

The American Stroke Association wants you to learn the warning signs of stroke:

* Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body
* Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding
* Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
* Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination
* Sudden, severe headache with no known cause - Gorkbark Porkduke Gefunken Fubar

2)   lol go 2 a doctor asap hospital - akasha

3)   DONT ASK YAHOO ANSWERS TO HELP YOU... GO ASK A DOCTOR TO HELP YOU..... Like, umm RIGHT NOW. Call your doc or go the the ER or sumthin... get checked plz this sounds weird and serious - Johnny

4)   a question such as this needs to be asked to a doctor, not people on the internet. your health is serious and although this probably isn't a stroke (as you would be in hospital by now) it could still be something serious, go to a doctor. - Becca

5)   It could just be a migraine and random other pains. But it does sound like a stroke. I suggest seeing a doctor. - Sociopath

6)   Good grief - call your doctor! Or go to a Doc in the Box. At the very least, there are several medical sites on the net. Start googling. - Clara

7)   If you have issues with weight do what I did - try acai berry. If you have the desire to lose weight its superfood qualities help lots - nevertheless those same qualities additionally help those who are trying to bulk up. Fantastic! There is a free trial going on right now at , why not try it, why not? - Gordon


Question 2
I'm not diabetic but I still have high blood sugar readings, why is this?...  Diabetes runs in the family. My mother, sister, gran, etc all have it. Randomly I did a blood check (the pinprick machine) one morning and I had 7.0 (very high before breakfast considering it should be between 4 and 6). So I had a slice of wholegrain toast and went from 9 to 3 without eating. Did another pinprick test and I got 11.2, I'm like "woah". So I go to the doctor's and they say "right, fasting blood glucose check". I waited a few days, did the fasting blood test and controlled my sugar levels throughout the week by eating very healthily, counting carbs and taking cinnamon tablets to help lower blood sugar. Although still very slightly high they weren't as bad - I was waking up with 4.5 and 2 hours after wholegrain I had 6.2. On Tuesday I received my results and I was absolutely fine - my average is 5.5 and the range was from 3.5 - 6. Thinking that I was back to normal I went to university and had lasagne and lots of coffee. I got back just now (3 hours after eating), washed my hands, did a pinprick test and I got 16.2... in a few words, what on earth is going on? Are my results wrong? :(

1)   Its beacause your sweet :D Ok OK i don't know, ask your doctor or Gp. - JucieLucyxx

2)   Simple you worry too much.

just relax, your pretty. - Neo

3)   Where are you that you are getting those reading. A normal BGL is about 80 to 100. If it's an A1C a 6.5 is good. You never test within two hours after eating, you will get a false reading. I would like to have clearer info. - gazeygoo


Question 3
Does bathing in hot water daily do anything to ur skin?...  

1)   Ye, cleans it. - Jason G

2)   it can dry it, especially in the winter. - David

3)   I know that hot water can raise your blood pressure. - Sahara


Question 4
What is the best way to prevent your partner from getting HPV if you have it?...  I'm a female. And I know condoms would help....but would they fully protect from it as long as I don't have any warts? Because I know warts can show up on places that a condom doesn't cover, but I don't have how well would a condom work? And is there anything else that might help even more?

1)   dont have sex - Samantha

2)   no it doesnt matter if you use a condom with hpv. but if you dont have the hpv with warts and its the hpv that can cause cancer than there really isnt anything hpv will do to the guy.. when it comes down it it hpv is more dangerous for woman than men. - Julia


Question 5
is it normal to be light skin and have a really dark*****?...  

1)   Eyes??? For sure! - Redhead

2)   have a really dark*****? yea that's normal man. I mean of course we all know what you mean by *****. Thanks for the details. - Tyler


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